Hi All;

            The big bummer was the rainiest Saturday anyone ever remembered
PLS for their Meet. I mean it rained all day hard. We needed it as it has
been fairly dry here for the last month, But....    Sunday made up for it as
the smiles returned and the tracks filled with trains. I do mean filled with
trains. Watch the signals and the guy in front! I didn't get a count of the
trains there, but the big turntable was full as were the tracks. And we had
4 main lines of Gauge-1 track running. Those hardy souls stretched a canopy
over the steam up area on the big track and got some running in on Saturday.
The trains got wet, but the operators stayed dry. Well,sort of any way.  I
didn't get an accurate count of the Gauge-1 runners either.

    Mike Moore brought his portable track as well as the "big track"  with
some added turnouts for more storage and more convenient turnouts for
getting from inside to outside loop. One more to add and then finish the
special Gauge-1 storage building. That'll be neat because then we'll have
the Quirks nice turntable to use. More train storage area! You can't get
enough. By the big fall meet, where we hope to see a bunch of list regulars,
all should be ready. That one will be Sept1 and 2.  More soon on that one!

Phil.P. Reading,PA.


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