Many said a body element is useless, well, now look at this:

I was online with Adium and Gajim, started an ESession in Gajim and look what I got in Adium:

[This is part of an encrypted session. If you see this message, something went wrong.] ([This is part of an encrypted session. If you see this message, something went wrong.])

Without a body, I would have never seen that, would have never known that I lost a message. As I said, there *ARE* bugs where the message goes to the wrong resource, but nobody wanted to believe it. Now you just got an example that proofs it ;).

Therefore I propose for your TLS E2E that you add a body, like we did in Gajim for ESessions.


Attachment: PGP.sig
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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