Re: logic:iterate tag fails on large dataset, succeeds onsmall one?

2003-07-23 Thread Aaron Humphrey

> If both JSTL and Struts are failing, it's probably your code that's
> broken.

> David

Often a reasonable assumption, in the circumstances, but it turns out not so.

I got my page to work with a straight Servlet full of out.println() statements.
Then I got it working using one Servlet filling my bean and putting it in
session context and then forwarding to the other, in case that was the

And then I put in  tags to replace my  tags, which I
perhaps should have done in the first place.  I guess I assumed they'd be
as interchangeable as  and .  But 
works.  Which leads me to conclude that the problem might be in .

Am I correct in thinking that future versions of Struts may end up using JSTL
anyway?  If so, then I guess I'll keep to this approach.  Someone else can
debug  if they want to.

Aaron V. Humphrey
Kakari Systems Ltd.

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Re: Ranko like question: What is the sense of some of thesetags libs?

2003-07-23 Thread Aaron Humphrey

> As Ranko asked, about the redundancy of Struts I would like to know that the
> heck is the deal with SOME of these tag libs out there?

> I mean, look at this:  and look at this: <%
> if(index.intValue()%2==0){ %>

> I like NOT to use Java scriptlets in my JSPs and I am pretty decent at
> achieving that but if my only resolve of using a "tag" is to have it look like CODE
> and not a true tag why have people (code maintainers and the original coder
> in the first place) learn a new "language" and just use a scriptlet?

As I understand it, JSP tags are intended not for the Java code, but for the
HTML page maintainer.  I'm a crappy HTML designer, and our designer is not
much of a programmer.  But she would have an easier time understanding tags
than scriptlets, and it's better than me having to learn CSS.

Aaron V. Humphrey
Kakari Systems Ltd.

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Re: logic:iterate tag fails on large dataset, succeeds onsmall one?

2003-07-21 Thread Aaron Humphrey

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/21/03 12:00PM >>>
> I suggest you use the JSTL's  tag instead of the Struts iterate
> tag.  I have dynamic query pages that use forEach and display n number of
> fields with no problem.  As an added bonus you'll get improved page
> rendering time because containers can optimize the performance of JSTL
> tags.

Okay, I got JSTL 1.0 working on my machine(after giving up on 1.1, which is
apparently too bleeding-edge).  Replacing logic:iterate with c:forEach is

And I still get the same problem.  Oh, the exception might come up on a different
line of my compiled JSP, but the same thing is happening.

Does this mean that it's no longer a Struts problem?  Should I be asking these
questions on a JSTL forum?

Aaron V. Humphrey
Kakari Systems Ltd.

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logic:iterate tag fails on large dataset, succeeds on smallone?

2003-07-21 Thread Aaron Humphrey

I am trying to do a very simple data-display web application using Struts, with MySQL 
on the
back end.

Basically, I take a ResultSet and its ResultSetMetaData and put it into some beans.  I 
have a
TableDataView object which contains a FieldList and a RecordCollection.  FieldList has 
a property
called fields which returns a List.  RecordCollection implements Collection, and 
containts an
ArrayList of Record objects; Record returns an array of the field value objects as the 

My JSP page(showtable.jsp)looks like:

If I run this on a small table, with 10 fields and 11 records, it works fine.  If I 
run it on a
large table, with 28 fields and 307 records, then I get:

javax.servlet.ServletException: cannot find bean fvalues in any scope
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageCon
at org.apache.jsp.showtable_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
...[deletia...I can't imagine that any of it has anything to do with my error]

I can eliminate this problem if I reduce the number of fields in the table to 9 or 10,
but I can't see why this should be a problem, and certainly not why my looping bean
should suddenly become unavailable.  My unit tests seem to be telling me that my
Record bean should be properly returning a list of 28 field values.  I don't know at
what point things are breaking down.  I'm not experienced with JSP tag programming,
so I haven't been able to learn much from, or the compiled version
of showtable.jsp.  Any pointers on my problem would be much appreciated.

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