Re: [SR-Users] change_reply_status() 415 - 200 change

2015-02-13 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 2/13/15 11:36 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:

i tried to use change_reply_status() to change 415 to 200, but got:

ERROR: textopsx [textopsx.c:283]: change_reply_status_f(): ERROR:
textops: the class of provisional or positive final replies cannot be

textopsx/README does not mention anything about what can or cannot be
changed.  why is it that the above change cannot be made?

just guessing -- because the transaction state machine would be different?


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] SIP client TCP behaviour

2014-04-07 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 4/7/14 5:53 PM, Alex Balashov wrote:


I don't know a lot about SIP with TCP, so I thought I'd ask for some opinions 
here. I've been testing Kamailio with TCP against the Android SIP client (4.4.2)
and have found, to my annoyance, that it sends a RURI with a transport 
attribute in its INVITEs:


My upstream gateways are all UDP, so this causes Kamailio to attempt to contact 
them all via TCP (and fail).

I know how to bend the transport with Kamailio, and I can strip this attribute. My 
question is more methodological: is this correct for a client to do?

Think of it as a hop-by-hop attribute expressing its next-hop (i.e. proxy) 
transport preference
for outbound request, K is free to rewrite it to its liking.

In my opinion, the answer is no. The client should not be so presumptuous. It 
should specify the transport in its Contact, to indicate how it wants to be
reached, and leave other decisions about transport to the UAS. But is there 
something I am perhaps missing?

You are right for inbound.

If a reasonably behaving application has choice of transport, I would
be perfectly fine with indicating it explicitely both in outbound
request-URIs and Contacts that attract inbound requests.


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] SIP client TCP behaviour

2014-04-07 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 4/7/14 7:31 PM, Alex Balashov wrote:

On 04/07/2014 01:29 PM, Jiri Kuthan wrote:

Think of it as a hop-by-hop attribute expressing its next-hop (i.e.
proxy) transport preference
for outbound request, K is free to rewrite it to its liking.

Yeah, but my Kamailio already defaults to UDP. It means I have to do extra work 
to override this preference. Since the next hop is opaque to the client, why
should it have a say in choosing the transport used to reach it? Why should it 

my point is it is entirely SIP proxy business todo anything about the incomig 
throw away the upstream hop preferences or keep them. If it wants to have
a clear result, it must basically whitelist/blacklist some URI parameters.


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] 500 I'm terribly sorry error

2013-12-10 Thread Jiri Kuthan

Warning header field in the answer could reveal the content of the URI which 
may be what's causing troubles


On 12/10/13 5:09 PM, Helena Garcia-Nieto wrote:

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the answer but…

I already tested if the problem is there and even commenting the prefix out the 
error is exactly the same.

That is why I test it using:

pstn.gw_ip = 10.XX.XX.XX

pstn.gw_port = 5060

And route(PSTN)

Without changing original PSTN routing.

I’m getting the same problem.

Could you think on something else that can be affecting that?


[] *On Behalf Of *Daniel-Constantin 
*Sent:* martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013 16:54
*To:* Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List
*Subject:* Re: [SR-Users] 500 I'm terribly sorry error


I guess the r-uri is not correct after your changes. you can try to print $ru 
with xlog(...) just before the route(RELAY).

You should use string operation to add the prefix instead of using a regular 
expression substitution, like:



$rU = A99901 + $rU;


On 10/12/13 16:19, Helena Garcia-Nieto wrote:


Thanks in advanced for the help. I am almost new with kamailio and still 
struggling through silly problems so please forgive me if the solution is so 

I have a network like

Xlitle -- Kamailio -- GW

The GW is more or less out of my reach for changing the behaivour.

As devices I have xlitle

Kamailio is on version 4.0.2

I’ve changed only few things from the default config file. Add mysql 
support, auth, userlocdb, pstngw.

For this part, gw routing , I’ve defined gw ip and port inside the PSTN 
definition like:

#!ifdef WITH_PSTN

# PSTN GW Routing


# - pstn.gw_ip: valid IP or hostname as string value, example:

# pstn.gw_ip = desc My PSTN GW Address


# - by default is empty to avoid misrouting

pstn.gw_ip =  desc PSTN GW Address

pstn.gw_port =  desc PSTN GW Port

iskratel.gw_ip = 10.XX.XX.XX

iskratel.gw_port = 5060


I route the calls with:


And defined a routing function

route[ISKRATEL] {

#!ifdef WITH_PSTN

 # check if ISKRATEL GW IP is defined

 if (strempty($sel(cfg_get.iskratel.gw_ip))) {

 xlog(SCRIPT: PSTN rotuing enabled but iskratel.gw_ip not 



 # only local users allowed to call

 if(from_uri!=myself) {

 sl_send_reply(403, Not Allowed);



 if (strempty($sel(cfg_get.iskratel.gw_port))) {

 $ru = sip: + $rU + @ + $sel(cfg_get.iskratel.gw_ip);

} else {

 $ru = sip: + $rU + @ + $sel(cfg_get.iskratel.gw_ip) + 

 + $sel(cfg_get.iskratel.gw_port);


 # Add profix to ISKRATEL: A99901

 subst_uri('/^sip:(.*)/sip:A99901\1/i'); # add A99901






I can see that the code goes all the way to the route(relay) but all I can 
see is the 500 I’m terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/SL) and a second
response 500 I’m terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/TM)

I’ve tried defining the IP as the given pstn.gw_ip and route(pstn) without 
changing anything on the  pst default routing but the response of the server is
the same.

I cannot see any special error on the logs.

I have the exact same config for this part, in another test server and the 
calls go to the gw without reporting any error.

I’ll appreciate any help from you! Thanks in advanced for your time



SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list


Daniel-Constantin Mierla -!/miconda  -

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] Handling of CANCEL in case of no matching INVITE

2013-05-03 Thread Jiri Kuthan

Hi Bill,

plain-kamailio cannot send BYEs (not sure if some module can). The point is the 
proxy is
sort of passive element and doesn't initiate transactions on its own.

Why isn't it enough to have the BYEs sent by UAC? I mean sometimes there can be 
confusing situations (say forking downstream) and it is eventually the UAC 
that's in
the best position to know what to BYE or CANCEL.

The point is this all seems a UAS business to me, for which a proxy can only do 
approximiations risking it will be wrong. Like in the case 2, you may not even 
the ACK is already on its way (because you didn't record-route)... Getting 
of this would really mean using the dialog module and running in B2BUA mode 
than proxy.


On 5/3/13 11:59 AM, Vassilis Radis wrote:

Thank you jiri,

I totally agree, but I have a question that occured to me now and I cant find 

If Kamailio receives a CANCEL from a UAC after kamailio has responded with a 
200 to the corresponding INVITE, what does t_relay_cancel() do in the following 

1. CANCEL received before the ACK from UAC. This is legal from the side of the 
UAC, since the UAC may have sent the CANCEL before it receives the 200 to the
INVITE that kamailio sent.
2. CANCEL received after the ACK . This is illegal, but anyway, kamailio must 
do something. I can't find in the RFC if it should respond  200 to the CANCEL 
drop it, or 481(Call/Transaction Does Not Exist). Although 481 seems more resonable, 
16.10 section of RFC says: ... If a matching response context is found,
the element MUST immediately return a 200 (OK) response to the CANCEL 
request.. It does not discriminate if the corresponding INVITE has been 200ed 
or not. Any

In the spirit of what you wrote in your reply, could I configure it somehow, to 
take initiative and translate the CANCEL to a BYE downstream, no matter whether
CANCEL is received before or after the ACK?


On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Jiri Kuthan wrote:

On 5/3/13 11:04 AM, Vassilis Radis wrote:

Hello all,

In the documentation of the t_relay_cancel() (TM module) there is an 
example that reads:

if (method == CANCEL) {
if (!t_relay_cancel()) {  # implicit drop if relaying was successful,
# nothing to do

# corresponding INVITE transaction found but error occurred
sl_reply(500, Internal Server Error);
# bad luck, corresponding INVITE transaction is missing,
# do the same as for INVITEs

What bothers me is the phrase#do the same as or INVITEs, because in 
RFC( )  it says:

If a response context is not found, the element does not have any
knowledge of the request to apply the CANCEL to.  It MUST*statelessly*

forward the CANCEL request (it may have statelessly forwarded the
associated request previously).

So aren't we supposed to immediately statelessly forward the CANCEL if 
t_relay_cancel() did not find the INVITE transaction, instead of doing the same
as INVITEs, which could be t_relay() (not stateless)?. Like below:

if (method == CANCEL) {
if (!t_relay_cancel()) {  # implicit drop if relaying was successful,

# nothing to do

# corresponding INVITE transaction found but error occurred
sl_reply(500, Internal Server Error);

# bad luck, corresponding INVITE transaction is missing,


Am I correct or am i missing something?

It could be even more standardized this way indeed. Aparts
from standards, measured by common sense I cannot realize
that either way would break something. The CANCEL should
not be appearing there at all. Perhaps it would make a difference
when SER is restarted and one after it went alive again,
UAC sent a CANCEL. Then what you suggest would perform better.
If you want to make sure you have captured this case, also make
sure that branch ids are configured to be produced statelessly.
Otherwise SER-proxied CANCEL won't match the previous INVITE anyhow.

other than that, SER is much better than RFC3261. Its
registrar is stateless (in departure from the RFC, otherwise
it would be more vulnerable to DoS attacks),  INVITE transaction
is hold after a 200 passes through (otherwise it would not
absorb retransmissions, create another transaction and
cause interop issues), and probably more.

I just wanted to say it is really important to look first
at what interop issues one may have or not, as SER the
way it is is likely to produce better interop than
consequent standard compliance. In most cases you

Re: [SR-Users] Handling of CANCEL in case of no matching INVITE

2013-05-03 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 5/3/13 2:59 PM, Vassilis Radis wrote:

Yes, I used the term proxy to include statefullness and dialog awareness, which 
makes me think: What is the point of being transaction-aware without being
dialog-aware? I am trying to find a use for it, but I cant.

Things are simpler: restartig transaction-stateful causes less harm than
restarting dialog-stateful, unless you care of replication/failover/etc
You will also achieve better performance with transactions than with
dialogs  transactions. That's a non-academic aspect especially for
public services like -- unsolicited traffic hits as first
memory limitations and therefore you better use memory conservatively.


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] path uri problem

2013-04-10 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 4/10/13 1:25 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:

Please, RFC 5626 is the solution for NAT.

I thought Olle was about to agree, except the RFC number
being in fact 2460 :)


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] Tag maximum size/length

2013-03-28 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 3/28/13 11:21 AM, Grant Bagdasarian wrote:


Is there a maximum length/size defined for the From and To Tag?

The RFC states: “it MUST be globally unique and cryptographically random with 
at least 32 bits of randomness”.

Though I can’t find anything in the RFC about the maximum.

The sip_capture table stores the to_tag and from_tag in a varchar(64). Does 
this mean the max is 64?


Yes, that's an implementation's limitation.


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] Tag maximum size/length

2013-03-28 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 3/28/13 12:41 PM, Grant Bagdasarian wrote:

Do you mean implementation in the context of Kamailio's implementation of SIP?


If so, what if certain SIP clients implement it in a different way and their 
Tag values exceed this limitation?

that depends on the application how a loss of bits affects it. With the 
required level of entropy,
the impact is probably not big within a module: good enough for say correlation.

it would be more problematic if the sip_capture module tried to work with some 
other module
and match the tags between them -- that would obviously fail.

if you wanted to be more deterministic with the sip_capture module and mysql 
data model,
you would probably have to change data types to TEXT (256 bytes) or BLOB (64k). 
these sizes are not prohibited by the spec, MTU constraints and fragmentation 
anihilate INVITEs with such Tags anyhow. Also these types have some performance 
associated with them.

so in summary -- it appears that while somehow esthetically suboptimal, the 64 
bytes limit is
mostly good enough.


-Original Message-
From: Jiri Kuthan []
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 11:42 AM
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List
Cc: Grant Bagdasarian
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Tag maximum size/length

On 3/28/13 11:21 AM, Grant Bagdasarian wrote:


Is there a maximum length/size defined for the From and To Tag?

The RFC states: “it MUST be globally unique and cryptographically random with 
at least 32 bits of randomness”.

Though I can’t find anything in the RFC about the maximum.

The sip_capture table stores the to_tag and from_tag in a varchar(64). Does 
this mean the max is 64?


Yes, that's an implementation's limitation.


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] Wrong ACK packet sent from Cisco gw

2013-03-07 Thread Jiri Kuthan

apparently the cisco device is a pre-3261 implementation, i.e.
it behaves correctly in the historical RFC2543 terms.

normal SER configuration should actually handle it in code
like this...

if (loose_route()) {
route(FORWARD); // t_relay


this is a message digest:
INVITE sip:91500@sip_server:5060
Contact: sip:911873699@cisco_gw:5060

Record-Route: sip:sip_server;lr=on;did=015.864b8107.
Contact: sip:91500@asterisk_server.

ACK sip:sip_server:5060;lr=on;did=015.864b8107
Route: sip:91500@asterisk_server:5060.

On 1/17/11 5:33 PM, Nawfel Oujdi wrote:


   I m facing the same  strange behaviour with my AS5300 voice gateway. When 
the gw is connected directly to PBX  everythings works well but when i put a sip
proxy forwarding  calls between  gw and PBX all the calls hangs up after 5 sec 
(+or -). Looking into the trace sip  i realize that gw send a wrong ACK in reply
of INVITE , then sip proxy discard it and PBX hangs the call cause he never 
receive the ACK.

ACK sip:;lr=on;did=ce.3716ea02 SIP/2.0
  Via: SIP/2.0/UDP  cisco_gw:5060;x-route-tag=cid:Orange@cisco_gw
  From: sip:911873699@cisco_gw;tag=65FB8-B18

  Route: sip:91500@PBX:5060

  To: sip:91500@sip_proxy;tag=as7f388e3f

  Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 09:26:36 GMT
  Call-ID: B6F61A2E-215211E0-802BD462-C4432B89@cisco_gw

To work fine , the content of Route header should be in ACK header and 

  I tried to compare between the sip trace of a wrong call and a good one 
(using other cisco gw AS5350 who works well with sip proxy in the same 
escenario) and
i realize that the only difference is the INVITE of  wrong case doesn' t send 
branch number in the via header.

INVITE sip:91500@sip_proxy:5060 SIP/2.0
  Via: SIP/2.0/UDP  cisco_gw:5060;x-route-tag=cid:Orange@cisco_gw
  From: sip:911873699@cisco_gw;tag=65FB8-B18
  To: sip:91500@sip_proxy

i m using c5300-is-mz.123-26.bin ios version.

Anybody   understand what is happening in there?? is there any solution?? i ll 
send more information if it s requested.

Thanks in advance.

Nawfel Oujdi

here is the result of ngrep:
U 2011/01/13 15:14:43.791514 cisco_gw:51703 - sip_server:5060
INVITE sip:91500@sip_server:5060 SIP/2.0.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP  cisco_gw:5060;x-route-tag=cid:Orange@cisco_gw.
From: sip:911873699@cisco_gw;tag=4F226C8-2DC.
To: sip:91500@sip_server.
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 14:14:43 GMT.
Call-ID: 4D776A24-1E5611E0-9B81F289-1B94787@cisco_gw.
Supported: timer,100rel.
Min-SE:  1800.
Cisco-Guid: 1295951687-508957152-2608788105-28919687.
User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x.
CSeq: 101 INVITE.
Max-Forwards: 6.
Remote-Party-ID: sip:911873699@cisco_gw;party=calling;screen=yes;privacy=off.
Timestamp: 1294928083.
Contact: sip:911873699@cisco_gw:5060.
Expires: 180.
Allow-Events: telephone-event.
Content-Type: application/sdp.
Content-Length: 270.
o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 8894 2421 IN IP4 cisco_gw.
s=SIP Call.
c=IN IP4 cisco_gw.
t=0 0.
m=audio 16924 RTP/AVP 18 101.
c=IN IP4 cisco_gw.
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000.
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no.
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000.
a=fmtp:101 0-16.

U 2011/01/13 15:14:43.791893 sip_server:5060 - cisco_gw:5060
SIP/2.0 100 Giving a try.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP  cisco_gw:5060;x-route-tag=cid:Orange@cisco_gw.
From: sip:911873699@cisco_gw;tag=4F226C8-2DC.
To: sip:91500@sip_server.
Call-ID: 4D776A24-1E5611E0-9B81F289-1B94787@cisco_gw.
CSeq: 101 INVITE.
Server: OpenSIPS (1.6.3-notls (i386/linux)).
Content-Length: 0.

U 2011/01/13 15:14:43.791957 sip_server:5060 - asterisk_server:5060
INVITE sip:91500@sip_server:5060 SIP/2.0.
Record-Route: sip:sip_server;lr=on;did=015.864b8107.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP sip_server;branch=z9hG4bK3e35.3ed9b366.0.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP  cisco_gw:5060;x-route-tag=cid:Orange@cisco_gw.
From: sip:911873699@cisco_gw;tag=4F226C8-2DC.
To: sip:91500@sip_server.
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 14:14:43 GMT.
Call-ID: 4D776A24-1E5611E0-9B81F289-1B94787@cisco_gw.
Supported: timer,100rel.
Min-SE:  1800.
Cisco-Guid: 1295951687-508957152-2608788105-28919687.
User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x.
CSeq: 101 INVITE.
Max-Forwards: 5.
Remote-Party-ID: sip:911873699@cisco_gw;party=calling;screen=yes;privacy=off.
Timestamp: 1294928083.
Contact: sip:911873699@cisco_gw:5060.
Expires: 180.
Allow-Events: telephone-event.
Content-Type: application/sdp.
Content-Length: 270.
o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 8894 2421 IN IP4 cisco_gw.
s=SIP Call.
c=IN IP4 cisco_gw.
t=0 0.
m=audio 16924 RTP/AVP 18 101.
c=IN IP4 cisco_gw.
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000.
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no.
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000.
a=fmtp:101 0-16.

U 2011/01/13 15:14:43.792775 asterisk_server:5060 - sip_server:5060
SIP/2.0 100 Trying.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 

Re: [SR-Users] scheduling inside SER

2013-03-07 Thread Jiri Kuthan

not sure if there is a point in doing that, at least for incoming
traffic since it already happens in kernel, unless you want to
do it in kernel.


On 3/7/13 2:25 PM, irma zujovic wrote:

Thank you for your answer.

So is there any way to produce some kind of algorithm for prioritization of SIP 
messages inisde FOKUS IMS Core platform by configuring SER? That was my first
goal, when asking the previous question. I tought that scheduling and buffering 
of messages inside FOKUS IMS is done inside SER, and tought about priorituzation
inside SER.

If you can help me in any way i would be very greatful.

Thank you in advance


On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Jiri Kuthan wrote:

On 3/5/13 2:36 PM, irma zujovic wrote:


I am using FOKUS IMS Core open source platform, and trying to 
investigate scheduling and queuing inside IMS. FOKUS IMS uses SER.

My question is : where inside SER configuration scripts, the 
*scheduling * and *queueing *of SIP messages is done? I am interested in a 
special function
or part
of the written program.

this is not done in SER, it is done in kernel. kernel dispatches incoming 
traffic to
one of multiple processes listening on sockets. Same for outgoing traffic 
-- SER leaves
it to kernel's decision.


I hope that engineers that worked on developing of SER could help me 
with this issue.

Thank you in advance


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] INVITE messages not authenticated (default configuration)?

2013-03-07 Thread Jiri Kuthan

well, it is really a matter of policy (and not software) what to
authenticate and opinions on it can differ. I like the pre-configured
options in oob, but that may be very well just because I wrote
them :)
(note it is for sip-router flavor and I'm not sure how far the
kamailio merging process has digged into config files -- the logic
should be apparent though)

I think a simple and reasonable policy is to authenticate *ALL* INVITEs
without To-tag (i.e. those that really initiate a call) and ALL REGISTERs
that have a served domain in From.

It is also worthwhile checking if the digest username corresponds
(equals in the simplest caste) the From URI. Otherwise the proxy
server could accept an INVITE authenticated by in
digest header field and still permit in From.

Going more relaxed is certainly unsafe. Challenging more can break
interoperability. (some phones are silly not to support authentication
for BYE, call-forwarding schemes may lead to unexpected domains in
URIs, CANCEL/ACK just don't have it, etc.)


On 3/7/13 11:20 PM, Paul Belanger wrote:


Hopefully, I'm understanding the following default kamailio.cfg[1]
file.  Over the weekend, I was attached by SipVicious.  Following
along with the example Daniel[2] create with kamailio and asterisk, I
have almost the same setup.  Rather then storing my SIP profiles in
Asterisk database, I have then in Kamailio.

To my point, the attacker was actually able to by pass any sort of
authentication, but simply sending an INIVTE message:

./ -e 18885551234 -m INVITE

Which kamailio, forwarded to Asterisk and because there is no
additional auth within asterisk, was able to hit the asterisk context
for getting processed (they did not get out to the real world).
However, my question is why do we not authenticate INVITE
messages?  If my understanding is correct, if would require something
like the following:

if (is_method(INVITE)) {
 if (!proxy_authorize($fd, subscriber)) {
 proxy_challenge($fd, 0);

If so, why not also do it in the default configuration file?


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] Remote Party ID

2011-12-06 Thread Jiri Kuthan

I think the most straight-forward way is to load the RPID in user preferences 
as AVP,
and print the associated AVP from SER script. I guess there is an example of 
in the OOB script -- have you tried to look there?


On 12/6/11 2:50 PM, Pavel Segeč wrote:


I'm looking for some recommendations or guidlines. My leading IT department
which is providing PSTN connectivity requires to include Remote Party ID in
SIP Messages in a case where From URI is not in telco format (I prefer email
like style of addressing). How to simply assign to an user its Remote Party
ID which will be used when PSTN calling will occure? On what should I focus
on? To use user preferences with AVP pairs? or something another?



SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] issue tracking system

2011-07-27 Thread Jiri Kuthan

We use it and keep it rebooting every now and when.



On 7/19/11 8:18 PM, Jason Penton wrote:

+1 for Jira. If you have the resources to setup and manage JIRA then I would 
suggest this too. We use and it is really very good

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 8:05 PM, Alex Balashov wrote:

We have been extremely happy with Mantis as a self-hosted approach. It is 
easy to use, yet has the sophistication and flexibility for a needed to manage a
project of non-trivial size.

On the other hand, Digium recently moved away from it in favour of JIRA for

For fairly large projects like this one[1], I have always favoured internal 
hosting of such systems in order to maintain maximum control, use optional
plugins, make customisations, etc.  I think that would make the most sense 
for the SR/Kamailio community.

-- Alex

[1] It's not nearly as large as say, the Linux kernel, but it's bigger than 
99% of open-source which, after all, consists largely of projects done by one
person or a few people at most.

Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC
260 Peachtree Street NW
Suite 2200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: +1-678-954-0670 tel:%2B1-678-954-0670
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SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] off-topic: jobs projects - figuring out the best solution

2011-04-06 Thread Jiri Kuthan

I beg to differ -- digging through archives seems a bit impractical to me.
I think doing it over web would be a great help.


On 4/6/11 7:38 PM, Klaus Darilion wrote:

I think a website does not give any benefit over the business mailing list.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:


recently the demand in jobs and projects related to kamailio seemed to 
increase. I can just say that I am very happy with that.

While announcing on the mailing lists is ok, I think we should try to make the 
process better and more productive, i.e., easier to advertise by publishers and
easier to read for those interesting. For that, imo, we need a web page where 
someone can post such announcements and the others can read it.

Since I had this idea in mind for some while, I searched for a dokuwiki plugin 
that could help, so we can reuse our wiki system. I found bureaucracy plugin,
but does not seem to be ready for latest dokuwiki version according to its page:

But maybe it just works, I should try it instead of waiting, anyhow spare time 
is not my friend these days...

Alternatives would be:
- a wordpress plugin - haven't searched for one yet, but there are tons of 
plugins for WP, maybe one will fit the needs
- another web application designed for such purposes

My question to you is whether you can recommend a solution which we can 
evaluate. Ideally (or better said, as many characteristics to be met as 
possible), the
system should be able to:
- allow people to post announcements for jobs and projects (with or without 
prior registration, but with spam prevention - e.g., captcha)
- allow to publish details about the job/projects, contact addresses, validity 
- allow to invalidate an announcement when the position/project is taken
- send an email notification when the announcement is done first time, with a 
link to the web page of the announcement, so we can send it one to a particular
mailing list


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] uri unescape transformation?

2011-03-26 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 3/26/11 2:06 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:

i could not find a transformation or function to unescape an uri, such
as this:

did i miss it or is there a need to write one?

we have never introduced escaping indeed. -jiri

-- juha

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] uri unescape transformation?

2011-03-26 Thread Jiri Kuthan

well shame on me and thanks for catching it :-)


On 3/26/11 7:38 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:

On 3/26/11 7:30 PM, Jiri Kuthan wrote:

On 3/26/11 2:06 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:

i could not find a transformation or function to unescape an uri, such
as this:

did i miss it or is there a need to write one?

we have never introduced escaping indeed.

Starting with 3.x, by loading pv module you get access to some particular 
functions called 'transformations' which can be used to escape/unescape string 
stored in config file variables. See more at:


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] about syn_branch

2011-03-07 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 3/7/11 9:50 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:

we noticed that if sr 3.1 config does not contain


then acks to 200 oks that are t_relayed by sr, contain branch=0
param in topmost via.

in kamailio 1.5, via branch param has proper value even when tm param
syn_branch is not set.

What is proper value?
(Some frequently think that downstream entities must be able to rely
on branch(Via)==branch(ACK), which is not granted since without RR-ing
the ACK can take a shorter path resulting in a very different ACK.)

a couple of questions:

1) according to core cookbook, syn_branch core param only affects
stateless forwarding.  in my config, all acks are t_relayed, i.e.,
syn_branch param should not have any effect, but is does.  how is that
possible?  is there a bug in core cookbook?

In fact, ACK is forwarded statelessly  even when INVITE is processed
using TM. A loose definition of stateful is message you hold for
future retransmissions. You don't retransmit ACKs and therefore you
don't store them in SR. All of this confusion comes from ACK being
a very special kind of request -- like INVITE it has same Cseq,
unlike INVITE it may have a different  forwarding path, Via stack,
topmost branch,  to-tags... it is a confusing protocol design.
It should have been  better a cleanly separated SUB-NOT-like
transaction pair, than a merged INV-180-200-ACK hack.

2) should t_relaying of acks to 200 oks use proper (i.e.. non 0)

Not sure what proper would be, as the branch parameter doesn't
play any role for matching messages neither downstream nor
at SR. We can make it look better but I'm wondering if it would
improve something.

branch param even when syn_branch is not set to any value in config?
if not why?  if yes, will branch=0 be used only when ack to 200 ok does
not match any invite transaction?

Is there something which doesn't work as is?


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] about syn_branch

2011-03-07 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 3/7/11 10:40 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:

see above.  we have seen rfc3261 sip user agents that don't understand
branch=0 value

That's probably good enough argument, as some newer implementations may
give up on RFC2543 backwards compatibility and complaing about lack of

and matching of ack fails.
so instead of doing full md5
calculation, it would make sense to use rfc3261 compliant constant
rather than 0.

Agreed, that would probably serve the purpose well.


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] SIP Recorder

2011-01-26 Thread Jiri Kuthan

the SIP proxy server does not see media indeed, you better look at a media 
such as SEMS. (


On 1/26/11 2:41 PM, Danny Dias wrote:

Hello my friends,

I have a requeriment, which indicates that i have to record every SIP
conversation between peers (also for callings to the PSTN); the
recording server will be built for our company following this
requeriments (also requested for the client):

My doubt is: How can i handle sip conversations recording when all the
calls are passing through a Proxy Server? I do understand that the
media is always peer to peer and the signaling goes through the Proxy,
but in this case the media not only has to pass between the peers
because it must be recorded.

How should i handle this?

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] SIP Recorder

2011-01-26 Thread Jiri Kuthan

As said, SER is not the best vehicle for that as it in its SIP proxy definition
does not process media. SEMS does this (recording, mixing, storing) quite
decently. I'm just wondering what is the reason that Asterisk can't be used --
perhaps SEMS would fail that criteria as well.


On 1/26/11 6:43 PM, Danny Dias wrote:

Many thanks Jaremya,

The main problem is that both terminals, SHALL (required and must not be 
changed, because of standards of EUROCAE ED-137 Part3) initiate a session with 
recorder server (a commercial one, can't use Asterisk for my disgrace) sending 
INVITE and receiving the subsequent responses from sip recording server to
stablish the session with it...after this, when the media starts to go directly 
peer to peer (the normal call), the terminals (specials ones) must summarize the
IN+OUT audio to the recording server and through rtsp the media should be's weird, but thats the requirement :S

i mean

signaling: APROXYB (the normal procedure)

At the same time, this must be done: (I'm not sure how to do this...the proxy 
could be out of this or not, not sure :()


Then, The audio will go directly from A to B (because of the normal 
procedures), and also, A and B, will summarize IN+OUT on each site and send 
this result
through RTSP to the recording server (this is not important to the proxy righ 
not)...My real doubt is how to stablish the session between the peers A and B to
the recording server through the Proxy and also (at the same time) continue 
with the normal flow of the call (invite from a to b, 200 ok viceversa etc 

Should i use some function like t_replicate to send 2 invites like this:


But the problem here is that the session between A and PROXY would be OK, but i 
can't see the way how B should send INVITE to the recorder server..

I hope to be clear on my problem :( and i know it looks very weird, but it's 
the requirement of the document mentioned above

Thanks in advance!!!


Danny Dias 

Thanks Jeremya, but it's a requeriment from the client to record the 
through an external server and not with rtpproxys, my question is how 
media should be handled in order to record the conversations if the 
is external?

Signaling: Phone_A --- Proxy --- Phone_B

Media: Phone_A --- SIP RECORDER --- Phone_B (Changing the SDP 
headers to
send RTP to the IP of the SIP RECORDER). The main problem is that the
recording must be made in ACTIVE way, it means, we should record 
(IN+OUT) in
Phone A, and the same in B, 2 recording for each call...the customer 
that it's working now in his arquitecture (its analog), and we made the 
with the IP technology...resuming: with a sip recorder in the middle of 
media should work right?

2 ways of doing that:

Signaling: A - Proxy - B2BUA (recorder) - B
Media: A - B2BUA - B

b) Prefered way
Signaling: A - Proxy - B
Media: A- RTPPROXY - B

At the end, both solutions are THE SAME, what you do is to tell A to send 
media to the B2BUA or the RTPPRoxy.

As a matters of scale ... b) solution is the best one.

Also, another things to take into account are:

1- Transcoding issues (RTPPRoxy does not do transconding, not easly)
2- Secured RTP (ZRTP, SRTP, etc.)
3- LAG in audio.

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SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] multidomain: running multiple kamailio on one host

2010-11-05 Thread Jiri Kuthan

You can also serve multiple domain with a single instance. -jiri

On 11/5/10 9:15 AM, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) wrote:

El Fri, 05 Nov 2010 09:10:15 +0100
MÉSZÁROS Mihá  escribió:

Hello all!

Is there any known problem to run multiple kamailio/sip-router instance
in one host.

No problem at all.

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] Stateful vs. stateless replies from script

2010-10-11 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 10/7/10 12:16 PM, Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul wrote:

On Oct 07, 2010 at 10:57, Jiri  wrote:

There's a bit of a misunderstanding here.


Now consider an authenticated message that is retransmitted: the first
  message will pass authentication, but it's retransmission will fail =

I admit I haven't thought it through but would it really fail?
in both cases (retransmission and replay attack) it will resend
initial answer (100 if forwarded, challenge if failed to
authenticate) and do nothing downstream -- attacker won't
gain an unfair advantage, won't it?

the retransmission will be challenged.

why if the original request  passed authentication?

I see the point TM can't differentiate between retransmissions and replay
attacks easily (unless we do more of nonce-based protection). But does it
really matter?


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] Stateful vs. stateless replies from script

2010-10-11 Thread Jiri Kuthan


On 10/7/10 11:11 AM, Alex Balashov wrote:

On 10/07/2010 04:57 AM, Jiri Kuthan wrote:

The problem is that somewhat increased can be A LOT. transaction
context is in order of kilobytes and creating transaction context
on every single request can exhaust memory very very quickly.
It is not just about evil attacks but also about resilience against
different sorts of misconfigurations which flood the server with
traffic. Which happens.

Thanks to you and Marius for taking the time to formulate thorough replies. I 
read them with interest!

Is the problem you mention above not mitigated to some extent by the fact that 
a transaction is not created until either t_newtran() or t_relay() is called? 

route {


if(is_method(INVITE)) {


if(!check_from()) {
xlog(L_ERR, [...] From URI user part does not 
match authorisation username!\n);

send_reply(403, Forbidden);



As far as I know, the 403 Forbidden above would go out statelessly, right?


So, I assume that the misconfigurations and memory exhaust vulnerabilities 
under discussion are -- if it is INVITEs we are talking about -- ones in which 
request is relayed and the negative replies come end-to-end from upstream, 

I was refering to all other checks you may want to do before you establish
transaction context and forward. Particularly if you do authenticate. Generally
the default way of scripting was based on the assumption don't establish
transaction/forward until it is clear you want to forward.

 But in that case, by virtue of having called t_relay(), the reply is already
processed statefully.

Yes, but I was making a point to a different case. Again -- I think the question
is when does the script writer choose that a request is good enough to be 
Before all sort of tests the writer chooses to deploy are positive, stateless
reply seems safer to me.

Now, of course, there are other types of request handling where a transaction 
is implicitly created, but am I correct in my interpretation of INVITE handling
vis-a-vis transaction creation above?

Yes. Until you do some t_command, there is no transaction contet. Once you do,
there is. The point is really in the script that incorporates some request
filtering policy -- what is good enough to spend memory on...



SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] Stateful vs. stateless replies from script

2010-10-07 Thread Jiri Kuthan

On 10/7/10 10:42 AM, Alex Balashov wrote:

Now that K v3.1.0 provides send_reply(), what is the preferred ideology about 
whether to send stateful or stateless negative error replies?

I mean in general, not in specific cases like digest authentication in the new 
'auth' module, where, according to the docs, a transaction and stateful replies
are required in order for enhanced nonce replay protection.

That's a fair point -- transaction processing could be used as nonce memory to
mitigate replay attacks. For that however transaction processing would have to 
in script earlier before anything else (sending a positive reply, doing anything
that's subject to authentication), and the nonce verification would have to be 
to transaction id. Otherwise a replay attack could occur just with a different
transaction id, so that TM would not filter it out.

One could see it as a trade-off between a bit better replay-attack resilience 
a bit higher vulnerability to memory exhaustion. Both kind attacks are possibly
either way, so it is not a really either-or type of choice.

The traditional wisdom in past bodies of scripts and knowledge in the public 
realm has been, in my interpretation, that stateless replies are acceptable for
final negative responses from script[1]. After all, a reply like 404 Not 
Found from the proxy is basically fire-and-forget; why devote additional
transactional memory to it while the transaction hold-down timer expires? We do 
not care if we receive an ACK, nor want anything further to do with this branch.

Yes, that has been the purpose.

On the other hand, there is a point of view out there that mixing stateless and 
stateful replies is not good, despite the somewhat increased overhead and
resource usage associated with making all replies stateful.

The problem is that somewhat increased can be A LOT. transaction context is 
in order of kilobytes
and creating transaction context on every single request can exhaust memory 
very very quickly.
It is not just about evil attacks but also about resilience against different 
sorts of
misconfigurations which flood the server with traffic. Which happens.

This perspective emphasises that if the proxy is fundamentally operating in a 
stateful manner, it
should do so with respect to all messages, rather than allowing a large 
category of replies to slip under the radar of TM and have possibly 
inconsistent results.

For now, I have changed my code to use send_reply() in all cases where 
sl_send_reply() was used in the past; it seems easier to let Kamailio/SR make 
decision. However, in practice, most requests will result in the creation of a 
transaction, so it is like replacing sl_send_reply() with t_reply() in the
majority of cases.

Am I missing anything? Any salient considerations I missed?

I think the argumentation is perfectly right, it is just the operational
trade-offs to be made.

I am curious as to the consensus about the best practice here from the vantage 
point of the developers.

I'm personally most worried about memory exhaustion, but that's
really my choice which I would not advertise as generally 
Eventually that's why we haven't cemented one way or other.



-- Alex

[1] Except in FAILURE-ROUTEs, from which only stateful replies may
be issued.

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Re: [SR-Users] Wrong handling CANCEL message

2010-04-30 Thread Jiri Kuthan

Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:

2010/4/30 Klaus Darilion

200 OK seems correct as long as the transaction is still in memory.

I don't agree. As per RFC 3261 when a proxy receives a 200 for an
INVITE the transaction is terminated so a CANCEL after the 200 should
not match such transaction.

That's a bug in the RFC and we shall not better projects RFC bugs in
implementations :) A well behaving proxy shall keep the context for
some period of time.

 Then the proxy should reply 481 to the
CANCEL rather than a 200.

well, once the transaction is gone, forwarding the CANCEL statelessly
would seem a legitimiate behaviour, as long as the proxy is in position
to produce branch ID consistently with that for INVITE.


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list