1) Roll Call
Present: Georg, Zash, Jonas, Daniel, Dave

2) Agenda Bashing
Jonas has a few amendments, in view of [1].

3) Editor's Update
* Accepted XEP-0393 (Message Styling) as Draft
* Accepted XEP-0444 (Message Reactions) as Experimental

4a) Last Call: XEP-0443 (Compliance Suites 2020) -
Jonas expects that calling this so near the end of the current Council will at 
least allow for valuable feedback so the next council can advance it quickly. 
Daniel promised to add the A/V section, but that's not blocking, and the 
author, Georg, would like to hear more voices (no pun intended.)
Zash thinks this being in Standards Track is weird - Georg thinks it's for 
historical reasons, but likes that it gives the full Standards process.
Dave is a little concerned that this might not be very useful without Community 
input - Jonas and Georg think that's the entire point of the LC - Dave thinks 
that while that's true, it's a desperate last attempt.

Georg: +1
Jonas: +1
Zash: +1
Daniel: +1
Dave: +1

4b) Decide whether to CFE XEP-0363 (HTTP File Upload) or fix/replace XEP-0066 
(Out of Band Data)
A CFE doesn't normally require authorisation by Council, but some would like to 
discuss integration with OOB first.
Dave notes that the CFE doesn't require his input beforehand, and is happy to 
give that input on-list during the CFE. Jonas notes that there was some 
controversy and would like to avoid unnecessary calls, so if Dave will be 
strongly against advancing 0363 as is, it's better to resolve that beforehand. 
Dave would like to see what the community has to say about it first. Daniel 
suggests the Editor can just start the CFE, and if anything additional comes up 
then it can all be addressed in one go - Jonas feels that's the consensus.
Georg would like to see an XEP that defines the intended use of OOB for inline 
media - Daniel would like to avoid yet another XEP if 0066 can easily be 
fixed/clarified. Georg doesn't expect it really can be fixed, but a section 
could be added which outlines the use of OOB for inline media.
Zash suggests fixing XEP-0385 (Stateless Inline Media Sharing (SIMS)) as an 
alternative - Georg agrees that would be ideal, but implementers are already 
using OOB; not much can be done about that, but it can at least be documented.
Jonas moves the rest of this stimulating discussion to AOB.

4c) Advance XEP-0411 (Bookmarks Conversion) -
Daniel notes that nobody objected to his feedback [2].

Jonas: +1
Zash: +1
Georg: +1
Dave: +1
Daniel: +1

Jonas is fine with advancing this, but thinks it should definitely be 
deprecated in the not too distant future.
Georg notes that it's part of the current Compliance Suites.
Zash thinks it makes sense for transition mechanisms to be short-lived and then 
obsoleted once they've served their purpose.

4d) Advance XEP-0292 (vCard4 over XMPP) -
This was Last Called during the previous council, but not advanced.
Jonas notes this is formally in Deferred, which the Editor will clean up, so 
there's nothing to vote on.
The author has been pinged, so hopefully that will move things forward.

4e) Advance XEP-0352 (Client State Indication) -
Already accepted [3].

4f) Advance XEP-0353 (Jingle Message Initiation) -
This was also not advanced by the previous council; Editor will do the 
necessary tidying.

4g) MR #22 (XEP-0308: modernize LMC sending) -
Vote restarted after appropriate modifications were made.

Daniel: +1
Dave: +1 (this looks clearer)
Jonas: +1
Georg: +1 (of course)
Zash: +1

Dave thinks this matches reality, though isn't fond of the warning as it 
doesn't feel like great UX - Zash says UX suggestions aren't normative.

5) Pending Votes
Jonas adds his +1 to PR #988, but says it needs editorial changes [4]; Georg 
also adds a +1 for when the editorial changes have been approved.

6) Date of Next
2020-10-21 1500 UTC

7a) AOB i: OOB vs SIMS vs …?
Jonas asks whether this needs to be discussed in a meeting - Dave suggests 
taking it to the list; Jonas asks Dave to start a thread - Dave will once the 
CFE is under way.
Daniel really doesn't want 0363 to be held up by SIMS - neither does anyone 
Georg doesn't really mind as long it's properly documented somewhere.
Daniel volunteers to create a PR for XEP-0066 (right after he's done with the 
CS-2020 A/V section); Dave suspects that XEP-0266 (Codecs for Jingle Audio) and 
XEP-0299 (Codecs for Jingle Video) might also need updating.

7b) AOB ii: Elections Season!
The Board and Council Elections have begun [5], although there is currently 
only one applicant - maybe Jonas shouldn't be allowed to rule the XSF with an 
iron fist - apply now!

Georg wonders at what point Council must not start any new votes - Jonas thinks 
the last meeting should work, as this council has been quite good with not 
letting things expire; Dave notes that incomplete Last Calls will have to be 
restarted after a Council election - Jonas amends that to: two weeks before the 
last meeting for a full two-week vote, and four weeks before for a Last Call 
followed by a two-week vote.
Georg suggest not starting any more LCs, then; a list of nice-to-LC XEPs can be 
passed to the next Council - Jonas says that list currently consists of 
XEP-0313 (Message Archive Management) and XEP-0390 (Entity Capabilities 2.0). 
Georg thinks 0313 is somewhat contested and isn't sure about implementations of 
0390 - Jonas notes that MattJ requested waiting until his patches to 0313 were 
applied, but it hasn't yet been LC'ed. Daniel adds that Babbler [6] has an 
implementation of 0390.
Georg needs to re-read 0390 to check whether it has sufficient provisions for 
server-side conversion and caching - disco#info requests seem to be the main 
(and most unneeded) reason for mobile device wake-up. Georg requests that 
somebody who remembers the security issues of Caps could write an 
(Informational) XEP on that.

8) Close
Thanks Jonas, Tedd, everyone.


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