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[Via Communist Internet... ]
----- Original Message -----
From: dhkcbureau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 12:14 AM
Subject: DHKC Press Statement Nr. 190

                              Press Bureau
June 10, 2001         Statement Nr.: 190


Wolves prefer foggy weather. Imperialism prefers confused minds. It tries to do its
best to confuse minds.

We are living through an era in which those who carry out the greatest massacres stand
before the world as the defenders of democracy and human rights. We are living through
an era in which the defenders of capitalist exploitation are called "progressives"
while those who defend socialism are called "conservatives". We are living through an
era in which freedom is identified with possessing a telephone card and drinking coke.
Under the banner of democracy, peace and prevention of ethnic cleansing, imperialist
bombs rain down on the people. Imperialism prefers confused minds. It wants barbarism
and modernity, captivity and freedom. everything to be mixed up. In foggy weather,
imperialism appears to be "modern". Those who do not surrender their minds to
imperialism are presented as people from the "stone age".

Following the visit of a delegation from the European Parliament to the F-type
prisons, the newspaper headlines were about "the ideology of DHKP-C" and not about the
conditions in the prisons. Because one of the delegates, "former revolutionary Red
Danny" [Daniel Cohn-Bendit] was commenting on our party's ideology, saying "these are
stone age thoughts, they are still talking about imperialism". For the bourgeois media
this was more important than F-type prisons. Were not the F-type prisons for
destroying revolutionaries and the DHKP-C? They had the opportunity. They would prove
how "reactionary" we were through this "former revolutionary"!

Yes, comrade Sadi Ozbolat, as the representative of the resisting captives and the
ideology of our party, mentioned "imperialism" during the meeting with the European
delegation. Without mentioning Sadi's other comments, the former revolutionary Red
Danny said: "Stone Age". Without any other information the Turkish bourgeois media
said, "the DHKP-C is in the Stone Age".

Yes, Sadi said "imperialism". They talk about the Stone Age because we are opposing
the hegemony of the USA and the monopolies. If this means being in the Stone Age, we
are proud of it. This honour belongs to the people like Sadi. This honour belongs to
the Death Fast fighters.

They say "No! We will not think the way you do, we will not accept the hegemony of the

Remember the footage on TV channels after the massacre of December 19, 2000. In
Bayrampasa prison, Sadi Ozbolat, Ercan Kartal and other captive comrades had been
handcuffed, dozens of their comrades were massacred, they were surrounded by the death
squads and they were marching while chanting slogans. They have been put into
isolation cells. Their slogans continue to be chanted in the IMF's isolation cells.
The resistance against imperialism and oligarchy continues. Massacre, torture and
isolation. People like Sadi are still living and their consciousness is the same: "for
independence against imperialism, for democracy against fascism, for socialism against
capitalism". People like Cohn-Bendit are astonished by these thoughts.

Do not be amazed. Recognise us. Neither massacres nor torture nor isolation cells can
make us abandon our thoughts. The power of force can never be victorious against the
power of beliefs. History is the witness. Recognise us. We will continue to declare
our thoughts under al conditions.



They want the entire world to be under the hegemony of 3-5 monopolies. They say they
decide what we eat and wear, how we think and live, about our language and culture.
They call all the other issues like demanding justice, equality and freedom and all
the willpower and beliefs standing against the hegemony of monopolies "Stone Age".

Have a look at the following fact:

"The total wealth of the richest three people in the world is equal to the national
annual income of 48 countries" Have you seen the "modern age"!

"The total wealth of the richest 227 people in the world is equal to the wealth of 2.5
billion people - 45% of the world's population." What a modern age! On one side 227,
on the other 2.5 billion people, that is half of the world's population. Who are these
227 people? They are the owners of the biggest imperialist monopolies. They are the
masters of Cohn Bendit and Johannes Swoboda's "modern age". And we are forced to
accept this great, outrageous and savage injustice; this unjust and illegitimate
hegemony. When we refuse: "Stone Age"!

Yes, it is "Stone Age". Yes, Sadi said "imperialism".

Let's continue to have a look at the consequences of "our age" which the bourgeois
Cohn-Bendit is trying to market as "modern and contemporary":

"Almost one billion people are unemployed, the daily income of three billion people is
under 2 USD. 1.3 billion of these people receive less than 1 USD in a day. This is
lower than the poverty level.

"800 million people are malnourished and every year between 20 to 30 million of people
die of starvation. 880 million people are illiterate. 1.9 billion people lack clean
drinking water. Out of 1000, every 297 under-five children die of starvation, diseases
and lack of care. Instead of education, 250 million children work like slaves." This
is the "Stone Age". Did we create this world? Did we cause the starvation and
unemployment. What do those who call us "stone age" say about this situation? Do you
know what is needed to save the lives of 20-30 million people who are dying of
starvation? Only, 40 Million tons of cereal crops. And those richest 5-10 persons of
the world can provide this easily. But they do not. Because it is already a modern
age! It is the age of not caring. The age of "let them die" This vulgar, primitive and
savage way of thinking did not exist even in the Stone Age.

Let 's see what else happens in the age of imperialism. The monopolies, under the
leadership of US imperialism, are bombarding Iraq and Yugoslavia, killing tens of
thousands of people and wiping out cities and towns because they refuse to accept the
New World order. They are dividing the Balkans. Inciting hatred in the Caucasus. See
"the modern age" of Cohn-Bendit! Such a barbaric and savage age has not been witnessed
before. This is the age of imperialism. Or to use their own description, the era of
"globalisation". Or the age of New Banditry! The present bandits are calling those
beliefs, which oppose banditry, the beliefs of the "Stone Age". If we accepted this
miserable and depraved system and the hegemony of monopolies that bear the main
responsibility for this injustice, we would be considered to be "modern". We reject
such "modernism".


  a.. He was a revolutionary once upon a time... Now, he hsad become a "member of the
bourgeois parliament". This is what Cohn-Bendit said. When he became a bourgeois
politician he began to become the spokesperson of the monopolies. And the monopolies
say that they will decide every aspect of human life. But despite this fact, people
like Cohn-Bendit introduce themselves as the defenders of democracy and human rights.
Then we ask; what kind of democracy and rights and liberties are these when people are
thrown into isolation cells and the "bourgeois democracy" of Europe is suggesting it?
They suggest to us models for prisons. How about our will and our thoughts? According
to people like Cohn-Bendit and Swoboda, "this is not important!" Where is your
democracy, your defence of freedom of thought and democratic participation?

  b.. You say, you have thrown us into isolation cells and it is not worthwhile
resisting. What rules of democracy have you used to create those cells? How do you
know that the best option is the isolation cells and according to whom is that the
case? Have you asked the people through a referendum? Have you consulted with those
who would have live in those cells? No, you have done none of this. But you say "these
cells are built for us and we should accept them" The meaning of imperialism is
clearly understood here. It is despotism. And you call those who oppose this despotism
"Stone Age"!

  c.. What have you done as a delegation? In order to throw us into those cells you
even ignore the massacre of over 50 of our comrades. We have buried 54 of our people.
You even refuse to discuss it. Where is your commitment to democracy? Did you not say
that human life is sacred? 54 people have been massacred by these policies. Stop
providing financial credits. Freeze your relations. Then we would be able see that you
are protecting human lives, that you are a democrat and a defender of human rights.
But no, you cannot do this because of your interests and the interests of the
monopolies. You cannot give up your interests. Your commitment to democracy only goes
as far as serving the monopolies' interests.

  d.. The living witnesses to the massacre and the tyranny known as forcible medical
intervention were within your reach. But you did not visit them. You did not visit the
hospitals-turned-torture centres. You did not visit to the almost 50 living dead. How
about those who have been released from prisons and who are continuing their Death
Fast action? And those who are participating in the resistance, in the struggle for
rights and liberties, even though they are not prisoners. Despite the fact that you
were invited, you did not visit them either.

  e.. You have become accustomed to seeing the collaborationist rulers as your
servants. You have become accustomed to seeing the praise of those who have great
admiration for Western Europe. And our comrade Sadi said "imperialism" in front of
you. When your reality is exposed in front of your face, you feel ashamed and start
your demagogy about the "Stone Age". Do not be surprised. Try to recognise us. We will
never bow down before you. But if you are talking about human rights, democracy and
liberties, we will demand from you that you do what is required of a democrat and a
defender of human rights. You will either openly declare that you are a defender of
the monopolies' hegemony or you will do what is required of a defender of human
rights. If you are really for human rights, then you will start by opposing isolation
in your countries' prisons.

  f.. "Your attitude is, you are neither taking the side of the Turkish government nor
that of the captives" No, you take the side of the state which massacred us and has
thrown us into isolation cells. This is very clear. You call us "Stone Age" How about
the state? Why do you not call them fascist? You cannot. It is against your interests.
It is against your self-created "progressive, democrat" balloon. If you call the state
fascist, then you can not explain how you credited the state with being crystal clear.
You said "for the first time their (the Turkish state's) attitude is clear" Did they
tell you about how they burnt six women prisoners alive in Bayrampasa prison? How
clear were they when this matter was mentioned? Or maybe you never asked a question on
this matter? Do not play games. If you came to legitimise the F-type prisons, you can
do this openly. If you say you came to Turkey because you were concerned about
democracy and human rights, then you cannot avoid massacres, torture and isolation.


Yes, comrade Sadi said "imperialism". He said, imperialism's claim that it is
defending human rights and democracy is a deception. He said that imperialism plunders
and exploits countries like ours through its IMF and World Bank, it decides the
starvation of our workers and peasants and, in order to prevent people from opposing
this robbery, it ordered the elimination of revolutionaries in our country. He said
that the F-type prisons are a part of the IMF's programme and they are constructed by
US and European imperialism.

And these delegates are going to Turkey, sure of being the masters of the world and no
one can resist them, and they hear this voice which challenges imperialism and its
collaborators, questions their attitude and holds them responsible. This voice is the
voice of Sadi and the DHKC captives. This voice is the voice of revolution, socialism
and our party. This voice is shouting that we will never surrender to imperialism. It
shouts that we will shake the world, once again, from Turkey and end the hegemony of
imperialism and oligarchy, the IMF and the US Empire. You will keep hearing the voice
of the people like Sadi, and the DHKC captives, saying that they will not be able to
make us surrender, we will live with our own command, determination, decisions,
organisation and beliefs.

Ps. Besides the "Stone Age" issue, there were many manipulations and a lot of false
information concerning the meeting of the delegation with the captives. Some of these
derive from the European delegation while others are the manipulation of the bourgeois

  a.. Comrade Sadi Özbolat said that "We take the decisions about prisons. The
political and strategic decisions are made by the party". Their interpretation was
that "the decisions are made in Brussels" This is a lie. Sadi never mentioned Brussels
in his talk.

  b.. According to the media, it was said that "nobody wanted to go back to the
beginning". No. None of the captives have posed the problem this way. Of course, the
captives do not want dormitories for 80-90 people. The captives did not build these
dormitories anyway. The state built them. They built and demolished them. The paradox
of a choice between "the old prisons or F-type prisons" was manufactured to legitimise
isolation. We want to live collectively. We want to live with our own thoughts. Human
beings are social creatures. Revolutionaries are human beings who live collectively.
This is very clear.


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