Struts Dreamweaver extension

2001-12-14 Thread Anthony Chater

We are testing the Compuware Struts tag Dreamweaver extension in
MacromediaUltradev as this appears to be the most complete Struts visual
tooling around.  However we are not having 100% in achieving what we need.

Our situation is as follows :
We receive HTML files from a design bureau and convert them to JSP files
which we then load into a site in Ultradev. We then doctor the jsps with
the Struts tags.  What we want to do is roundtripping with the design bureau
By this we mean that when minor changes occur  we want to be able to zip up
the whole site and send it back to the design bureau. 
They should be able to work with the (now JSP and Struts tag-enabled) pages,
make their changes, zip up the site and send it back to us so that we can
continue working.(We would ensure that the design bureau had the
necessary tag library extensions to load into their Ultradev work

There are 2 questions which arise here :

1. Is our concept of roundtripping outlined above feasible? 

2. Most important :  assuming we set up our site with a live datasource
which the actions can call,  will our Struts-enables pages then be rendered
in Ultradev the way they actually appear or will we still get the flower
symbols in place of  Struts tags and the layout discrepancies which now

Anthony Chater

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Generate Javascript popup from Action

2001-12-12 Thread Anthony Chater

I have a page which calls an Action  in the standard way. However in some
situations, ie as a result of logic executed in my Action class,  I need to
generate a popup window on top of the page before proceeding.  Is it
possible to do this from within my action?

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logic:notPresent tag doesn't work

2001-12-05 Thread Anthony Chater

In the Struts-example application the logic:notPresent tag is used in
index.jsp to check whether the Application resources file was loaded.
However I've tested this and it doesn't work. You still get a bunch of
missing key error messages .
Any suggestions

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Form beans in tag library

2001-12-05 Thread Anthony Chater

Can I  get a handle on my form beans in my own tag library?

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Customised Error handling

2001-11-19 Thread Anthony Chater

The HTMLErrors tag handles validation errors well and of course I can load
other text messages into an  ActionError and present them via an HTML:errors
But I need to have at least one other category of  error message. 
 Is there a built-in mechanism for doing this or do I have to write my own

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RE: Feedback on Struts Pros and Cons

2001-10-31 Thread Anthony Chater


I've just finished building  a prototype using Struts and talking to EJB
session beans at the back end and can give you a brief sum up of my own
practical experiences 
without answering you point for point :
The chief adavantages are :
simplified  error handling (some) / easy internationalisation / automatic
form handling - think of validation and parameter retrieval / ready-made tag
libraries for code-free JSPs / localisation of all action handling

Incidentally some of the disadvantages you list are trivial : almost every
servlet based framework I've worked with requires at least one class to be
programmed per action.
A Struts tip : think in terms of Actions not pages;   so actions can be
reused by many pages
And.. Data entry validation can be  toggled per JSP (per form actually; you
simply don't implement the validate method if you don't want it!)

Disadvantages are :
- only for JSP / servlets
- a relatively steep learning curve (but thereafter vastly improved
- you're bound to the Struts tag libs if you use them (which you should). If
you ditch Struts you can start layouting again -:)
-  (your point )internationalization is limited to static strings


I only subscribed to this newsgroup today and the messages are all streaming
into my mailbox.  I's there a !@#$%%%$#@  newsgroup where on can anser this
sort of thing using a normal newsgroup reader?

 -Original Message-
 From: David Bueche [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 2:23 PM
 Subject:  Feedback on Struts Pros and Cons
 I work with a company that is new to Java and we are evaluating tools for
 a standard J2EE architecture.  One of the Model 2 approaches we are
 looking at is Struts.
 After spending some time evaluating Struts, I have assembled the attached
 list of pros and cons, but would like to get some impartial third party
 feedback.  If anyone sees anything I missed, I would appreciate your
 Struts Advantages:
 1. Provides a controller ActionServlet that dispatches requests to the
 appropriate business actions (Action subclasses) provided by the
 application developer.  All dispatching is defined in an XML file
 2. Supports internationalization of messages and prompts.
 3. Provides message collections that can be easily displayed in a
 subsequent JSP/Servlet.
 4. Allows the input (data entry) JSP/Servlet to be specified for each
 Action subclass, so control can be returned to that JSP/Servlet in the
 case of an error.
 5. Provides custom tags to delegate many of the JSPs' HTML commands and
 Servlets' println statements to tag libraries.
 6. Automates population of the JSP domain object (ActionForm subclass)
 with input data.
 7. Allows data entry validation (ActionForm subclass) and business logic
 (Action subclass) to be decoupled from the presentation JSPs/Servlets.
 8. Data validation can be turned on or off in web.xml.
 Struts Disadvantages:
 1. Instead of direct dispatching by controller Servlet(s), dispatching is
 defined in an XML file, adding a layer of indirection overhead to the
 2. Requires behavior typically factored for commonality in controller
 Servlet methods to be duplicated in every Action subclass (some common
 behavior could possibly be delegated to additional classes or components
 and accessed by each Action subclass).
 3. Struts internationalization is limited to static strings and does not
 include internationalization of data returned by a business component.
 4. Struts internationalization requires an
 file, which conflicts with the current Enterprise Java Application
 Standard of definely properties directly in the web.xml file.
 5. Presentation of message collections is predefined in tag libraries
 (although these could be modified for more specialized presentation).
 6. Requires understanding of custom tags and tag libraries, as well as
 their deployment.  While this may not be a problem for more advanced
 developers, this will add another layer of complexity for less experienced
 development and support teams and requiring more intensive EAS
 7. Delegating much of the presentation layer to custom tags can make the
 final HTML/presentation less clear than HTML placed directly in the
 8. Data entry validation is toggled on/off on a global basis only (not on
 a per JSP/Servlet basis).
 9. Requires recompilation and redeployment when data entry validation or
 business component invocation changes.   This is unnecessary if data entry
 validation and business component invocation is performed in a JSP.
 10. Requires at least one additional class per deployed page: an Action
 subclass to invoke the corresponding business component or model behavior
 and forward control to the subsequent JSP/Servlet.  

RE: problem with i18n

2001-10-31 Thread Anthony Chater


Format is : BasicBundle + _  + languagecode + _ + countryCode

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 3:30 PM
 Subject:  problem with i18n
 Hello struts-user,
 I have a problem with i18n.
 I have setup in the web.xml file this
 and I added in the ch/netcetera/webapp/struts directory two files:
 With jsp I look witch language I use and this is OK. But struts us
 ever the
   String lang = request.getHeader(Accept-Language);
   boolean headerSuccess = false;
   if (lang != null){
 if (lang.length() = 2){
   session.putValue(org.apache.struts.action.Action.LOCALE_KEY, new
 java.util.Locale(lang.substring(0, 2), ) );
   headerSuccess = true;
   if (headerSuccess){
 %bean:message key=index.title /%
 out.println(Header 'Accept-Language' either not found or has no
 recognisable value.);
 This jsp code print me always the string key for index.title in the
 Have someone a answer to that problem?
 Best regards,
  rgi  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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