> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Kevin Smith 
> Subject: [Council] Minutes 2015-08-12
> Date: 13 August 2015 13:43:21 BST
> To: XMPP Council 
> Logs:
> 1) Roll call
> Kev, Lance, Fippo present. Dave later. Matt absent.
> 2) XEP-0280 (Carbons)
> Issue Last Call
> All in favour (including Dave later), although Kev notes that he thinks more 
> work is needed before Draft.
> 3)
> Accept as Experimental?
> Lance +1. Dave +1 later in meeting. Kev, Fippo, Matt to vote onlist.
> 4)
> Some confusion about Council needing to approve commits to Draft changes 
> (they don’t - they only need to approve a new version being published, 
> editors/authors can continue as normal). Agreement there’s no Council action 
> here.
> Dave enters here.
> 5) XEP Authors unresponsive to updates from non-authors
> Discussion of a pending community submission for MAM changes that hasn’t been 
> merged. Kev to look at the change.
> 6) Date of next meeting.
> 2015-08-19 15:00Z
> 7) Any other business
> Matt Miller (Editor) reminds people about the HTTP-Upload protoXEP, which has 
> a week left on its vote.
> Dave mentioned that we were going to discuss his Myths draft, but that had 
> been overtaken by events (the draft was widely shared before review).
> Fini

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