As previously mentioned, I provisionally removed server dialback from
rfc3920bis in preparation for moving that documentation to a XEP:

Unfortunately, the Council has not yet approved publication of the
server dialback proto-XEP. Therefore I cannot submit version -03 of
rfc3920bis to the IETF until after the next Council meeting, which means
I will miss the IETF's July 09 deadline, which means the -03 versions
won't be published until at least July 23 (at the soonest).

However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, because before submitting
these drafts to the IETF I'd like to re-read them at least one more time
and compare them to the marked-up paper copies I used for editing.

If you too would like to read these drafts before they are submitted, I
have posted "RC2" files here:



Peter Saint-Andre
XMPP Standards Foundation

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