
Following are the thoughts:

Each side can send its own keep-alive whitespace packet intelligently
considering the traffic and the reqmt to keep persistent connections.

Devices specifically should intelligently see the n/w behind which they are
and keep on calibrating the keep alive whitespace until they reach a point
where connection does not break.

So this is application specific reqmt and would differ from app to app.

Thanks & Regds,

On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 7:17 AM, Kim Alvefur <z...@zash.se> wrote:

> On Tue, 2011-07-19 at 19:13 -0600, Matthew A. Miller wrote:
> > This is great for desktops, but less than ideal for mobile.
> Perhaps a generic "please apply resource policy $foo"-spec could be
> thougt up? So you could tell the server that you're on a constrained
> link and have it activate various measures.
> Or do we have this already? <identity category="client" type="phone"/> ?
> How about a Informal XEP about applying ping/keepalive/buffering based
> on that?
> --
> Kim Alvefur <z...@zash.se>

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