AW: form:text has no attribute readonly

2000-12-22 Thread Andre Wittenburg

Sorry if my last mail sound rude. It wasn't meant so, sorry

If somebody knows why form:text / has no attribute "readonly" please let
me know.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von:  Andre Wittenburg [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet am:  Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2000 10:17
 Betreff:  form:text has no attribute readonly
 Why does the form:text.../ tag has no attribute "readonly". 
 In HTML 4.01 a attribute "readonly" is specified for input fields of the
 types "text" and "password".
 bta: form:password.../ should also be extended

List web site - was RE: A great Shockwave flash movie

2000-12-22 Thread Ned Seagoon

Yep, this should be done somehow. There are obviously a bunch of us writing 
extra functionality for struts which would probably be useful to others, but 
is not appearing in the struts source.

I suggest we have some kind of per person logon, and that person can control 
only the files they upload. Some decent categorization and a dependancy list 
would be needed. Sound like an idea structure to use broadvision, sorry, 
struts :-)

This is not to compete with the struts development, but give a space for 
useful stuff that we are otherwise posting to the list. In many ways it 
could be thought of a staging ground for new code before it gets snaffled 
into the struts source.

(BTW, sorry about my 0 byte post everybody, we had firewall problems here 
yesterday. I didn't even know that either of the messages had made it)


From: Dan Cancro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What if you don't have a public web or ftp site?
What about archived messages?  A lot of attachments are source code for
things that you don't need at the moment, but will sometime later.  Will
posters need to keep their attachments and ftp/web sites available 

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: A great Shockwave flash movie

2000-12-22 Thread Angus Mezick

Sounds like something that should be in a list FAQ.  Kind of like the
archive address... hmmm

Michael Westbay wrote:
 Reddin-san wrote:
  I agree.  Just filter for viruses or certain types of attachments.
 Like annoying HTML repeats of what is in the text messages, usually
 2 to 3 times as large (one message was 35 times as large as the
 plain text version - lots of "nbsp;"s for a table).
 But then, if one person sends mail in HTML format, all Outlook users
 who reply, even with HTML turned off, send in HTML format.  I'd better
 stop here before starting a flame war.
 Michael Westbay
 Work: Beacon-IT

Re: struts-user list spammed - RE: Improve your stepfamily life

2000-12-22 Thread Angus Mezick

It usually works to not allow posts from people who aren't subscribed.

Somdeth Souvanlasy wrote:
 Looks like the some bastard added the struts-user mail list address to a
 spam database.
 If you look at the internet mail headers, it hit the struts-user list from
 the following computer
 Received: from zqn43X17V ( []) by with SMTP (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service
 Version 5.5.2448.0)
 Is there a way to remove the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address from
 this list ?
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Thursday, 21 December 2000 2:30 PM
  Subject: Improve your stepfamily life
  Does your stepfamily life resemble a soap opera more than it does
  the Brady
  The Stepfamily Association of America invites you to participate in THE
  Marriott Hotel.
  This is an opportunity, designed by knowledgeable professionals, in
  stepfamilies themselves, to help you:
  * Make your remarriage a success
  * Create bonds with your stepchildren
  * Help your children adjust emotionally
  * Manage money matters unique to your family
  * Get more help from legal, financial, psychological advisors
  * Overcome stepfather and stepmother stereotypes
  * Elicit cooperation from your children's schools
  * Bring more harmony into family life
  Complete conference details at
  Attend, and also enjoy Mardi Gras week in New Orleans!
  Special discounts for couples, students, groups.
  AIRLINE SEATS FILL Special rates for conference attendees. Visit for discounts. Childcare available through a bonded
  local service.
  Up to 17 professional development credits available if you are an
  educator, clinician, financial planner, social worker.
  Questions? Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If you would like to be removed, please email us back with the
  word "Remove" in the subject line. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Re: A great Shockwave flash movie

2000-12-22 Thread Ted Husted

On 12/22/2000 at 9:17 AM Angus Mezick wrote:
Sounds like something that should be in a list FAQ.  Kind of like the
archive address... hmmm

It would be nice to have a FAQ ;-) ... or a mailing list page that
cited an archive ... I'm ready to post to a FAQ if it shows up on
Jakarta (and someone fixed the FAQ-o-matic so you could actually logon;
several messages to root pending about this).

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 425-0252; Fax 716 223-2506.

if/elseif tag?

2000-12-22 Thread Mike Campbell
Title: if/elseif tag?

Are there any tags in the struts library (or do you know of any anywhere) which allow an 

end if

type of construct?

Mike Campbell email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
S1 Corporation voice: 678-421-4641
Software Engineer fax: 678-421-4865
RD Department web:

Proposal: Tokens and Events Guard Against Form Resubmission

2000-12-22 Thread David Geary

It's easy for Web application users to inadvertently resubmit forms
with bookmarks or the reload and back buttons. Because of this potential
for mischief, web applications must guard against resubmission of sensitive
forms. This document proposes using the delegation event model and tokens
to restrict access to sensitive pages.
Note: This proposal depends on action events as proposed in 'Proposal:
Retrofit Struts with the Delegation Event Model'.

 'Command Token Implementation', posted to struts-dev by
Robert Leland
 Struts Web Application Safety' on struts-dev, by Craig
 'What about This Model?', posted to struts-user by Dan
 Web Development with JavaServer Pages, by Kolb and Fields,
p 270

Web browsers were designed for browsing the Web, not for applications.
Some browser features, such as the back button, reload button, and bookmarks,
are difficult for web applications to deal with because they disrupt the
normal flow of an application. This proposal shows how to trap those browser
features in Struts using the delegation event model and tokens.

Consider the following sequence of actions, as Timothy creates a new
account. First, Timothy tries to login, but since he does not have an account,
he's forwarded to the Login Failed page:

Figure 1. The Login Failed Page
Timothy clicks on the open new account link and is forwarded to this

Figure 2. The Open New Account Page
Timothy fills in the form shown in Figure 2, clicks the create
account button, and is forwarded to the login page:

Figure 3. The Login Page
At this point, Timothy's account has been created and he can login,
but what if he reloads the page instead? Or what if he hits the back button,
and then clicks on the create account button without changing the form's
data? In both cases, a duplicate request will be sent to the new-account-action.
That action might detect the duplicate, but it's a lot to ask all actions
to test for duplicate submissions. Let's see how Struts can trap such illicit
access at a higher level.


Guard against sensitive form resubmission. If a sensitive form is resubmitted,
Struts throws an exception.

Trapping illicit access is implemented in this proposal with tokens,
as described by Fields and Kolb (see credits). Here's how it works:
From the discussion above, it's apparent that some actions, such as, are sensitive to access by the back button, the
reload button, or bookmarks. In addition to sensitive actions, we will
also speak of sensitive forms, which are forms that forward to sensitive
actions; for example, the form shown in Figure 2 is a sensitive form.
When Struts performs an action with a sensitive form, the following
sequence of events takes place:
1. The action's perform method is invoked.
2. A token (a unique string) is stored in the session, and a copy of
that token is stored in request scope.
3. When the sensitive form is submitted, the token in request scope
stows away in the form as a hidden form variable.*
Before the corresponding sensitive action is performed by Struts:
1. The token, stored as a hidden form parameter, is compared to the
token in the session.
2. Iff the tokens match, the sensitive action is performed; otherwise,
an exception is thrown.
* The original token stored in request scope in step #2 is lost when
the sensitive form is submitted, because that submission results in a new
request. That's why the token is stored in a hidden form parameter.

Protecting pages with sensitive actions is a three-step process:
1. Specify sensitive='true' in struts-config.xml for sensitive actions;
for example, for the new-account-action:
 action path='/new-account-action' ... sensitive='true'
...> ... /action>
2. Specify hasSensitiveForms='true' in struts-config.xml for actions
that have sensitive forms; for example, for the query-account-action:
 action path='/query-account-action' ... hasSensitiveForms='true'
...> ... /action>
3. Add a hidden field to each sensitive form. That field's value is
obtained from the "token" request attribute, like this:
 %@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld' prefix='bean'
Or, alternatively:
 input type='hidden' value='%= request.getAttribute("token")

Two new classes--Token and SensitiveActionListener--and a custom tag,
bean:token>, are added to Struts and minor modifications are made to and The Token class, which maintains a
unique, ecrypted string, is listed below:
public class Token {
 private String token;
 public Token(HttpServletRequest req) throws ServletException
 HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
 long systime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 byte[] time = new Long(systime).toString().getBytes();
 byte[] id = session.getId().getBytes();
 try {
 MessageDigest md5
= MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");

logic:iterate -

2000-12-22 Thread Denis Hanson


I'm trying to use the logic:iterate tag within my struts-based
application.  I'm not having any luck getting it to work.  Its probably due
to pilot error, but I'm now so confused that I need help from the list.

Here's the code:

logic:iterate id="firms"
  libean:write name="firms" property="name" filter="true"//h4

My problem seems to be with the "id" value.  I keep getting errors like

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No bean found for attribute key firms

I've tried using BrokerageSummary as the id (I've page imported the class
into the jsp) and get a similar error.  Where does my stupidity lie?  I'm
just not "getting it".

As an aside, I did get the orion iterate tag to work using this code:

util:iterate id="firmx" type="cofiniti.base.firm.BrokerageSummary"


 lijsp:getProperty name="firmx" property="name"/

I'm using the struts binary from 12/15.


Denis Hanson

Re: if/elseif tag?

2000-12-22 Thread Ted Husted

On 12/22/2000 at 4:22 PM Mike Campbell wrote:
As luck would have it, that book arrived at my door just last night,
so I'll be checking that out over the holidays.

It's a good read, you'll enjoy it. 

I just finished a quick skim of Core JSP (1st edition), but haven't
quite decided about it. There's a healthy amount of hard information,
but the writing is choppy. But I guess that comes with being a 1st

No question about Marty Hall's though. A definite keeper.


 "TH" == Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

TH See , Chapter 14, Using Nested
TH This is the source code from Marty Hall's Core Servlets and
TH Pages.

Thanks again Ted!

Re: logic:iterate -

2000-12-22 Thread Ted Husted

I'm using a recent build, and you may be on 0.5 so some details may
differ. (If you don't need to run under Java 1.1, you may want to move
over to a current build.)

The iterate tag in registeration.jsp of the Example application uses
these three paramaters

id - The name of the scripting variable to be exposed.
name - The name of the collection or owning bean.
property - The property name containing the collectio

user is a bean that had been stored in the session context.
subscriptions is a hashtable property of User. subscription is the name
the name that will be used within the iterate tag for each member of

logic:iterate id="subscription" name="user" property="subscriptions"
td align="left"
  bean:write name="subscription" property="host" filter="true"/
td align="left"
  bean:write name="subscription" property="username"
!-- snip --

If the firms collection were stored in the session context, 

session.setAttribute("firms", getFirms()); // or whatever

I think you would just need to do something like this 

logic:iterate id="firm" name="firms"
bean:write name="firms" property="name" filter="true"/

Hope this helps ...

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 425-0252; Fax 716 223-2506.