Hallo Guus,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. In my comments below, I haven't yet provided suggested text, but I wanted to reply quickly and I will send another note when I can make concrete proposals.

On 10/31/23 3:18 PM, Guus der Kinderen wrote:

Thank you for the work that has gone into this.

To me, the document is clearly worded.

That's good to hear.

I would appreciate elaboration on the sentence "Humour is not a mitigating factor here" in section 2.3.

I expect that Dave meant "perhaps you were merely trying to be humorous, but that doesn't excuse a poor choice of words".

An additional suggestions is to add a reminder that we do not all share a common cultural background or even a native language and that this can easily introduce confusion of tongues.

That is an excellent point. I will formulate some text about that.

To what extent will this document, once adopted, be not only applicable to all of the XSF's Activities, but also be the singular source of policy? Does that need to be specified?

I expect this document would be the single source of policy on the topics it covers. If we learn that we've missed something important, we'll need to update the XEP. Defining policy for the same topic in two places would be confusing.

As for the applicability: much (all?) of the violations that I witnessed are simple spamming or abusive behaviours in MUC rooms. The definition of desired vs undesirable behaviour that's in this document can help in those cases, but the process on section 5 is less applicable. I doubt that this document intends to make moderators of a room go through a procedure of Reporting to the Conduct Team, prior to issuing a ban. Should this document more explicitly allow for action to be taken outside of the procedure defined in section 5?

Yes, it should. I'll think about this, as well, and propose text in a future message.


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