Hi folks, just so you're aware the IETF's KITTEN working group will hold an interim virtual meeting tomorrow, and various SASL2-related topics are on the agenda. Feel free to join if you're interested!


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Subject: Re: [kitten] Common Authentication Technology Next Generation (kitten) WG Virtual Meeting: 2023-01-17
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 11:25:12 +0000
From: Alexey Melnikov <alexey.melni...@isode.com>
To: kit...@ietf.org

Hi all,

On 03/01/2023 15:41, IESG Secretary wrote:

The Common Authentication Technology Next Generation (kitten) WG will hold
a virtual interim meeting on 2023-01-17 from 17:00 to 18:00 Europe/London 
(17:00 to 18:00 UTC).

Discuss possible extensions to SASL framework (aka SASL2), support for 2FA in 
SASL mechanisms, OPAQUE.

Information about remote participation:

For people who are new to IETF, please make sure that you create a datatracker account on datatracker.ietf.org. (Account creation is free). You will use datatracker account credentials to log into Meetecho which will be used for the online meeting.


Updated agenda:

Tuesday 2023-01-17 (1 hour)
17:00-18:30 (UTC)

Administrivia (5 min; chair)

Proposed SASL2 features above SASL1 [RFC4422]:
  - Upgrade ("password change") tasks
  - 2FA
  - Fast resumption
  - Shared key derivation after successful authentication

SCRAM 2FA draft update: draft-ietf-kitten-scram-2fa

Fast reauthentication SASL mechanism: draft-schmaus-kitten-sasl-ht

OPAQUE SASL mechanism: draft-reitzenstein-kitten-opaque


I appreciate that this is probably a lot of topics for 1 hour. Depending on how discussions go, we can arrange a followup interim meeting to drill down into some these and related topics.

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Best Regards,


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