Re: [Standards] Comments on SIFT

2010-03-10 Thread Jack Moffitt
> With per-message filtering this changes to something like this:
>  3. loop over the resultset and send all _allowed_ messages to the
> newly available resource
>  4. for each sent message, DELETE FROM offline_messages WHERE JID ==
> ${account_jid} and MESSAGEID == $(unique_message_id)
> This could be optimized somewhat, but would still be relatively complex.

This is a non-issue. The problem here is how expensive it is to find
each message to delete, but you have a list of IDs. You can avoid all
the overhead of multiple queries by sending a single SQL statement:

DELETE FROM offline_messages WHERE jid == ${account_id} and message_id
IN (@unique_message_ids)

This should probably be more efficient than the non-allow case,
because there are less messages to delete than the full list.


Re: [Standards] LAST CALL: XEP-0244 (IO Data)

2009-09-14 Thread Jack Moffitt
>> > What I would prefer:
>> >
>> > 1. An Asynchronous Ad-Hoc Commands XEP.
>> I agree that it makes sense to split the asynchronicity stuff out of
>> XEP-0244 into a separate spec -- perhaps a new XEP but I think
>> preferably a revised version of XEP-0050 so that everything about the
>> core of ad-hoc commands is in one specification.
> A revised XEP-0050 sounds fine.

+1 from me.


Re: [Standards] XEP-0175 feedback

2009-09-14 Thread Jack Moffitt
I'm fine with those amendments, Dave.


Re: [Standards] XEP-0175 1.2rc1

2009-09-14 Thread Jack Moffitt
> No!  trace data should, at most, just be logged.  It's intended to have no
> semantic value.  By using it to identify a particular anonymous user (across
> sessions) you are adding a semantic.

I don't have strong feeling for this, but I thought I'd point out the following.

This was Andy's use case:

"I anticipate looking at a large number of anonymous BOSH connections
and wanting to know which blogs they are looking at without having to
look up their pubsub subscriptions."

That sounds a lot like logging to me.


Re: [Standards] XEP-0175 1.2rc1

2009-09-11 Thread Jack Moffitt
> My use is more of a lazy hack. I want to use the anonymous JID
> resource to store information about BOSH clients. For example, we
> could have a number of web pages on different domains connecting via
> proxy to a single BOSH service and we would like to know at a glance
> the domain name of the site they are connecting from

Wouldn't a better way to do this be the RFC 4505 trace data?  You
could put shuch data into the  element and use it on the
backend or whereever to identify users this way.  I assume that is the
purpose of trace data.

This however, may not be well supported in servers.  I only thought of
it as I saw it mentioned at the end of the recommendation section of
the XEP 175 changes.


[Standards] XEP-0175 feedback

2009-09-11 Thread Jack Moffitt
In general, the proposed changes in v1.2 at

are sound ones.  I do however have some minor points to raise.

1) The current wording states that anonymous users SHOULD NOT be able
to establish long term relationships.  I believe this is too strong.
I think that it will be quite common to use SASL ANONYMOUS clients to
do things like pubsub scriptions and creating muc rooms.  My team and
I have done this in nearly every app we've written.  I do however
agree that it makes sense to tear these down once the session is over.

I propose the following wording instead:

Anonymous users MAY establish relationships with services and users if
allowed by sever policy such as presence subscriptions, multi-user
chat rooms, and pubsub subscriptions.  If a server permits these
relationships, it MUST cancel such relationships when the user's
session ends.

I might add another sentence as well:

It is not recommended that SASL ANONYMOUS users add human contacts to
their rosters, as this may create odd user experiences.

2) The next line states that users SHOULD NOT store things on the
server, and that if so the server MUST delete them.  This is also
overly restrictive.  I can see several use cases where one would want
to temporarily store something on the server and retrieve it in
another session, similar to an HTTP cookie.  I think that it should be
the server operators perogative to allow or disallow storage and to
determine when that storage is undone.

Perhaps changing the MUST to MAY is enough.

I do think that Peter's previous feedback of there being two different
scenarios is spot on.  Some of us see this as "what should SASL
ANONYMOUS users be able to do on" and some of us are not
running IM servers, but using SASL ANONYMOUS as a tool in a bigger

I think the above wording proposals are good enough for both cases,
but if people feel strongly otherwise, I think we may have to split
this into two sections of recommendations for the different use cases.


[Standards] SASL digest-uri issues

2009-03-12 Thread Jack Moffitt
So RFC 2831 says:

digest-uri-value  = serv-type "/" host [ "/" serv-name ]

and RFC 3920 does not seem to specify anything else.

Implementations seem to expect xmpp/DOMAIN whre DOMAIN is the domain
part of the JID.

One reading of 2831 might lead one to implement something like:

This is actually bad news, because BOSH clients will not be able to
get this extra SRV information, unless the connection manager returns
it somehow.

Should we add some language to 3920bis to lock this down so that we
don't have implementations that are incapable of BOSH?


Re: [Standards] Namespaces, specifications, and protocol life cycles

2008-10-07 Thread Jack Moffitt
> urn:xmpp:protoname:1
> That last portion we'll treat as a version number. Any time we cause
> incompatibility between versions of the XEP, we update it. (Note, that's not
> "every new XEP").

I dislike this solution.  One reason is that matching against two
choices (one with :tmp: and one without) is a fairly easy XPath
expression.  It's also easy to transition code from :tmp: to code
without :tmp: over time.  Adding in a number means that you now have
to use regular expressions in your XPath or have potentially three or
more possible choices.

Another reason is that we may end up with various incompatible
implementations instead of delaying implementation.  It's pretty easy
to make an argument that server XYZ should drop the :tmp: namespace in
the next major version once a draft has reached a certain point.  It's
a lot different to ask people to switch from version 2 to version 3.

Elsewhere in this thread someone stated that MIME is stuck at 1.0.
HTTP is at 1.1 and may never move.  In reality the standards don't
change so much that version numbers are needed in the URNs.

I'd like to see a clearer statement of the problem to solve rather
than so much debate over nuances of a proposed solution.  It seems
there is some hesitancy over implementing a protocol containing :tmp:
in the name.  There is also of course the problem if distinguishing
between versions of a particular protocol when it has gone through
some major revisions.

I don't know that there is a good solution for the latter problem.
All protocols experience this catch-22 at the start.  Implementations
are slow to move forward when the protocol changes enough to warrant
significant investment to retool code.  It's true that some protocols
use version numbers for this, but typically the amount of versions
being supported is either quite low, or care is taken such that each
version is merely a superset of an earlier version (ie, HTML, HTTP).
The other mechanism is to make new protocol or layer over one.  This
happened with TLS for example. In our own world, vcard avatars are an
example where the protocol got, not a new version, but a new name.

> When they pass a certain maturity level, they become "urn:xmpp:protoname".
> This is great, but we don't do this until they pass a maturity level which
> is often hard to judge without implementation experience.

There is another solution to the reluctance to implement which also
takes some of the ambiguity out of the time line here.  That is to
issue the canonical urn as soon as a XEP draft is accepted by the
council.  Why wait until it has reached some nebulous maturity level?
If we accept a XEP, immediately issue it a urn.  This is early enough
in the life cycle that it should not affect implementers, and urns are
infinite in number.  We need not worry about wasting them.  If we are
worried about name space collisions I suggest adopting a year into the
urn like so:


If that protocol became historic or was otherwise out of us, we could
issue urn:xmpp:2010:microblogging to whatever took over.  I'm not sure
we have so many XEPs that such a convention is needed.

Hopefully I'm not missing something.  As it stands, I'm not convinced
versioning URNs is warranted or helpful.


Re: [Standards] presence priority -1 issues

2008-07-29 Thread Jack Moffitt
> 1.  stanzas to the bare JID should not be send to this client
>   because no user will read it. Use message storage or whatever a
>   server may do with such a message.

Agreed, and this required by RFC 3921. (Section 11.1  Rule 4.1).

> 2.  stanzas to the full JID should be send to this client.
>   There is a reason why the sender used the full JID for that
>   message. It could be an IBB using message for two non-chat
>   applications exchanging data.

Also required by RFC 3921.  (section 11.1 Rule 1).

> 3.  should be send to all clients or two non-chat clients
>   will never find each other to send messages to the full JID.

Also required by RFC 3921. (Section 11.1 Rule 4.2).

Clearly Jabberd2 and Google Talk are not compliant in this respect and
need to be fixed.  I'm preparing a detailed bug report for both, but
if those guys are listening, please fix this asap pretty please...
 with sugar on top?


Re: [Standards] New Proto-XEP: Multi-User Gaming

2008-07-27 Thread Jack Moffitt
> Our problem is that we found no elegant way to extent MUC with all the
> features it provides. Because MUC is big and provides features we don't
> need and it's difficult to integrate our idea in MUC.

It is quite easy to extend MUC.  One way is through plugins in your
muc implementation.  For example, Chesspark creates a new role in our
game MUCs called "player".  Players don't normally receive messages to
the room from non-players.  This is so that people watching the game
cannot interrupt them or help them accidentally.  However, player chat
is seen by everyone.

Another way to extend muc is just to invent some new adhoc comments
and implement them in the muc.

> For example if we join a game room it's complicated to handle the MUC
> affiliation, MUC role, game role and the game state in the existing
> stanzas and to enter the room in two steps make the process slow and we
> have redundant messages.

I think you're prematurely optimizing here.  At Chesspark the arbiter
sends a game start message to both players that tells them which room
to join.  Arbiter and both players all join the room.  Arbiter sets
the appropriate roles for the players and sends state.  Players send
iq requests to arbiter directly to affect game state, and arbiter
broadcasts state changes to the room for everyone.  When new people
join, arbiter directly messages them the current state.

It's not a single stanza, but it is not overly verbose and it works
great.  It's very easy to put hooks into the MUC component to fast
track messages from trusted components, and this can make processing
messages extremely efficient.

> Also routing game turns can be incompatible with the MUC rooms, so that
> we can't provide messages to only a part of the players (for example a
> team).

We already do this with our palaver extension for new roles.  You
could easily have a team role with a name or id, and then do delivery
based on that.  Or you could utilize multiple muc rooms.

> On the other hand implementing a small new gaming protocol is simpler
> as to find a way to modify the existing MUC implementations that it can
> be used for gaming. We think our proposal is very flexible so it's
> possible to implement small game clients without MUC (and for example
> use another client for communicate) or support additionally ways of
> communication such as jingle.

This is an age old debate in the jabber community. Whether games need
a muc or an arbiter.  In the general case an arbiter is necessary, and
certainly MUCs are natural tools for gaming.  We've been doing
multiplayer XMPP games for 3 years now, and I can tell you that MUCs
work very well.

>> Does it mean the server part must know the rules?
> Yes, since we need server support for gaming (for routing, saving games
> such as the client don't have the complete knowlege), the server has to
> know the game rules. This can support simpler and smaller clients and we
> have a sigle point of trust for validation.

We do this as well, and the component is named Arbiter (as mentioned
above).  It does allow the clients to be simpler, although for some
games this savings is not great if you want to provide a great UI.
For example, none of the Chesspark clients have to know the specific
rules of any chess variant, but they do need general information on
how pieces can move if you want to support features like allowed
square highlighting.  I suppose you could do this through the
protocol, but it could potentially be a lot of data to send.

I suggest anyone that is working in this area should also create a
Chesspark account (it's free and works with your existing jabber
accounts) and look at the protocol a little bit.  We've not yet
documented it, but we do plan to do so, and our clients are GPL.   I
gave a small presentation of it at XMPP Summit 5, and if anyone is
interested, I'm happy to write up a summary on my blog.


Re: [Standards] presence priority -1 issues

2008-07-27 Thread Jack Moffitt
>> It's possible this is just a UI problem.
> I remember chatting to Pedro Melo about this back in February, and I
> believe our conclusion back then was just that clients will start
> showing -1 as a non-chat resource, or somesuch, depending on how
> general usage pans out

Ok, fair enough, but there are other problems.

Jabberd2 and Google Talk both refuse to send presence to resources at
priority -1.  This is fatal for us with Speeqe since this means you
will never receive muc presence from the room.  I haven't tested this
yet with Palaver, but this is the case with ejabberd 2.x muc component
when using either jabberd2 or google talk accounts to access them.

I hope that I am just missing something.


[Standards] presence priority -1 issues

2008-07-24 Thread Jack Moffitt
At XMPP Summit 5 this past week it became clear that lots of people
are using or are planning to use presence priorities of -1 to allow
specialized clients access to various XMPP resources.  At Speeqe we do
this so that our MUC client doesn't steal private messages.  I believe
that Fritzy at Seesmic said that Twhirl would soon start doing this
now that they have XMPP support there for

This has lead me to discover  some small usability problems.

It looks like the spec requires that users with presence priority -1
be shown as available, but I'm not sure if I'm missing something in
the spec or if it is just underspecced. says that
the server must reply from all "available" resources, but it does not
say how this interacts with negative presence priorities.

The unwelcome side-effect of this is that if you are online only in
negative priority mode you show as available to all your contacts, but
you cannot receive any messages to the bare jid.  This is pretty
confusing for people trying to talk to you.

Is this a nuisance we have to live with?  Can a clarification be made
here?  Can the different server authors tell us what they have done in
this edge case?  Thoughts?


Re: [Standards] XEP-0045: roomnick case

2007-07-26 Thread Jack Moffitt

Currently in XEP-0045, roomnicks are case-sensitive. To be precise
roomnicks are handled according to the Resourceprep profile of stringprep:

This means that the following roomnicks are all different:


Some people have pointed out that this can be confusing to end users.

Not only this, but it's very easy to "steal" someone's identity when
they are not there.  You just log in with their normal nick.

At Chesspark we make all public rooms non-anonymous and we always show
the full jid or (if they are in your roster) the roster nick for that
person.  That way no one is ever confused who is who.  So we've
basically solved this in the client.  All this nick stuff stuff is so
IRCish anyway.  It's nice if what you want is an anonymous room, but
for everything else, it's just a mess IMO.

After trying several solutions we found that this was least confusing
to everyone and we have gotten no complaints except for the occasional
jerk that signs up with a name like st.peter or stpeter_, but there's
little you can do about that but ban the offenders.
