
(And cc: Standards for info)

One thing I neglected to mention in AOB...

I'm off to Australia for July, so the Council meeting falls at 01:00
local for me for the next few weeks, and therefore I won't make it
(I'm on holiday for this period anyway).

This has some fairly major implications:

1) I'll have to vote on-list for everything. Given I'm on holiday,
this might prove tricky, and it will delay.

2) Council will have greater difficulty making quorum.

I will be back after four weeks, of course, but given the nature and
length of this absence, I appreciate that this places a degree of
additional pressure on the Council which it may wish to avoid.

While this note does *NOT* constitute a resignation, I feel it's
important nevertheless to point out that the rest of Council can
choose to eject me involuntarily and co-opt someone else, under ยง8.1
of the bylaws. Should the Council choose this option, I'll regret that
choice but understand it.

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