Antwort: Re: [SUBMIT] LookupDispatchAction - how to handle multiple html:submit buttons

2001-11-26 Thread Dimitri Valdin


tnanks for your reply. This action was just an idea from me. I haven't thought
about including it into the struts stuff. Nevertheless I am pleased if it happens
and somebody find it usefull.

Dmitri Valdin

Datum: 24.11.2001 17:32
An:Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Antwort an:Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Betreff:   Re: [SUBMIT] LookupDispatchAction - how to handle multiple html:submit  


I ~really~ like the way this Action works.

* It keeps control in the Struts-config, and does not embed presentation
details into Action source code.

* A single mapping could dispatch every HTML form using a given
ActionForm bean. Or, one could choose to use more mappings and fewer
local forwards, as preferred.

* Each local forward can go to a different ActionMapping, or to the same
one with different query strings, or any combination of either approach.

* It is easily adapted for those nasty image buttons and also shows when
they are being used.

It is similar to a RelayAction that I use quite a bit, but turns things
around. I'd like to adopt it into my Scaffold package as
findForwardAction. (There may be other use-cases beyond buttons that
haven't occurred yet.) Would that be all right? Of course, the author
credit would be yours, and the license is ASF.



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Re: Antwort: Re: [SUBMIT] LookupDispatchAction - how to handle multiple html:submit buttons

2001-11-20 Thread Erik Hatcher

*whew*   - much better!  :)

Except that I don't prefer the method you describe because of its increased
footprint in struts-config.xml - but we've already covered that issue.

I'll try to submit the first two of the four dispatch base classes I
proposed in a day or so - they will just be a refactoring and split of the
one I already submitted.


- Original Message -
From: Dimitri Valdin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 5:17 AM
Subject: Antwort: Re: [SUBMIT] LookupDispatchAction - how to handle multiple
html:submit buttons

sorry, I have really misunderstood the DispatchAction. Thank's Erik for
pointing it out.
In case of MultiSubmitAction working with DispatchAction, the solution would

  forward name=add.x path=/addDelete.domethod=add/
  forward name=delete.x  path=/addDelete.domethod=delete/


Dmitri Valdin


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Antwort: Re: [SUBMIT] LookupDispatchAction - how to handle multiple html:submit buttons

2001-11-20 Thread Dimitri Valdin

I just don't feel that struts-config is the appropriate place to deal with
those kinds of mappings as they are very concrete to the action.  A matter
of preference, I suppose.

Is that a fair enough summary?


I still like my design better! :)  But yours works and certainly is a viable

Thanks :-) It was an interesting discussion.




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Antwort: Re: [SUBMIT] LookupDispatchAction - how to handle multiple html:submit buttons

2001-11-19 Thread Dimitri Valdin


I don't understand what you mean by application properties playing a role.
How so?

buttons.add  buttons.delete have to be defined, which is not obvious for somebody
who does not take care about internationalization. In fact I would define the
resources in any case. But what about images ? How do you want to handle them ?

Definitely an interesting indirection mapping scheme... but that means that
every form there is an action mapping, and another action class and mapping
for each button on the form.  struts-config.xml will already be huge in our
application of hundreds of forms, so having a single mapping per form is
important not only to keep the config smaller, but to keep it clearer.

Sure. It is a matter of taste. But perhaps not only. What would happen if one
day someone decides to move 2 from 5 submit buttons to another page ? Will you
rewrite the class ?
Single action are also helpful, if you want to call them from several places,
say from context-menu or even through short cuts. I prefer to have all actions
defined in separate classes. But this is just my preference and I accept
another solutions.

 // Go back to input (any other ideas ?)
 return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());

Ideas - How about returning ActionErrors if the mapping isn't found?  Or I
personally would throw a JspException since this is truly a situation that
cannot be handled wisely by the action in all cases and represents a
situation that should not happen.

Yes. Throwing exception would be really better.

In your design, struts-config.xml will have to be modified if a designer
switches between using a graphic button and text buttons by adding or
removing the .x, or as in your example, name text buttons with .x on
them - which I don't prefer.  My goals are to make the designers life as

I see no harm in this .x suffix, especially if you work with images.
But it is not the most nice in design for sure.

I don't think using DispatchAction as you suggest will work.  What it
would do in the add case is this:
- call request.getParameter(add) - what would that return in your case?

Sure. It won't work if you don't add .x suffix ;-)

   dispatch property=delete.x path=/
   dispatch property=delete.x method=delete/

I think this kind of mapping puts unnecessary stuff in an already cluttered
struts-config.xml file.  Having a subclass of my LookupDispatchAction to

Absolutely agree with you. I also prefer to 'misuse' forwards ;-)

Thank you for your feedback.



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Re: Antwort: Re: [SUBMIT] LookupDispatchAction - how to handle multiple html:submit buttons

2001-11-19 Thread Erik Hatcher

 buttons.add  buttons.delete have to be defined, which is not obvious for
 who does not take care about internationalization. In fact I would define
 resources in any case. But what about images ? How do you want to handle
them ?

For images I would put the image name in and
use html:image srcKey=.../ - but I probably wouldn't go to that extreme
until localization is needed.

 Sure. It is a matter of taste. But perhaps not only. What would happen if
 day someone decides to move 2 from 5 submit buttons to another page ? Will
 rewrite the class ?

If buttons move from one page to another  you'd have issues in your design
as well, unless each page is pointing to the same action - right?

It is likely in our application that buttons will be enabled/disabled (by
logic in the JSP to conditionally output them).  I would have to see a more
concrete example of moving buttons from one page to another, as that has
many other implications - is it a single ActionForm multi-page wizard-like
form?  If not then why would buttons move from one action to another?

 Single action are also helpful, if you want to call them from several
 say from context-menu or even through short cuts. I prefer to have all
 defined in separate classes. But this is just my preference and I accept
 another solutions.

Understandable - and could be accomplished in my design by having the
dispatch go to methods, which then delegated its  handling to another action
class.  I certainly do not advocate the same code in multiple places!  :)

 // Go back to input (any other ideas ?)
 return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());

Ideas - How about returning ActionErrors if the mapping isn't found?  Or I
personally would throw a JspException since this is truly a situation that
cannot be handled wisely by the action in all cases and represents a
situation that should not happen.

Yes. Throwing exception would be really better.

In your design, struts-config.xml will have to be modified if a designer
switches between using a graphic button and text buttons by adding or
removing the .x, or as in your example, name text buttons with .x on
them - which I don't prefer.  My goals are to make the designers life as

I see no harm in this .x suffix, especially if you work with images.
But it is not the most nice in design for sure.

I don't think using DispatchAction as you suggest will work.  What it
would do in the add case is this:
- call request.getParameter(add) - what would that return in your case?

 Sure. It won't work if you don't add .x suffix ;-)

I think there is a misunderstanding here about DispatchAction.
request.getParameter(add.x) would return the coordinates where the user
clicked (if it was an html:image.  Then DispatchAction would try to find a
method by that name - and I definitely don't think you'll name methods for
each X-coordinate for an image! :)

DispatchAction dispatches to the method named by the result of getParameter,
and gets the parameter name from struts-config.  Another level of
indirection is what is accomplished by my LookupDispatchAction (and your
first solution).

So, where does that leave us with the variants of DispatchAction?  Besides
Dmitri's feedback, anyone else have opinions on it?


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Antwort: Re: [SUBMIT] LookupDispatchAction - how to handle multiple html:submit buttons

2001-11-15 Thread Dimitri Valdin

Yet another approach would be to use an image tag:

html:image  page=/images/lock.gif property=lock /
html:image  page=/images/unlock.gif property=unlock /
html:image  page=/images/delete.gif property=delete /

and check parameter in action:

if (request.getParameter(lock.x) != null) {
 // decide what to do
 // 1) either return mapping.findForward(lock);
 // with forward name=lock   path=/ declared in struts-config
 // (this results in performace drawback, but makes design more flexible)
 // 2)  just simply call an appropriate method
else if (request.getParameter(unlock.x) != null){
 // decide what to do
else if (request.getParameter(delete.x) != null) {
 // decide what to do

Of cource it could be optimized with map and base dispatcher class.

Dmitri Valdin

Datum: 15.11.2001 11:41
An:Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Antwort an:Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Betreff:   Re: [SUBMIT] LookupDispatchAction - how to handle multiple html:submit  

Most of us would not rely *solely* on Javascript for validation, since
it can be turned off, and therefor endanger your application. But
requiring it to handle multiple buttons is a different matter, so long
as the default formAction did nothing harmful if Javascript were turned

The ValidatorForm in the contrib folder generates *lots* of Javascript.
The html:form tag also generates a Javascript to move the focus, as do
some others. So, I don't see anything wrong with a tag that generated
Javascript for setting a property. Heck, I'm doing by hand myself ;-)

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

Joe Faith wrote:

 We have also implemented a multiple submit button system; but in our
 case we wrote a custom tag that generates javascript that sets a property
 to a specified value and submits the form when you hit the button.

 The tags look something like:

 my_submit property=formAction value=delete label=Delete this
 my_submit property=formAction value=save label=Save changes/
 my_submit property=formAction value=copy label=Copy this record/


 A single action object can then use the value of formAction to decide what to
 do in each case.
 This has the side-effect of reducing the number of Action classes needed.

 However, the tags generate javascript and I wasn't sure if this fitted the
 struts philosophy; so I
 haven't submitted the code changes. But if anyone was interested I could make
 it available.

 Joe Faith

 Runtime Collective, Ltd
 T: (+44) 01273 234294

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