Re: Gordon's Sloppy Coat Tails

2000-09-17 Thread Cgnr

My dogs, who are both dead now, knew when earthquakes were going to hit.  
Sometimes many hours before they happened.  They went crazy when the Big Bear 
quake hit 25 miles from my house.  (So did I, I was in my workshop.)
On another note Jackie and I spent the day designing the new track for 
the C.G.N.R.  It will be a L-shape with minimum of six foot radius.  It 
certainly is a pleasure to have a woman who is interested in helping and 
actually knows what is going on!  Anyway, it kept her mind off the fact that 
her daughter is in Crystal River, Fl right at the center of the storm (No 
contact, most likely evacuated). This will be a partially elevated track as 
the slope is fairly severe.  The high area is 45" above the low area, which 
will make a nice steamup area.  This first loop will be about 125 feet.
Bob Starr   

Re: Gordon's Sloppy Coat Tails

2000-09-17 Thread Ktaylorlv

In a message dated 9/17/2000 9:31:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> I do.  Unscrew all the way and apply almost any lube (that doesn't attack 
>  ring) to ring and threads.
>  Jim Crabb 
I do too, only I use Dow - Corning High Vacumm Silicone Grease. It's clean 
tenacious, and won't eat up the o-ring.
Keith Taylor 

Re: Gordon's Sloppy Coat Tails

2000-09-17 Thread SALTYCRABB

In a message dated 09/17/00 7:50:46 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Does anybody use lube on the "O" ring on the needle valve that controls
 the amount of flow of butane? The one I'm referring to is a Roundhouse SR &
 RL 24. >>

I do.  Unscrew all the way and apply almost any lube (that doesn't attack "O" 
ring) to ring and threads.

Jim Crabb 

Re: Gordon's Sloppy Coat Tails

2000-09-17 Thread Phil. Paskos

Walt & list;   A number of years ago, I was owned by a beagle. One evening
the beagle became very disturbed for no apparent reason. Thirty seconds
later, we were hit by an earthquake. Not much of a quake as quakes go, but
enough to rattle the dishes. They do know.

Does anybody use lube on the "O" ring on the needle valve that controls
the amount of flow of butane? The one I'm refering to is a Roundhouse SR &
RL 24. I've heard some talk that this is a good thing to do, but don't know
any of the details.

Phil.P. Reading,Pa.

> Hi,
> After six years, Mr. Lunkenheimer has developed a sure way to wake me up
> he feels I need to be roused from a deep sleep. I remove both hearing aids
> when I go to bed, so for all practical purposes, I am deaf. At 5:14 AM
> morning as I was peacefully sleeping, a cold wet nose invaded my left ear.
> was awake immediately!
> When I went to bed Saturday night, Gordon was well off shore and
> NNE. He was a category one hurricane, but nothing to get panicky about. I
> up and looked out the window to see some pretty strong lightening all
> us.
> I put in my hearing aids and turned on the TV to the weather channels. The
> local NOAA official channel was out of service for technical difficulties
> (figures, taxpayer money!), so I tuned in the Weather Channel. There was
> beeping and the crawler at the bottom of the screen announced that NOAA
> just announced a tornado alert for our area. One was being tracked by
> radar a few miles to the North of us. At that time the ground was dry and
> had not had any rain over night. About three minutes later it started to
> rain. So far today we have had 5.45" of rain in my rain gauge. Some gusty
> winds, but nothing severe.
> One tornado did touch ground on Pine Island, in Matlachay -- near Dave
> and Barb Conroy's home, but it did no damage there. They are fellow live
> steamers and are "up North" for the summer.
> It is still raining, but not really hard at this time. Hopefully,
> outer bands from Gordon will get out of here soon. Imagine, a whole Sunday
> and no steaming! Well, paradise isn't perfect!
> The real question is, how did Lunk know the tornado alert was just
> issued when he woke me up?
> Saving our steam till another day,
>  Walt & Lunk

Re: Gordon's Sloppy Coat Tails

2000-09-17 Thread Ktaylorlv

In a message dated 9/17/2000 5:46:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> The real question is, how did Lunk know the tornado alert was just being 
>  issued when he woke me up? 
Dogs are VERY sensitive to air pressure drops! Since getting our little mutt 
from the dog pound, we don't need the weather channel any more. Our little 
guy can even tell when my daily nap is over, whether or not I agree. He 
doesn't seem to like the steamers at all, and he has a fit when I fire up the 
old Indian Motorcycle!
Keith T.  In the Maine woods where the leaves are a'changin! 

Re: Gordon's Sloppy Coat Tails

2000-09-17 Thread VR Bass


Keep that dog around -- in general, they're smarter than we are.  (Ever see a 
dog in a suit and tie, for example?)  I hope Gordon misses you by a long way, 
in fact misses Florida altogether.  If it's gonna hit, why  not clear out Myrtle 
