Platform: debian woody, apache 1.3.19, tomcat 3.2.3,
          struts 1.0, Java2 SDK 1.3

[I'm not on the mailing list, so please Cc me on any
 response.  Thanx!]

I've downloaded the binary distribution of struts 1.0 

And followed a modified version of what the INSTALL
file says about installation under Tomcat:
 - I've copied "struts-documentation.war" and
   "struts-example.war" to /usr/share/java/webapps/
 - I've added "DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.html" and
   "AddHandler jserv-servlet .do" to /etc/apache/srm.conf
 - I've restarted tomcat and then restarted apache

The <http://localhost/struts-documentation> URL seems to
work fine, but <http://localhost/struts-example> has
some problems:
 - how do I get the web.xml file from struts-example?
   (the tutorial says to look at it to see how you
    should create a web.xml file for your own application)
   If I remove the DirectoryIndex mapping for index.jsp,
   I get to list the directory for struts-example, but
   I'm not allowed to access <http://localhost/struts-example/WEB-INF/>
   where I presume the web.xml file can be found?

 - the other problem is related to actually running
   the application.  If I try clicking on the link
   "Register with the MailReader Demonstration Application",
   I get a 404 not found on the URL
   The "Walking tour of the Example Application", gives
   me a 404 Not found, on the URL
   The "Log on to the MailReader Demonstation Application"
   pops up a form requesting username and password,
   but I don't have anything meaningful to give it,
   so I can't test if it actually works.
   Both the "problem" links are .do files.  When
   I remove the index.jsp DirectoryIndex mapping
   I can't find any .do files on the top level.
   Presumably they reside under WEB-INF/ somewhere,
   but since I can't access that directory from the
   web browser, I can't check.
   I'm guessing that I'm missing some configuration
   on .do files, but I don't know what.
I'm continuing to dig at the problems, but all
hints and tips will be appreciated.


- Steinar

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