On 2012-08-14 03:09, Mark Rejhon wrote:

Barry may have presented a compromise I can accept. The first (introductory) stanza is still full word, and the second and third is not too difficult for most readers to figure out.

On 2012-08-13 8:44 PM, "Barry Dingle" <btdin...@gmail.com <mailto:btdin...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    Regarding the example in 4.1, I agree with Gunnar. The first
    example gives the wrong initial impression by sending only
    complete words in the <rtt/>. (It made me go and double check how
    the protocol worked.)

    I suggest that we keep the first <rtt/> as is, but slightly change
    the second and third <rtt/> text contents to:

    *<t>my J**</t>*




    This retains the readability but also shows that the <rtt/> is
    sent independently of word boundaries.


This was item #5 Let us try to keep track of the issue numbers and their state.

I accept the solution.


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