RE: Driver discussion again?

2002-05-02 Thread XXYZ

Sorry for the ommision.

1:32 scale.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Alison & Jim Gregg
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 9:25 PM
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam
Subject: Re: Driver discussion again?


What size and scale are we talking here please.

Jim Gregg.

At 02:17 PM 5/2/02 -0400, you wrote:
>I was wondering how many on the list are scratch-build, modeling USA,
>standard gauge, prototype locomotives?
>In a related question; Would anyone be interested in cast drive wheels? If
>so, what materials would be preferred? Cast iron wheels seem to be the
>most widely available, but are there other options, like cast nickel
>silver or cast bronze centers with steel or nickel silver tires?
>Since, it looks like I will need to cast my own, it wouldn't be difficult
>to cast a few extras and sell them for a resonable price (I might be able
>to get you all to finace my hobby if I'm lucky ;-) ). I would be modeling
>74" boxpoc drivers for a northern (4-8-4 (but you know that)). My
>prototype is a RockIsland loco but I would use the Burlington northern
>that is at the Colorado Railroad Museum as the prototype for the drivers.
>I need to go there and do lots of measuring soon. I haven't checked this
>out yet, but I think both locos have drivers that were cast by General
>Steel Casting Corp.


Re: sight glass fittings

2002-05-02 Thread Harry Wade

At 07:37 PM 5/2/02 -0700, you wrote:
>On another matter, I'm building a meth's fired boiler for my Philly and
>has instructed me to use 5 - 5/16" flues

The .028" will be OK, it's not a question of strength - it's certainly
strong enough, but in general I always prefer heavier material and more
substantial construction for the surfaces exposed to flame or flue gas, for
longer life expectancy.

>I'm concerned about the tube dia/length ratio.
I use the formula D = \/  L / 65   or  D² = L/65

Where D = ID of the flue in inches, L = Effective flue length, and 65 is a
numerical constant which can be varied between 55 and 75 and still produce
valid results.  For instance a 5/16" OD x .028" wall tube will be .2565" ID
(ie, "D"), plugged backwards into the formula results in an maximum optimal
flue length of 4.93" (using L/75 as a maximum condition), and at 1:19.22
this is very near your target ratio of 1:20.  This formula is very old and
originated in prototype practice and has proven to be valid for optimizing
gass flow/heat absorption in straight fire tubes of any size.  I use it as
a guideline for sizing flues on any boiler I do.
As for this being nit picky, when you have a proven and simple to apply
formula which will quickly guide you to the optiumum flue ratio in boilers
which need all the gains in efficiency they can get it would be kind of
silly NOT to be nit picky on this point.


Re: Driver discussion again?

2002-05-02 Thread Alison & Jim Gregg


What size and scale are we talking here please.

Jim Gregg.

At 02:17 PM 5/2/02 -0400, you wrote:
>I was wondering how many on the list are scratch-build, modeling USA, 
>standard gauge, prototype locomotives?
>In a related question; Would anyone be interested in cast drive wheels? If 
>so, what materials would be preferred? Cast iron wheels seem to be the 
>most widely available, but are there other options, like cast nickel 
>silver or cast bronze centers with steel or nickel silver tires?
>Since, it looks like I will need to cast my own, it wouldn't be difficult 
>to cast a few extras and sell them for a resonable price (I might be able 
>to get you all to finace my hobby if I'm lucky ;-) ). I would be modeling 
>74" boxpoc drivers for a northern (4-8-4 (but you know that)). My 
>prototype is a RockIsland loco but I would use the Burlington northern 
>that is at the Colorado Railroad Museum as the prototype for the drivers. 
>I need to go there and do lots of measuring soon. I haven't checked this 
>out yet, but I think both locos have drivers that were cast by General 
>Steel Casting Corp.

Re: OT: Re: Lots of strange non-steam emails

2002-05-02 Thread Alison & Jim Gregg

Hi Dave.

Your message makes a great deal of sense.

I would however suggest that once a month is not adequate for checking for 
A / V updates - Norton has updated half a dozen times in the last couple of 
weeks, and personally I want them all as quick as possible!

I'm a bit biased -  a couple of years ago I got a virus in the three days 
between its first appearance and it making the A / V lists - not a happy 

Thanks for the list - your efforts are much appreciated, and it is a good 
and informative list.

Jim Gregg.
With as much of M/S disabled as possible.
At 09:13 AM 5/2/02 -0700, you wrote:

>*if the list came "into evil hands" it was because someone actually 
>harvested it by being a member of the list and captured e-mail addresses 
>as they were sent. the list itself is on a super-secure computer and while 
>i make an occasional (ok, not often-enough) list of members that's posted 
>on the web, you'll note that it does not contain e-mail addresses.
>*the archive of the list is constructed in such a manner that robot 
>spiders that crawl the web in search of addresses can't capture them there.
>*i know for a fact that a couple of members of the list are propagating 
>viruses and i have been in touch with them about their individual 
>problems. i see their problems on the list's log -- their messages get 
>bounced because they are sending out viruses (this is why you can't send 
>html-encoded e-mail or attached files -- the list just bounces the whole 
>lot rather than take the chance it might send you a virus).
>*all my buddies in the list-mom world are experiencing this problem right 
>now. the latest virus, when it launches (and yes, you're extremely at risk 
>if you use microsoft outlook) scans your hard drive for e-mail addresses 
>(not just the outlook address book). so, even if -- for example -- you may 
>not have my e-mail address in your book but have *saved* an e-mail from me 
>somewhere (not necessarily in outlook), i would get the virus e-mail from you.
>*virus-catchers are great for known viruses, but unless you constantly 
>update your catcher, it won't necessarily find the next bad virus. though 
>the programmers are working on what they call "heuristic" algorithms that 
>can (for lack of a better word) "guess" at whether an application may be a 
>virus, the current best technology is to look for known viruses. if you 
>don't update your virus-catcher, it won't know what the latest viruses 
>are. morale: once a month check your virus-catcher's web site to see if 
>they have an update.
>*i hate to use my august position to bill-bash here, but this situation is 
>another example of why using microsoft products is generally a bad idea. 
>in real life i am a computer consultant (among other things) and when 
>pressed, i always vote to not use microsoft products (and have only a 
>limited number on my personal systems). right now the safest place to be 
>on the internet is running a macintosh os 9 or below machine that dials 
>up. second best is a flavor of unix that you *know* is secure that dials 
>up. dead last is a windows machine using outlook that is constantly 
>connected. ymmv.
>ps: btw, i get between 100 and 200 spams a day, when you count all my 
>e-mail addresses.
>Dave Cole
>Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
>   Pacifica, Calif. USA  
>List Mom: sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers
>For more information, visit 

Re: Steamlines Shay and antivirus

2002-05-02 Thread Alison & Jim Gregg


Feel a bit remiss about this one  - Steamlines did have a bit of a 
reputation for leaving miniscule amounts of crud in the gas system.  Effect 
is that either you get reduced gas flow or the gas stream does not come out 
straight.  In either  event you get reduced heat output = bad steaming.  I 
don't think any of us thought to tell you about that one 
unfortunately!I'm glad it is doing the right thing now.

The bad news is that it may recurr as additional crud gets shaken loose! - 
You didn't want to know that did you?   It doesn't happen often but at 
least you now know where to look. One dodge I have see used is a bit of 
fine gauze pushed into the back of the jet like a little dome - sometimes 
with a tiny amount of cotton wool - very loose packed - that might help if 
you have an ongoing problem.

Jim Gregg.

At 06:21 PM 5/2/02 -0700, you wrote:
>++<<  Large CUT  >>
>PS - I am  very excited about the Steamlines Shay! I finally have it running
>well. The radiant burner is going great. The tendency to loose steam
>pressure while operating was solved in an unexpected way. The fire would not
>stay lite during a club meet at my home (old story of "it worked perfectly
>until you showed up!"). I removed the jet and used compressed air to clean
>out the jet. Now the fire not remains, but the fire is hot enough to sustain
>pressure for the entire run! I never thought of the jet being dirty, since
>it had this problem from the moment I first got the engine!

Re: sight glass fittings

2002-05-02 Thread Royce Woodbury

Hi Harry.  While surfing the net last night, I ran across Keith Bucklitch's
website on building the Brazil.  Had just what I was looking for about building
water gauges as well as other plumbing related items.

On another matter, I'm building a meth's fired boiler for my Philly and Gordon
has instructed me to use 5 - 5/16" flues (he sent me some 1 1/2" od tubing from
australia, by the way).  Would .028 wall copper tubing be enough, or should I go
with .035 wall ?  I'm concerned about the tube dia/length ratio.  Going with the
thinner wall thickness would decrease the ratio from 25.77 to 24.37, still above
the theoretical target of 20 to 1.  Am I being to nit-picky ?  I would appreciate
your input.  Thanks.

royce in SB


Re: Regner steam engine

2002-05-02 Thread Mike Eorgoff

Just curious


- Original Message -
From: "Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: Regner steam engine

> I am currently selling some LGB items to gain the money to buy the loco.
> Are you a seller? Or like me curious?
> ~Gary Lane
> born at Cook County Hospital but now enjoying lower population density in
> Oregon
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mike Eorgoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 7:09 AM
> Subject: Re: Regner steam engine
> > Gary,
> > Did you ever reach a decision on getting this Loco?
> >
> > Mike Eorgoff
> > near Chicago
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 1:36 PM
> > Subject: Regner steam engine
> >
> >
> > >
> > > I have discovered a small mallet to be made by Regner. Total price is
> > > $2010.43 as near as I can figure converting Euro dollars to US
> > > Regner 20850Kit 99633 Württembergische Tssd,  USD $1765.65
> > SNIP
> >
> >

Steamlines Shay and antivirus

2002-05-02 Thread Gary

I use Symmantec's Norton Utilities with Anti-Virus and Ontrack's System
My wife, a friend, and I all used McAfee for a year plus. McAfee, despite
updating multiple times a week, allowed a number of viruses to get into our
computers. So, I am biased to pay a bit more for Norton. I found the Online
McAfee version a bit cumbersome to use.
Usual disclaimers...
~Gary - Eugene, Oregon

PS - I am  very excited about the Steamlines Shay! I finally have it running
well. The radiant burner is going great. The tendency to loose steam
pressure while operating was solved in an unexpected way. The fire would not
stay lite during a club meet at my home (old story of "it worked perfectly
until you showed up!"). I removed the jet and used compressed air to clean
out the jet. Now the fire not remains, but the fire is hot enough to sustain
pressure for the entire run! I never thought of the jet being dirty, since
it had this problem from the moment I first got the engine!

PPS - Of course if you are lucky enough to get an Amish Virus the following
might be the message you receive:


You have just received the Amish Virus. Since we do not have electricity nor
computers, you are on the honor system. Please delete all of your files.

Thank thee.


Re: OT: Re: Lots of strange non-steam emails

2002-05-02 Thread Geoff Spenceley

Hey All,

I have been receiving lots of "spam" mail in recent weeks  and I think I
can blame Yahoo as I believe they have released inf on Yahoo " group"

I have received no virus;--I have an iMac and a local server.  However, I
"apparently" sent a virus to an individual I did not know and who was not
in my address book. She contacted me to let me know--she thought I had a
virus--but as Dave  mentioned, Email addresses  can be  stolen and used.
It's not sslivesteam,--I think Yahoo is to blame by violating the  privacy
on their groups.   Funnily, during this time of spams, I received an Email
from  Yahoo asking me to confirm my group IDs. I smell a BIG rat! They
violated their own terms and are now attempting to backtrack. I say:   Yank
Yourself from Yahoo!!


At 6:56 PM -0700 5/1/02, Jeffrey Williams wrote:
>>I've been getting a lot (1-3 per day) of strange emails lately from
>>unrecognizable senders, a strange Subject line and usually no message.
>>I'm assuming that these are attempts to pass viruses/worms.  Have any
>>others of you on-list been getting these?
>>If so, could the sslivesteam address book have come into evil hands?
>of course, this message gets sent about an hour after i leave the office ...
>*if the list came "into evil hands" it was because someone actually
>harvested it by being a member of the list and captured e-mail
>addresses as they were sent. the list itself is on a super-secure
>computer and while i make an occasional (ok, not often-enough) list
>of members that's posted on the web, you'll note that it does not
>contain e-mail addresses.
>*the archive of the list is constructed in such a manner that robot
>spiders that crawl the web in search of addresses can't capture them
>*i know for a fact that a couple of members of the list are
>propagating viruses and i have been in touch with them about their
>individual problems. i see their problems on the list's log -- their
>messages get bounced because they are sending out viruses (this is
>why you can't send html-encoded e-mail or attached files -- the list
>just bounces the whole lot rather than take the chance it might send
>you a virus).
>*all my buddies in the list-mom world are experiencing this problem
>right now. the latest virus, when it launches (and yes, you're
>extremely at risk if you use microsoft outlook) scans your hard drive
>for e-mail addresses (not just the outlook address book). so, even if
>-- for example -- you may not have my e-mail address in your book but
>have *saved* an e-mail from me somewhere (not necessarily in
>outlook), i would get the virus e-mail from you.
>*virus-catchers are great for known viruses, but unless you
>constantly update your catcher, it won't necessarily find the next
>bad virus. though the programmers are working on what they call
>"heuristic" algorithms that can (for lack of a better word) "guess"
>at whether an application may be a virus, the current best technology
>is to look for known viruses. if you don't update your virus-catcher,
>it won't know what the latest viruses are. morale: once a month check
>your virus-catcher's web site to see if they have an update.
>*i hate to use my august position to bill-bash here, but this
>situation is another example of why using microsoft products is
>generally a bad idea. in real life i am a computer consultant (among
>other things) and when pressed, i always vote to not use microsoft
>products (and have only a limited number on my personal systems).
>right now the safest place to be on the internet is running a
>macintosh os 9 or below machine that dials up. second best is a
>flavor of unix that you *know* is secure that dials up. dead last is
>a windows machine using outlook that is constantly connected. ymmv.
>ps: btw, i get between 100 and 200 spams a day, when you count all my
>e-mail addresses.
>Dave Cole
>Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
>   Pacifica, Calif. USA  
>List Mom: sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers
>For more information, visit 


Re: sslivesteam-Digest - Number 805

2002-05-02 Thread Phil. Paskos

I know this is off subject, but Norton also does a great job in cleaning up
"cookies" and other internet garbage. You'd be amazed at how much disk space
you can recover by running Norton and speeding up your machine. No I don't
work for them.

> by Symantec.  I have tried McAfee and Norton, I like Norton's features
> better.  They both do an admirable job of protection.
> A bad day running trains beats a good day at work!


Re: Lots of strange non-steam emails

2002-05-02 Thread Landon Solomon

Aye, I've been getting a few too.  :(

Looks like someone we all know got hit by a virus.

Trot, the clean, fox...

At 08:56 PM 5/1/02, you wrote:
>I've been getting a lot (1-3 per day) of strange emails lately from
>unrecognizable senders, a strange Subject line and usually no message.
>I'm assuming that these are attempts to pass viruses/worms.  Have any
>others of you on-list been getting these?
>If so, could the sslivesteam address book have come into evil hands?

   /\_/\   TrotFox \ Always remember,
  ( o o ) AKA Landon Solomon\ "There is a
   >\_/< [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ third alternative."

Re: burner for small boiler

2002-05-02 Thread Leo Starrenburg PA5LS

Thank you, all who replied to my burner question !

I'm struggling with my home network and its computers at the moment.
Hope to get things sorted out over the weekend (and do some metal cutting
again!) and reply to the answers in detail.




Driver discussion again?

2002-05-02 Thread xxyz


I was wondering how many on the list are scratch-build, modeling USA, standard gauge, 
prototype locomotives?

In a related question; Would anyone be interested in cast drive wheels? If so, what 
materials would be preferred? Cast iron wheels seem to be the most widely available, 
but are there other options, like cast nickel silver or cast bronze centers with steel 
or nickel silver tires?

Since, it looks like I will need to cast my own, it wouldn't be difficult to cast a 
few extras and sell them for a resonable price (I might be able to get you all to 
finace my hobby if I'm lucky ;-) ). I would be modeling 74" boxpoc drivers for a 
northern (4-8-4 (but you know that)). My prototype is a RockIsland loco but I would 
use the Burlington northern that is at the Colorado Railroad Museum as the prototype 
for the drivers. I need to go there and do lots of measuring soon. I haven't checked 
this out yet, but I think both locos have drivers that were cast by General Steel 
Casting Corp.




Re: Lots of strange non-steam emails

2002-05-02 Thread NJMT

Just keep your virus software up to date.  It is not expensive to buy and
relatively simple to install.  I use Norton.  You guys with cable modems are
especially vulnerable.  I suspect the emails in question come from something
called Badmail.  This sends out emails from your computer without you even
knowing it.  Usually with wacky subjects.  It includes a virus as well.

This is usually accompanied by a virus which removes ONLY the virus
protection element of your virus protection.  This is easy to find.  Run
your virus software.  If the option to scan is not there, then you are
infected.  Call Norton for the fix.

If you are a cable user, or if you leave your computer on line via a
telephone line all the time, DON'T.  Turn it the hell off.  Or pull the damn
plug.  You do know that is a two way connection?   People can work there way
into yours?  Yes.

Oh another good one for you cable users.  Badmail may be tied to a worm
which looks for credit card numbers in your computer and passwords.  It then
creates an email, and sends it to the guys who wants this data.

I work with the US Army here at Fort Monmouth in NJ.  I am, unfortunately
terribly familiar with viruses.  We get many from the Army's paperless
procurement system.  I recently received an email from a competitor with
pricing of his products and congressional points of contact. I called him
up, thanked him for the data and suggested he check his damn computer for a
virus.  He did.  He was infected.  A month later, same thing.  I called him
up.  He cursed.  "Not again!"

Feel free to contact me directly if you like at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you like.

- Original Message -
From: Alison & Jim Gregg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 4:06 AM
Subject: Re: Lots of strange non-steam emails

> Hi.
> Yes lots around - on all the lists.  It doesn't necessarilly mean the
> sslivesteam list has got into wrong hands, anyone, ie any list member,
> an address book  can have their address book raided by the worm / virus,
> they get the virus.
> Jim Gregg.
> At 06:56 PM 5/1/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >I've been getting a lot (1-3 per day) of strange emails lately from
> >unrecognizable senders, a strange Subject line and usually no message.
> >I'm assuming that these are attempts to pass viruses/worms.  Have any
> >others of you on-list been getting these?
> >
> >If so, could the sslivesteam address book have come into evil hands?
> >

Re: sslivesteam-Digest - Number 805

2002-05-02 Thread Jesse Grimmer

While it is true that Outlook/Outlook Express defaults to running a preview
pane, you can turn this function off by doing two things:
Open Outlook/Express and click on the "Tools" button.
Go to the "Options" portion.
Click on the "Read" tab.
Find a box with this sentence next to it: "Automatically download message
when viewing in the Preview Pane."
Make sure there is no check in front of that box.
Hit the "Apply" button.  If you don't hit that button, nothing will take

Next go to the "View" button on the tool bar.  Click on it and find the word
"Layout".  Click on it.  There should be two sections there, basic is the
upper section, and Preview Pane is the lower section.  Look at the lower
section and uncheck the box that says, "show preview pane".  Once again hit
the apply button and you are done.

Now Outlook won't read your messages and infect you.  Even having done this,
the advice by many to get a antiviral program is the single best thing one
can do to protect your system.  My personal favorite is the Norton program
by Symantec.  I have tried McAfee and Norton, I like Norton's features
better.  They both do an admirable job of protection.

A bad day running trains beats a good day at work!


Re: Regner steam engine

2002-05-02 Thread Gary

I am currently selling some LGB items to gain the money to buy the loco.
Are you a seller? Or like me curious?
~Gary Lane
born at Cook County Hospital but now enjoying lower population density in

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Eorgoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: Regner steam engine

> Gary,
> Did you ever reach a decision on getting this Loco?
> Mike Eorgoff
> near Chicago
> - Original Message -
> From: "Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 1:36 PM
> Subject: Regner steam engine
> >
> > I have discovered a small mallet to be made by Regner. Total price is
> > $2010.43 as near as I can figure converting Euro dollars to US dollars.
> > Regner 20850Kit 99633 Württembergische Tssd,  USD $1765.65

OT: Re: Lots of strange non-steam emails

2002-05-02 Thread Dave Cole

At 6:56 PM -0700 5/1/02, Jeffrey Williams wrote:
>I've been getting a lot (1-3 per day) of strange emails lately from
>unrecognizable senders, a strange Subject line and usually no message.
>I'm assuming that these are attempts to pass viruses/worms.  Have any
>others of you on-list been getting these?
>If so, could the sslivesteam address book have come into evil hands?

of course, this message gets sent about an hour after i leave the office ...

*if the list came "into evil hands" it was because someone actually 
harvested it by being a member of the list and captured e-mail 
addresses as they were sent. the list itself is on a super-secure 
computer and while i make an occasional (ok, not often-enough) list 
of members that's posted on the web, you'll note that it does not 
contain e-mail addresses.

*the archive of the list is constructed in such a manner that robot 
spiders that crawl the web in search of addresses can't capture them 

*i know for a fact that a couple of members of the list are 
propagating viruses and i have been in touch with them about their 
individual problems. i see their problems on the list's log -- their 
messages get bounced because they are sending out viruses (this is 
why you can't send html-encoded e-mail or attached files -- the list 
just bounces the whole lot rather than take the chance it might send 
you a virus).

*all my buddies in the list-mom world are experiencing this problem 
right now. the latest virus, when it launches (and yes, you're 
extremely at risk if you use microsoft outlook) scans your hard drive 
for e-mail addresses (not just the outlook address book). so, even if 
-- for example -- you may not have my e-mail address in your book but 
have *saved* an e-mail from me somewhere (not necessarily in 
outlook), i would get the virus e-mail from you.

*virus-catchers are great for known viruses, but unless you 
constantly update your catcher, it won't necessarily find the next 
bad virus. though the programmers are working on what they call 
"heuristic" algorithms that can (for lack of a better word) "guess" 
at whether an application may be a virus, the current best technology 
is to look for known viruses. if you don't update your virus-catcher, 
it won't know what the latest viruses are. morale: once a month check 
your virus-catcher's web site to see if they have an update.

*i hate to use my august position to bill-bash here, but this 
situation is another example of why using microsoft products is 
generally a bad idea. in real life i am a computer consultant (among 
other things) and when pressed, i always vote to not use microsoft 
products (and have only a limited number on my personal systems). 
right now the safest place to be on the internet is running a 
macintosh os 9 or below machine that dials up. second best is a 
flavor of unix that you *know* is secure that dials up. dead last is 
a windows machine using outlook that is constantly connected. ymmv.


ps: btw, i get between 100 and 200 spams a day, when you count all my 
e-mail addresses.

Dave Cole
Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
   Pacifica, Calif. USA  
List Mom: sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers

For more information, visit 


Re: Stuart Models

2002-05-02 Thread Harry Wade

At 10:59 AM 5/2/02 -0400, you wrote:
>In my experience, Stuart castings are sub-optimal.  Their cast-iron
>castings have a very small machining allowance, warpage and hard-spots
>Paul Anderson

While it's true that someone with a long experience with Stuart could
make an argument that the castings they now produce aren't as good in ways
as the ones which came out of the old Henley High Street foundry I think
this is a bit on the brutal side.  I guess I'm just lucky.  I machined my
first Stuart kit in 1969, and a number since then, the castings for which
were all flaw-free, and during my time as Stuart dealer I never had to
replace a single faulty casting, as has always been Stuart's policy.  But
no matter, the Ga1 locomotives would be RTR so no one will have to deal
with the castings.



2002-05-02 Thread Paul Anderson

On Thu, 2 May 2002, Harry Wade wrote:

> I did find it odd that Stuarts would discontinue
> their line of Ga1 lost wax detail parts, which did not sell well, and then
> turn a round and announce a line of locomotives.
In my experience, Stuart castings are sub-optimal.  Their cast-iron
castings have a very small machining allowance, warpage and hard-spots
galore.  They have some nice-looking engines, but in the future I plan on
getting my castings elsewhere.

Paul Anderson
"Nature has been kinder to us than we had any right to expect.
--- Freeman Dyson

Re: Regner steam engine

2002-05-02 Thread Mike Eorgoff

Did you ever reach a decision on getting this Loco?

Mike Eorgoff
near Chicago

- Original Message -
From: "Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 1:36 PM
Subject: Regner steam engine

> I have discovered a small mallet to be made by Regner. Total price is
> $2010.43 as near as I can figure converting Euro dollars to US dollars.
> Regner 20850Kit 99633 Württembergische Tssd,  USD $1765.65


2002-05-02 Thread Harry Wade

At 07:04 AM 5/2/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Stuart-Turner, a long time producer of castings and kits for steam engines 
>and accessories, is announcing a line of Gauge 1 locomotives.

I have been in touch with Stuarts about this and they tell me that at
this point it's just a case of "going fishing".  No model(s) are planned
and no schedule is in mind, at least that they are willing to discuss.  Of
course this could have changed in the two months since I was told this, but
even so it never hurts to vote your preference, if you have one, when the
opportunity arrizes.  I did find it odd that Stuarts would discontinue
their line of Ga1 lost wax detail parts, which did not sell well, and then
turn a round and announce a line of locomotives.


Re: Lots of strange non-steam emails

2002-05-02 Thread Harold Wantiez

Dear All,

Yes, I had the W32 virus which made my icons jump and put a Trojan Horse 
in my system.  Up date your virus protection and refer to on line help 
to cure the situation.


Jeffrey Williams wrote:

> I've been getting a lot (1-3 per day) of strange emails lately from
> unrecognizable senders, a strange Subject line and usually no message.
> I'm assuming that these are attempts to pass viruses/worms.  Have any
> others of you on-list been getting these?
> If so, could the sslivesteam address book have come into evil hands?


2002-05-02 Thread Casey Sterbenz


Stuart-Turner, a long time producer of castings and kits for steam engines 
and accessories, is announcing a line of Gauge 1 locomotives.  The link will take you to the 
page that describes what they are trying to do.  There is also a short 
questionnaire about personal interests and preferences.

Casey Sterbenz

Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

Re: Lots of strange non-steam emails

2002-05-02 Thread Alison & Jim Gregg


Yes lots around - on all the lists.  It doesn't necessarilly mean the 
sslivesteam list has got into wrong hands, anyone, ie any list member, with 
an address book  can have their address book raided by the worm / virus, if 
they get the virus.

Jim Gregg.

At 06:56 PM 5/1/02 -0700, you wrote:
>I've been getting a lot (1-3 per day) of strange emails lately from
>unrecognizable senders, a strange Subject line and usually no message.
>I'm assuming that these are attempts to pass viruses/worms.  Have any
>others of you on-list been getting these?
>If so, could the sslivesteam address book have come into evil hands?

Re: Steam Radio Generator - was -(No subject)

2002-05-02 Thread Mike Chaney

Jim wrote:-

> I don't know if this is any help but during World War 2, the British
> developed a small simple steam generating plant to drive clandestine radio
> transmitters in German occupied Europe.  These were air dropped to the
> Partisans and Resistance Workers...

It was in Model Engineer Vol 164, Jan-Jun 1990 in several episodes.

As I recall, it was used out in the woods for charging the batteries, using
locally available fuel. Acoustic and electrical noise would have made reception
rather difficult had it been used for powering the radios directly (as well as
the exhaust steam causing a lot of condensation in Rene's mother-in-law's

'Allo, 'Allo!
