
My German is not too good but it looks like the Big Boy shown is electric, not live steam, although I did hear that Accucraft was planning a live steam version. That price was probably for the electric version. I was following that Ebay auction on the Big Boy kit and couldn't believe the price it sold for.
Covington, LA
Timber & Tallow Branch RR

Subject: Accucraft prototypes at Intl Toy Fair

Manfried Meliset, publisher of GartenBahn, sent a note with some photos
of new items from the International Toy Fair in N=FCrnberg, Germany.

He saw prototypes of Accucraft's live steam K-28 (I had heard this was
coming, but hadn't seen details) and Big Boy(!). Maybe I saw the Big Boy
before and immediately forgot it because it's out of my area of interest,
but when I read the suggested price it stuck this time: would you believe
4850 Euro? (That's US$6300 at today's rate.) We just saw an unbuilt
Aster Big Boy go for $17500 on eBay; this guy could have save 2/3 of that
and a LOT of building time if he could have waited until next year...


Vance Bass
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Small-scale live steam resources:


Message Number: 6
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 19:40:11 +0100
From: Bert & Edmunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Accucraft prototypes at Intl Toy Fair


The Accucraft model will probably be to little hands on. There is
always something to do to Aster models that is if the wind doesn't blow
the fire out!  The Accucraft K-27 is almost boring, fire her up and let
her run for the next 50 minutes.  (almost like an electric model) The
boiler on a Big Boy  must be vast.

Bert &  Edmunda


Message Number: 7
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 19:55:02 +0100
From: Bert & Edmunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Gartenbahn photos

To All

Sneak preview.

The photos from the German magazine "Gartenbahn" can be seen at the
following address. Sorry still in German text The English is still not
finished.  This has been
OK ed by the publisher
Manfred R. Meliset


------------------------- Bert & Edmunda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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