Surprised to find a great photo of sectional railroad track, including a stack of 4 curved sections. The gauge appears to be 24 inches (or maybe it's 60 cm). The location is a steamship coaling depot in Papeete, Tahiti about 1918.

Here's a link to the photo that I posted over at\Track Photos\Papeete Coal.jpg

The photo shows sections of track and four modular switches that fan out to a 10-foot high or so coal heap. If ever you needed to see a prototype for tinplate sectional track this is it. In fact the track is contemporaneous with tinplate. An interesting detail is that the switch points are articulated and are not stub-style. These were high tech switches.

Apparently the track was used to transfer the coal to a pier next to a docked ship, or maybe to a lighter. It looks like the coal was hand-shoveled into wicker baskets about 24" tall. Four of these baskets were placed on a tiny 4-wheel flat car. Because there is no evidence of power equipment for handling the coal I will assume that the flat cars were moved by hand.

The photo is in Captain L.R.W. Beavis' wonderful autobiography 'Passage:
From Sail to Steam'.
The book is full of superb photos of sailing ships, many of which were taken by Captain Beavis. He may have taken the photo in Papeete. All the photos are from his private collection.


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