Re: MessagesResources - some thoughts

2001-02-16 Thread Craig Tataryn

But technically couldn't the application developer do this already?  They
could just add another init-param to the Servlet which specified a
Resources class other than the default.  The servlet writter would simply
use this resource bundle instead, getting it's messages from there.

You could have something like UIResource and ServletResource classes.  The
UIResource class would be the one you set in the ActionServlet's
application init-param, and the ServletResource class can be loaded
programatically by the servlet writter based on some custom init-param
which specified the class name.

Craig T.

Rob Leland wrote:

 Roland Huss wrote:
  for some reasons I would like to separate messages put into JSP-pages
  with bean:message from messages generated within java
 This sounds like a good Idea. I would vote for this change.
 Maybe you could post it to the bug/feature request so it
 ends up one the list for version 1.1.


I've been trying to change the world for years, but they just won't give me
the source code

org:Compuware;Professional Division
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title:Senior Staff Analyst
fn:Craig Tataryn

Re: Validation and automatic form bean generation

2001-02-16 Thread martin . cooper

At 09:16 AM 2/16/01 +0100, Michael Gerdau wrote:
I'm not quite sure about the difference between (2) and (3).

Sorry, I should have been more clear.

In option (2), the bean-generation tool would read validation rules from 
the XML definition of the beans and generate code to perform the necessary 
validation. The validation code would be built in to the bean itself.

In option (3), the bean-generation tool would always generate the same 
validate() method. That method would read an XML definition of the 
validation rules at run time, and perform the necessary validation. This is 
what David Winterfeldt's Validator does.

I don't see why "must match 'mm/dd/yy'" shouldn't be part of this
automatically created validator either. And that could as well check
wether the date entered actually is a valid one (e.g. no 31. Apr, 29 Feb
outside leapyears etc.). After all that basically implements the
requirement 'must be a date' which would be in line with
'must be an integer'.

I guess I picked a poor example. What I meant was that built-in validation 
might be restricted to simple stuff like "Does Integer.parseInt succeed?" 
while validation that is domain-specific could be left to an external 

As an aside, validation of dates brings up the issue of introducing the 
locale to the validation scheme.

And while I'm at it it might come handy if we could somehow describe
some rules which define valid patterns for other types as well.

Regular expressions are an obvious candidate here. The Validator uses the 
Jakarta Regexp package for this.

Last not least I easily can envision the need for dynamically adding
constraint derived from other attributes, e.g. for floats (monetary
values) to require they have no more than 2 fractional digits, being
lower than a certain upper value (e.g. an account balance), defining
relationships between entered values (e.g. one being a multiple of the
other or being between two others etc) and possibly quite a few more
such things.

Yes, there are many options to consider in the validation "big picture". At 
some point, especially when you get into relationships between fields, we 
have to ask ourselves whether it's worth trying to write a specification 
versus just writing the code.

Since I'm already in 'wish mode':
a generic 'currency module' possibly combined with an 'interest module'
would be rather nice as well. If there is more demand for such things
I'd be happy to help here as I'm currently working on porting something
like that from C/C++ to Java anyway. Knowing others requirements would
help making it of general useability.

I'll leave that to the generic validation discussion, which is in full 
swing over on struts-user right now. What I'd really like to pursue in this 
thread is how to address validation within the context of automatically 
generating form beans.

Just my thoughts, best,


Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

Re: Validation and automatic form bean generation

2001-02-16 Thread Nino Walker


I'm new to the Struts project, but we're about to migrate a massive codebase to
JSP/Struts and have identified this as a sore spot.  Basically we need a
rules-based engine for populating/generating forms.  In addition, many of the
form fields are directly correlated with our forms, and it's painful to manually
copy the fields from forms to beans.

We're preparing to grow our own, but here are a few of the ideas we're planing
on implementing.  Caveat: we're assuming everything is enforced at runtime -
it's similar to, but a step beyond, David Winterfeldt's work.

Basic Features:

1) The base action form is a Map (a hashtable*). At request-time, the proper
definition is retrieved and the map is populated based on its definition.

Form definitions will look something like this:
form id="Foo"
  field name="people" type="Integer" required="true"
  field name="adate" type="Date" required="true"

2) The popuulated map is validated against the definition - types are enforced
by input validators which are defined a separate section of the XML definition:

mapper type="Date" class=""
mapper type="Integer" class=""

3) At the appropriate point in the action, the form can be mapped to/from a data
bean, again based on the definition:

mapping class=""
  map property="people"
  map property="startDate" field="adate"

Our JSP authors has expressed interest in having the form definition influence
page generation.  I haven't delved into this aspect, but I'm expecting the
requirements to extend to Javascript validation as well.

Hope this helps!


* Extending PropertyUtils.set/getSimpleProperty to handle maps is actually a
very simple change...

Martin Cooper wrote:

 I'm signed up for the Struts 1.1 task entitled "XML -- ActionForm Code
 Generator", and am working on such a tool at the moment. There has been a
 fair amount of discussion on various types of validation recently, so I
 wanted to throw this variant into the mix and see what people think.

 Server-side validation in a Struts application typically happens in two
 different phases. What might be referred to as "early" validation (usually
 just syntactic validation) is done within the form bean (in
 ActionForm.validate()), while "late" (more complex) validation is left to
 the Action to handle.

 The question, then, is how best to handle "early" validation in the case
 where the form bean is being generated automatically rather than being
 hand-coded. At this point, I see three alternatives, and this is where I'd
 like to hear what people think.

 1) Do nothing. If the developer wants to do early validation, s/he can
 implement the validate() method by hand to do whatever is necessary.

 2) Generate the validate() method based on validation rules specified in the
 XML definition of the form bean (e.g. within struts-config). This would
 generate a static (i.e. at bean-creation-time) specification of the
 validation algorithm.

 3) Generate a validate() method whose behaviour is defined by an external
 specification (e.g. in XML). This could be along the lines of the Validator
 implementation proposed by David Winterfeldt.

 A combination of (2) and (3) might also make sense, where a basic validation
 scheme might take care of existence rules (e.g. 'required') and type
 definitions (e.g. 'must be an integer'), but where more sophisticated
 validation (e.g. must match 'mm/dd/yy') would be left to an external

 What do people think about this?

 Martin Cooper
 Tumbleweed Communications