Re: Anouncement!

2001-05-21 Thread Trent Dowler


  Larry losing his sense of humor being the reason for the ban on super soakers? I
doubt it! All that means is that he will have the only "squirter" there and laugh to
high heavens every time he soaks someone. Better watch our backs.
  Terry, glad to hear that you've completed your track. Give us a more in depth
description to tide us over until we get to see pictures. Shape, length of trackage,
sidings? Details!


Bruce Gathman wrote:

> Larry banned super soakers for the Powder Puff steamup in June.  I think he must
> be loosing his sense of humor.

Re: Anouncement!

2001-05-21 Thread Robb and Cheryl

Congratulations Terry,  We at the Pine Ridge Lumber Co. are well on our
way with our new branch line.  Yesterday we cut in the switch off the
mail line.  Today we received another delivery of ballast.  It looks
like we will need more ties if we can find more of those select plastic
trees.  I hope the survey crew knew what they were doing when they
planned the 4% grade.  I think we should have the first section all in
place for the June 23 steamup.

Terry Griner wrote:
> The chief gofer and his two chief engineers are happy to announce the
> completion track laying on the Noplace in particular Railroad.
>   The NIPRR started on the ground, but the chief gofer is to old to get
> down that low, and after seeing the portable track at the Midwest steam
> up this year he decided that waist high is the way to go.
> Thank you to everyone at the Midwest steam up, you got me motivated!
> I'll find someplace to post pictures, after I take some.
> Terry Griner
> Columbus Ohio USA

RE: Wheel Slip was Re: Should I add weight to Billy loco?

2001-05-21 Thread Shyvers, Steve

Charles and the list:

While I have not seen my Billy's wheels slip, I have seen genuine
quarter-slip with my Jane. It was on sectional track on the ground and
intermittently shimmed to cope with the unevenness of the grass clumps. Jane
was trying to pull three heavy cars up out of a hollow, and her drivers were
quarter-slipping, but not spinning all the way around. It surprised me that
such a small loco would do this.


RE: Should I add weight to Billy loco?

2001-05-21 Thread M. Paterson

steve, which KLA-Tencor building are you in?  Are you
close to McCarthy Blvd?

--- "Shyvers, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Vance, Kevin S., Mike, Tag, Kevin O., Trot, and the
> list:
> Thank you all for your responses to my questions. I
> decided not to add
> weight to the saddle tank and here's why:
> Last night I used a Braun spring-type kitchen scale
> to measure the weights
> on Billy's axles. First the front wheels were
> supported on a plank and the
> rear wheels placed on the scale, and the scale was
> read. Then Billy was
> reversed to measure the weight on the front axle.
> The results were 1180
> grams for the rear axle and 1040 grams for the
> front. The difference of 140
> grams is equal to about 5 ounces. Calculated weight
> distribution is 47% on
> the front axle and 53% on the back.
> The planned saddle tank's fore and aft midpoint is
> about 1" forward of the
> rear axle, and Billy's wheel base is 3". Any weight
> that I put into the
> saddle tank, if it is centered at the tank's
> midpoint, will increase the
> load on the rear axle twice as fast as it increases
> the load on the front
> axle. In other words, added weight in the saddle
> tank could make axle weight
> distribution worse.
> My Billy's current 47%/53% axle weight ratio is
> pretty good, but Billy lacks
> a cab as yet. A stock Billy will probably have a
> very different weight
> ratio, as Mike and Kevin O. indicate. I will
> definitely monitor the axle
> weights when designing and constructing the cab. If
> I need to add trimming
> ballast, it will probably be positioned behind the
> front buffer beam in
> order to get the greatest leverage with the least
> amount of weight.
> Mike, Kevin O., and others on the list have seen my
> Billy in its current
> configuration and under steam. I cannot recall ever
> seeing wheel slip or the
> stability problems that Mike describes. I am very
> grateful to him for
> identifying it as a potential problem.
> Regards,
> Steve

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RE: Should I add weight to Billy loco?

2001-05-21 Thread Shyvers, Steve

Vance, Kevin S., Mike, Tag, Kevin O., Trot, and the list:

Thank you all for your responses to my questions. I decided not to add
weight to the saddle tank and here's why:

Last night I used a Braun spring-type kitchen scale to measure the weights
on Billy's axles. First the front wheels were supported on a plank and the
rear wheels placed on the scale, and the scale was read. Then Billy was
reversed to measure the weight on the front axle. The results were 1180
grams for the rear axle and 1040 grams for the front. The difference of 140
grams is equal to about 5 ounces. Calculated weight distribution is 47% on
the front axle and 53% on the back.

The planned saddle tank's fore and aft midpoint is about 1" forward of the
rear axle, and Billy's wheel base is 3". Any weight that I put into the
saddle tank, if it is centered at the tank's midpoint, will increase the
load on the rear axle twice as fast as it increases the load on the front
axle. In other words, added weight in the saddle tank could make axle weight
distribution worse.

My Billy's current 47%/53% axle weight ratio is pretty good, but Billy lacks
a cab as yet. A stock Billy will probably have a very different weight
ratio, as Mike and Kevin O. indicate. I will definitely monitor the axle
weights when designing and constructing the cab. If I need to add trimming
ballast, it will probably be positioned behind the front buffer beam in
order to get the greatest leverage with the least amount of weight.

Mike, Kevin O., and others on the list have seen my Billy in its current
configuration and under steam. I cannot recall ever seeing wheel slip or the
stability problems that Mike describes. I am very grateful to him for
identifying it as a potential problem.


Re: Anouncement!

2001-05-21 Thread Cgnr

This morning was my day too.  The final turn of the track board was completed 
on Saturday and the last 25 feet of track was laid this morning.  The first 
train departed almost immediately to make the 115 foot loop.  The new Cedar 
Glen Railroad is now in full use after a long winter.  Being as I am in the 
mountains it is on quite a slope and varies from chest high to ground level.  
I will post some of the pictures I took real soon.

Re: Anouncement!

2001-05-21 Thread Terry Griner

I don't know... if you talked to my in-laws they would say waste is the right term. 
But my girls(4yrs and 6yrs old) were overjoyed! "Daddy, can my dolly ride in the 
Gond?" "Mine too!" 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/21/01 11:36AM >>>
In a message dated 05/21/01 10:32:22 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< waste >>
waist would be better...even spell checkers have limits! 

Re: Anouncement!

2001-05-21 Thread Bruce Gathman


You are most welcome to post any photos on the Small Scale Steam Models site
(which you have joined) anytime.  This is one of the reasons I started it.  

Larry banned super soakers for the Powder Puff steamup in June.  I think he must
be loosing his sense of humor.  Enjoyed your enthusiasm at the Midwest.


On Mon, 21 May 2001 08:16:46 -0400, you wrote:

>The chief gofer and his two chief engineers are happy to announce the
>completion track laying on the Noplace in particular Railroad.
>  The NIPRR started on the ground, but the chief gofer is to old to get
>down that low, and after seeing the portable track at the Midwest steam
>up this year he decided that waist high is the way to go. 
>Thank you to everyone at the Midwest steam up, you got me motivated!
>I'll find someplace to post pictures, after I take some.
>Terry Griner
>Columbus Ohio USA

Join the Small Scale Steam Models (SSSM) email group for all
things live steam trains.  Just click on:

Re: Anouncement!

2001-05-21 Thread SALTYCRABB

In a message dated 05/21/01 10:32:22 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< waste >>
waist would be better...even spell checkers have limits! 

Re: Anouncement!

2001-05-21 Thread SALTYCRABB

In a message dated 05/21/01 7:25:54 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< started on the ground, but the chief gofer is to old to get
 down that low >>


I had the same thoughts, came to the same conclusionsand after I 
witnessed Clark Lord's superb waste high railroad -- I knew that THAT was the 
only way to go.  


Jim Crabb


2001-05-21 Thread Terry Griner

The chief gofer and his two chief engineers are happy to announce the
completion track laying on the Noplace in particular Railroad.
  The NIPRR started on the ground, but the chief gofer is to old to get
down that low, and after seeing the portable track at the Midwest steam
up this year he decided that waist high is the way to go. 
Thank you to everyone at the Midwest steam up, you got me motivated!
I'll find someplace to post pictures, after I take some.
Terry Griner
Columbus Ohio USA