Re[2]: What grade material to use?

2004-07-09 Thread Bert & Edmunda
To all interested

While on this subject of using steel if there is  any sharp
bending to be done it could be of some advantage to know the rolling
direction of the plate. Sharp bends 90° to the rolling direction can
cause fractures of the steel. Particularly on harder sorts. Whereas
bending across the "grain" will show no cracks. The judicious use of
heat will straighten plate better than a hammer without stretching it
and ripples are in my opinion best removed by rolling a radius into
the steel then taking the radius out in the rolls.


Bert &  Edmunda

Re[2]: What grade material to use?

2004-07-08 Thread Bert & Edmunda
Hi Harry,

I'm surprised to see that you still get mild steels with the mill scale
still on it.  Nearly all the steel plate in the part of Europe where I live
is sandblasted. The reason is that the mill scale inhibits good flame
and Laser cutting. Added to this, mill scale is very much of a problem
in welding.   I use the same cut off material which is usually to be
collected from behind the plate shears etc. If you need particular
forms and you have a CAD programme on your computer or access to one
or pay the programmer a beer you may be able to get the machine
minder to laser cut your parts. I got 1mm (1/16th approx.) mild steel
passenger car sides and parts cut perfectly with no scale to clean for
a couple of €'s (beer money) I got enough parts for 9 cars complete
with laser engraved sides. I then silver solder the corners only then
soft solder between the silver soldered corners to provide strength at
the corners without the heat warping in the middle it works and the
cars are over a half meter long. I use 3mm (1/8th approx)laser cut mild
steel for my G1 loco frames and horn-guides. A quick run through with
the miller and that's it. laser is very good for American loco frames.
Oh just one point is do not like plastic windows so I use 1mm glass
microscope slides from the next laboratory (usually throw aways) and
which cuts well So I have 1mm steel outside 1mm wood with 1mm glass set
into the window outcuts then a 1mm plywood inside wall. There is no
distortion when making photos through the windows and the glass is
between the steel outside and the wood inside. Laser cutting has saved
me weeks of work for about the cost of having tools sharpened.

Has anyone seen a summer this year?  We came out of winter direct into
the monsoons.  16°c with rain in July!!!

Another quicky.  Ive just been told a woman who is married to model
steam fan is a widow who's husband is not dead yet!.  Oh well!!

Keep your steam pressure up and your blood pressure down.

Regards to all

in the Austrian Alps.

Bert &  Edmunda