Re: steam oil vs koi ponds

2001-05-16 Thread Jerry Barnes

My steamer runs right by my pond, but I am the only steamer for hundreds of
miles, so only one ever goes by. I can't see it being a problem.



Re: No Brown Out here

2001-05-14 Thread Jerry Barnes

Salty, if you go on I-80 any across Nebraska, stop in and steam. I live in
the country and have lots of room to park.

Jerry Barnes
Lexington, NE



2001-05-14 Thread Jerry Barnes

In the Omaha World Herald yesterday, they said that the Union Pacific RR is
the biggest user of diesel fuel in the world. We have 3 mainline tracks
going by a half mile from our house, averages a train every 10 minutes,
sometimes three at once.



laying track

2001-04-20 Thread Jerry Barnes

I used Sunset Rail(Was Garich back then!)  code 250 and their tie strips. I
set up my bender outside on a sawhorse. Once I had the rail set, I went to
a flat area and slid the rail into the ties, or ties on the rail, whichever
worked best.

 I used the whole tie strip, did cut out the end of a tie where ever there
was a joint. Then, carried the whole 6' section over and installed it. I
used the Hilman type clamps on the joints.

I like the look of the code 250 a lot, but wonder if the larger profiles
aren't better to use outside, little stronger maybe?  Ties look heftier

I"m not sure if they still have it, but they had two rail tie
configurations, main line and narrow gauge-which had fewer ties, spaced
more apart than the main line.

I used crushed gravel that the local gravel pit grinds up to put in their
asphalt mix. It's quite granular and really tamps down nice and hard, don't
use 'pea gravel' or anything that has round edges for the ballast. I used
2000 lbs of it this year, so buying the chicken grit could be expensive!

hope this helps some,

Jerry(Nebraska steamer)


track bed fix up

2001-04-16 Thread Jerry Barnes

I had a party (of one) this easter weekend, put down 2000 lbs of crushed
gravel and leveled and tamped the track. The body is complaining, but I had
a 'sparkie' go around fine yesterday. Will try the shay, when it warms up
again, was snowing this morning! Ah, Nebraska!



Re: Distilled Water Deviations-Dehumidifier water

2001-04-06 Thread Jerry Barnes

>How about dehumidifier "distilled" water.  Any information on that being OK

I've read in the past that it is fine to use and I've used it myself.
Getting to be that time of year, mine has been kicking on lately in the
basement. I"ve got plenty! Come on down.



Re: New Member Introduction

2001-03-30 Thread Jerry Barnes

Welcome Don, I'm also a teacher(art) and a steamer-but live in Nebraska.
Good group to join.

Jerry Barnes


chemical stains

2001-03-21 Thread Jerry Barnes

A sculpture buddy gave me this:

You asked about what chemicals to use to color bronze? Today there are a
lot of chemicals. The three main chemicals are- Sulfarated pot ash
=BLACK- Feric nitrate=BROWN- Cupric nitrate=GREEN. These are the three
earth tones. You can make a lot of colors from these three. Heat is used
to speed up the chemical reaction. Depending on how strong a mixture of
chemical and water you make and how much heat you use will determine the
shade of color you will get. It is difficult to do the same thing twice.
Did you know the Orientals in the olden days, before chemicals, used to
urinate in a sand pit, then bury the bronze into the sand and let it set
for a day or two, the chemicals in the urine will give you a beautiful
Green patina. They would then rub the piece of art with their hands and
the oils from the hands would coat and protect the bronze. Tried it, it



Hi temp spray paint

2001-03-20 Thread Jerry Barnes

I had pretty good luck using high temp spray paint on my shay. Has held up
pretty well. I used regular One Shot sign paint on the domes and light and
that has held up well also. I did leave my cylinders the brass color though.

Sears automotive has quite a range of colors in the hi temp paints.(I own
no Sears stock!)

Jerry Barnes(the lonely Nebraska steamer)


Re: Brass Coloring

2001-03-19 Thread Jerry Barnes

>Brass can be  coated with a patina, in numerous colors ( black - green
>-brown etc.. )

I've colored my bronze sculptures with patina's, not sure they will work on
brass. Some I used you just brushed on , some you would hang it over the
fumes. Seems like I used muriatic acid on one? Can't remember, has been a
long time ago!  I'll ask a sculpture friend on mine.



Re: oscilating

2001-03-06 Thread Jerry Barnes

Mike Chaney did the engine for my shay, using two of his oscilating
cylinders, he may have some cylinders left to sell, might check with him.



Re: Equipment and weather

2001-02-28 Thread Jerry Barnes

We just had another blizzard here in central Nebraska, the only way I can
tell where my layout is at, is by seeing just the tops of my Alberta
Spruces sticking up here and there. We had no snow last winter and I ran
all the time, now we've had over 3'. What happened to global warming? We
need more steamers to warm the air!

jerry(buried in Nebraska)


graphite pencils(was Russian)

2001-02-23 Thread Jerry Barnes

Artist pencils are graded from 2B to 6B(sometimes 8B) The larger numbers
are softer.  You can also get graphite sticks in the same range. They are
about 1/4" square and would be more sutitable for a larger item, such as a

 I use the soft pencils on the plastic military models of Vietnam guntrucks
that I make-gives a nice metallic 'sheen' to guns and worn metal.

Jerry(lonely Nebraska steamer)



2001-02-22 Thread Jerry Barnes

Here in the Platte River Valley, we have nothing but sand and flat ground.
So I had to truck in lots of soil and tons of rocks to eleveate my track
some to get some relief in the terrain. So, be thankful for what your area
has to offer.




2001-02-22 Thread Jerry Barnes

409 is a Chevy engine of 60's vintage that really hauled and the Beachboys
sang a great song about them!

sorry, couldn't resist,



Re: Latest issue of SitG

2001-02-14 Thread Jerry Barnes

Ron's a great, honest guy and you'll get what you paid for, that's for
sure-every issue!



RE: Machine Oil

2000-12-20 Thread Jerry Barnes

The best oil I've found is from Sulper Steam, it's called Bearing &
Lubricating Oil(not the exact name, but something like that) , it is pretty
viscous and holds onto my shay's u-joints and gears real well. I use one of
their hypodermics to apply the oil, it comes in pint can-so buy it with a
friend and split it up. I think I have a lifetime supply! I even use it on
my old jukebox.

You can access them thru Steam in the Garden's site at   I think.


Re: gauge/scale controversies - Don't read them.

2000-12-08 Thread Jerry Barnes


I'm more humbled now!



gauge/scale contreversies

2000-12-08 Thread Jerry Barnes

All this gauge/scale stuff gets pretty boring.

 It's been discussed ad nauseum everywhere on the net, let's try to keep it
off this one spot-please!

Everyone has his/her opinion and I don't think anyone has ever changed
anyone else's mind. I just like to have fun with it and not get emotional
about personal preferences that one may have(or not, in my case) about
scales/gauges/rivit counting.




Re: Cabooses @ 1:32

2000-12-03 Thread Jerry Barnes

New Bright's caboose is 1/32nd, you would want some new trucks for it and
weather it some but it should look okay.



Re: raised letters

2000-11-29 Thread Jerry Barnes

Scenic Woodlands makes dry transfers still. Most hobby shops carry their
line of rr stuff. could get it custom made by Larry Larsen(see ads in mags)
if he's still going with that.



Re: raised letters-etching

2000-11-28 Thread Jerry Barnes

I have done art etchings on zinc and copper plates. Nitric acid will work
on both of them. You can use a wax block out-called ground(get at an art
supply store) to cover the areas you don't want to be etched. Be sure to
add the acid to the water to dilute it, not the other way around!

On etching plates I used around a 12:1 solution. Bubbles will form that you
should gently brush away with a soft brush every few minutes, this will
give you a cleaner edge. As time goes on, the acid will 'undercut' the edge
of the resist area.

If you are etching the letters below the surface of a master, you could
cover the whole area with the ground, then scratch thru the ground,
exposing the metal and then etch. If you are etching around the letters,
make them a little larger than you want them to be, as the undercut might
make them a little smaller.

Jerry Barnes


soldering alternative

2000-11-21 Thread Jerry Barnes

I used J&B Weld to put the domes on my shay, they've been on for several
years, one is now getting loose. I also used it to put on the clean out
plugs, etc. and they hav held on well, as has the light brackets, etc. They
are all Trackside Castings, Ozarks will melt! I discovered the hard way,
now they are only on my cars I built for the shay to pull.

Jerry Barnes



2000-11-16 Thread Jerry Barnes

>I am looking for turntable ( 45mm gauge, more than 80cm long ).
>Please tell me how to get it.
  The latest issue of Garden Railways has a set of plans to build a
turntable. Might check it out.

Jerry Barnes


Re: Accucraft EXCELSIOR

2000-11-15 Thread Jerry Barnes

Anyone have a picture of this new locomotive?

Jerry Barnes


Re: Allegheny Investor Club (A.I.C.)

2000-11-08 Thread Jerry Barnes

Where can one see a picture of this gold-plated loco? What's amazing is
that I'm sure they will all sell to people who don't have to blink an eye
to write the check. Must be nice.



Graham Twin

2000-11-06 Thread Jerry Barnes

What experience does anyone have with the Grahmn Twin? I know some
shays/climaxes have ben made using it. What is it's reliability, endurance,

just wondering,



Barnes Bio

2000-10-12 Thread Jerry Barnes

I have my 2nd layout in our new house in the country. It's been up for
four years and all the plants have grown in pretty well. It has a pond,
tunnel trestles and bridges. A few small clay buildings I made are the
town. The layout is elevated a foot above the ground.

My only steamer is the Shay I made, using a Roundhouse boiler and an
engine that Mike Chaney made for me from two of his osscilating
cylinders. I made the trucks, frame cab, etc out of brass or wood. It
runs very well and has been very dependable. I also have some various
'sparkers' that I scratchbuilt and are battery powred. I have a McKeen
Car, a Climax and a UP passenger train set that I built for the Aristo
FA-s to pull.

I am an art teacher in central Nebraska. You are welcome to drop by, if
you are traveling on I-80, I am just a couple of miles off the
interstate in Lexington.

I am a loyal subscriber to Steam in the Garden and Garden Railways.
There are a few other layouts springing up around the state, mostly in
the east but a few out here. No other steamers though. One has a
Steamlines Shay that doesn't work  and a Frank S that he never runs.


roundhouse boiler

2000-10-04 Thread Jerry Barnes

I got a Roundhouse boiler for my shay and it's worked great from day one. I
think Vance got a basic kit with the boiler and chassis for his first
locomotive. Good way to start, then you can make your own for the
second-although I've never got to that stage yet. I seem to be content with
one steamer.

I got a good price through the roundhouse dealer in Maine-goes my Smokey, I



Re: How I blew up a butane/propane filled tank

2000-09-11 Thread Jerry Barnes

You can get the propane/butane tank mix by the case from Cross Creek
Enginering(see ads in Steam in the Garden) very reasonably. With what a
steamer costs, I don't feel that we are spending a lot on fuel.  Now, the
price of gasoline is another matter.



Re: PCLS web site up ...

2000-08-28 Thread Jerry Barnes

If they tell you, they have to scald you with steam! So be careful.

>So, who is El Presidente?


Re: Deck for elevated track ...

2000-05-26 Thread Jerry Barnes

How about that new product called Trex for a deck. It's all plastic stuff
in 2x6 size, should be great. Comes is 16' lengths. Our local lumber yard
has it.



want to unsubscribe.

2000-05-26 Thread Jerry Barnes

Can anyone tell me how to unsubscribe? School is out and I want to shut
this down for the summer-like the list, but won't be here to get it.

Like to know today, Friday, if anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it.




Re: Ruby first run

2000-05-15 Thread Jerry Barnes

Wow, you got the baptism of fire, all in one lesson.   Get this many burns
in the navy? Sounds like you are having fun-that's the whole idea.



Re: Live steam on Peter Stuart's RR

2000-05-11 Thread Jerry Barnes

>Hello Listers.
>Peter Stuart has a superb SM 32 empire in Rye Victoria.  Live Steam
>and battery R/C.
>Here are some URL's for pix I took whilst I was testing some new RCS

Wow, great pix and great layout. Now, I'm depressed, my layout doesn't look
nearly that good, but it's coming along. I think we got the algae defeated
in our pond!! Darned stuff.

School will be out in two weeks,(:-)) then I'm going to level the track and
try running the Shay again.

 It derailed a few times at different spots the last time I tried running
it. The ground has settled, so I'm finally going to force the old fat body
to do some work on the roadbed. Groan!

If anyone is coming thru Nebraska this summer on I-80, you are welcome to
drop by run your steamer, or just chat.

I also collect old 45's from the 50's for my jukebox. Anyone have any to
sell? I especially like records from local groups of that era-not
necessarily any famous people. Especially you overseas chaps.

Any of you guys Vietnam Vets? I was over there in 69-70. At this time 30
years ago I had 3 weeks left on my 'vacation' over there. I was a Lt.
running convoys from Qui Nhon to Pleiku. Didn't see any steamers over there
though, saw some in Germany.

 You can contact me off list at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Re: radio control

2000-04-19 Thread Jerry Barnes

Lots of steamers use the RCS system and I've always heard good things about
it. You can e-mail them direct with any questions. They are on LSOL all the
time, Tony is anyway. I don't have it, my steamer is manuel control, some
of my 'sparkies' are controlled by the Aristo TE.



trains on TV

2000-03-27 Thread Jerry Barnes

Anybody see that Awesome Machines(or some such title) yesterday on The
Learning Channel(or Discovery). Showing old trains that people actually
owned. I never realized any private people would /could own a locomotive.
Some pretty awesome machinery. It would be cool to have your own locomotive.

Jerry Barnes


oil(was Steam problems....

2000-03-22 Thread Jerry Barnes

>Is there a good way to get the steam oil out of the can and into the little
>bottle?  {:/
>Trot, the frustrated, fox...  (I wanna play wit my train!)
Get a  syringe from a Vetinary supply store(or Sul.Spgs) Get a larger  one
also for your boiler filling. You might have to put a short length of
silicon tubing on the end. Both work pretty good. I have 3 sizes, the
smallest is for my gear oil for the shay. That's good stuff to get from
Sul. Spgs. also.

Jerry Barnes


Big Boy Steam

2000-03-17 Thread Jerry Barnes

Anybody know if that outift in Texas ever got their Big Boy project going?
I never heard, used to be talk of it on another steam list. Clark, didn't
you know something about it?

Jerry Barnes



2000-03-08 Thread Jerry Barnes

I use a large syringe I got from Sul.Spgs. to fill my boiler in the shay.

 I always preheat my water in a large, insulated coffe cup that has a lid.
I just use the microwave, and the insulated cup holds enough for two runs.

 I have some silicone tubing on the end of my syringe, so I just poke it
thru the hole on the lid of the cup, and suck up the hot water, works fine.

I can't run the shay again until I level out my track. I put it in 3 years
ago, elevating it some and the earth has settled , and things have gotten a
little crooked. So, I'm going to pull up the track(it floats on the gravel)
and level everything out good, tamp it down and put the track back down.

Jerry Barnes
Lexington, NE


Re: Track questions

2000-03-03 Thread Jerry Barnes

I  used Garich(now Sunset?) code 250 track and staggered the joints.  It's
held up fine for me for over 5 years. They sold me some brass clamps with
it that are sort of like the Hilman clamps-probably not necessary, if you
aren't running track power-I'm steam or battery these days.

I used those switch kits(MRE?)  that are sold in GR for the switches.
Sunset(Sun Valley?)  has switch kits also for about the same price.



Re: Whistle

2000-02-29 Thread Jerry Barnes

There's been some good articles in Steam in the Garnden on whistles, one in
the latest issue, can't remember the author, but he's thinking about making
some to sell-down the road. Might check it out. He's had several in this
last year or so.

Jerry Barnes


Re: does anybody know how a Steamlines smoke generator works, please?

2000-02-23 Thread Jerry Barnes

>I have been given what I think are the parts for a Steamlines smoke
>generator. I think that it was fitted to the Shay.
>Can anybody please help with advice, or preferably a sketch or image
>of how it all fits together??

Most people block off this function anyway, if you can get it to run , you
are doing better than most people. It is not a good engine. Clark Lord is
the expert on these, but he even sold his!



Re: Butane Fuel

2000-02-21 Thread Jerry Barnes

I think the best source for fuel is Cross Creek Engineering-they have an ad
in Steam in the Garden. You get a case of big cans. It's butane, plus 20%
propane. A case will last a long time. I got mine last year, so I'm not
sure of prices-old brains! Check him out.

Jerry Barnes


Re: Diamond Stack for Ruby

2000-02-07 Thread Jerry Barnes

>Does anyone know where I can find a diamond stack to fit on my Ruby?  I've
>checked my Ozark Miniatures and Trackside Details catalogs (both over a year
>old) and did not find anything.
>Don Plasterer

Apparently, TD just put one out, have to get a new catalog.



steam plume fix

2000-02-07 Thread Jerry Barnes

When I built my shay, I had the exhaust down in the smokebox, and got a
very small  plume of steam. I added a piece, getting the exhaust up into
the stack and -Voila!(sp?) I had a great plume, worked for me anyway..

 I have a funnel for the stack, the  exhaust pipe comes up to where the
funnel spreads out. I have a brass screen resting in the top, this hides
the pipe. I used a Roundhouse boiler

Jerry Barnes
central Neb.


Re: Elevated Track

2000-02-01 Thread Jerry Barnes

>(is it most of us are getting too old to be crawling around on the ground
>or bending over?)
I made my layout about a foot off the ground, it is part of the garden, so
it is elevated on dirt, trestle and bridges. I like the RR to blend into
the landscape and look natural

. It would be a lot easier to adjust and fiddle with your controls, if it
is elevated on poles. None of those out h'yar in the plains.

Jerry Barnes



2000-01-24 Thread Jerry Barnes

>Ok, here's a question. You say to use the stabilo pencil to lay out your
>lettering. The part that I question is painting over the wax base pencil
>letters. I'm not saying it won't work , but I do question it. Unless of
>course I'm wrong about the technique.
>Phil.P. Reading,Pa.
Hi Phil,
   I read about this years ago and had the same questions, but never had
any problems with it. I don't understand it either, but it works.



Re: Oscillating in-line twin/track base

2000-01-24 Thread Jerry Barnes

Mike Chaney made my osscilating twin for my shay. He used two of his
cylinders that he used to make and put them together for me. If he has any
left, he might make you one. I like the action of the oscillators, cracks
me up, as it goes.

I love it Mike! Ran it this weekend. Discovered my track is getting pretty
bumpy, with winter frost heaves and such. Major track work to be done this

Anyone put any dry concrete powder in their base and wet it down, to make
it more permanent? How does it work out? Proportions?



Re: hand lettering

2000-01-24 Thread Jerry Barnes

Being an art teacher I got into a sign business also: Here's some helpful
hints, I learned over the years.

An easy way to do weathered looking lettering, is to use a Stabilo pencil.
You can get this wax base pencil at Art or Sign supply stores. Drawing
lightly, you can easily erase your mistakes with water or alcohol. You can
also use it to lay out your lettering, then paint over it.

Scotch tape, burnished down with your fingernail, works real good for
masking the top and bottom of letters that go straight across. Then, you
can start your straight stroke on the tape, drag it down and end on the
tape on the bottom. Peel it off , as soon as you get through lettering.

Clean the area to be lettered with alcohol.

Curved letters are slightly taller and descend slightly below straight
across letters. Vance is right, on lettering a curved letter, twirl the
brush between your fingers as you go around a curve.

Good brushes are critical, a gray squirrel lettering brush is your best
bet, you can get them in real small sizes, at sign supply shops. They cost,
but are worth it. You can't do decent lettering with a bad brush.

We do most of our signage anymore with vinyl, using a cutter hooked up to
the computer. A local sign shop could cut you the letters(they will all be
in one strip, with all the letters together, making a word, not seperate
letters you stick on.) They will of course, look new.

They can also cut it and weed out the letters, leaving what you put on as a
stencil, then stipple or spray it and then, peel off the stencil.

My wife has cut me letters as small as 1/4" high for my train cars. You can
get the lettering(vinyl) in many colors.

feel free to ask me any other questions.

Jerry Barnes


Wood Cab

2000-01-21 Thread Jerry Barnes

I've had a wood cab on my shay, that I built, for 3  years. I've never had
any problems with it getting signed, or any other heat related problems(the
derailment is another matter!).

So, I don't think you have to worry about it catching on fire. The Maxwell
Hemmens used to come with a wooden cab also, as I recall.

Vance's cab looks to be  well designed. It even has a friend near here
thinking about getting a Ruby, that would double the amount of small scale
steamers here in central Nebraska!  There is a big contingement of the
hernia size steamers here in the state, with two tracks.

Jerry Barnes


Re: Selling an Engine

2000-01-19 Thread Jerry Barnes

>OK List
>What is the best way to sell an engine through the mail to someone you don't

Hey, we're all honest here, by the way I have some good seafront land for
sale cheap, in Florida.

I restore jukeboxes also and was talking to a guy about getting parts from
him and whether he'd take a personal check. He said he would, but when he
gets bad checks, he tells everyone in the jukebox community and the guy can
never get any other parts. Of course, you aren't getting your money back.

E-bay has some sort of escrow service at their site, not sure if it's only
for them or not, might check that out.

Jerry Barnes


Re: New roster

2000-01-18 Thread Jerry Barnes

>At 10:23 AM -0800 1/18/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>Would there be any way to have the bio included in the list?
>What sez the group? Is this desirable?
Sounds good to me,

Jerry Barnes
the lonely Nebraska steamer


Re: Not at Diamondhead

2000-01-14 Thread Jerry Barnes

Hey, I'm still here, doing my semester grades at school. 3 years till I
retire, then I'll be there!



Re: Build? Save money? Tell on Vance!

1999-11-16 Thread Jerry Barnes

   I remember your article in GR. I was going to build it, then heard of
people having problems. Guess that was the ones you talked about?

 If one follows the instructions, will it come out okay? I will give it a
shot again, if you say so. I think I can follow directions-most of the time!

 What size of battery charger is good? I have a small one, and a large one.
Be nice to have the machine.

Really appreciate your web site, have to get back and see the Ruby stuff.

thanks, Jerry


Re: Steamlines osimotor(alternative) shay and J&B weld

1999-11-01 Thread Jerry Barnes

Check out the latest issue of Steam in the Garden.

 There is a nice article on dropping a Grahmn two cylinder engine into a
Geoff shay. Might consider putting one in your Steamlines. I've got
one(Steamlines) that belongs to a friend, never could get it going.

 The Grahmn engine is supposed to be real good, only read great things
about it. Don't have one myself. Might in the future!

The shay I built has a two cylinder engine that Mike Chaney made for me.
Still runs great Mike, good to see you on the list.

I used J&B weld to attach the domes to my shay boiler wrap and also for the
bell. Been on a long time, one seems to be getting a little loose. Tried
super glue and loctite first, and they fell off , after a few steamings.
Good stuff.

Lexington, Nebraska


Re: Ruby run time

1999-10-06 Thread Jerry Barnes

   With a larger fuel tank, is the Ruby in danger of running out of water
before running out of fuel? Or, is there that much extra water in the
boiler that having more gas is still ok.

What burner modifications were made?

Might order one of these yet.

I also use the 70-30% butane/propane mix in my Roundhouse boiler and have
had no problems. The water tank I made to put the gas tank in sure helped
to smooth out it's running, especially in colder weather, although I use it
in the summer also.



Ruby run time

1999-10-06 Thread Jerry Barnes

Ruby owners,
   Ron Brown said you only get about a 10 minute run out of them. Is that
true? If so, I see new fuel tanks and water pumps in their future. Be a
hassle refilling it all the time. Like to hear your experiences with it.




1999-10-05 Thread Jerry Barnes

Hi guys,
   On my shay, I use some oil I got from SSprg. It's Bearing and Motion
Oil(I believe) The stuff really clings great to the gears and holds on
well. It comes in quart cans, so probably a lifetime supply. Works great
though, I recommend it highly.

I use a syringe I got from them to apply it. I also use a big syringe
for putting the water in the boiler. I usually pre-heat my water in the
microwave, in a big insulated, coffee cup. Holds enough for two steamings.

   On my layout, I've always used metal cars and trucks-either the banks,
or some of the metal body models they sell. This summer,  I tried a plastic
model truck kit, it has held up well to 100 degree Nebraska summers. I did
have a lead weight in it. Anybody else use plastic models on their layout?


Re:1/32nd caboose was- MDC box cars

1999-09-20 Thread Jerry Barnes

>Hello list,
>Now to solve that pesky problem of the lack of a 1:32 scale caboose
>anywhere on the market...
 The caboose in the New Bright sets is about 1/32nd. I repainted and
weathered  a garage sale one, I also put glass in the windows. It came out
looking okay.  If you put new trucks/couplers on, it should come out
looking pretty good.

Another thing I've read about is to glue wood strips on top of the
plastic, for better texture and make it a little bigger. I've been using
coffee stir sticks. They are cut to just the right side for wood siding on
cabooses/freight cars/coaches.

 I've seen new sets for sale in the local wal-mart. Out where you are,
there is probably a dealer with the stuff and you can buy just a caboose.
They sure are ugly, in their stock paint and chrome.

   By the way, my shay is still running great. How's your project coming?
I'm finally getting some  shay truck/journal castings-I think. At least,
that's what Chuck told me!

steam on,



Re: And the House Burned to the Ground

1999-01-17 Thread Jerry Barnes

Thanks Clark,
   I'm with USAA also(30 someodd years). Glad I'm covered! I used to race
RC cars(gas, 1/8th scale) and had to get insurance thru ROAR for that.
Guess there is no national organization for small steamers. Maybe there
should be.
