Re: Refresh button and Back button

2001-07-25 Thread Bud Gibson

The back button problem is standard.  You need to use a token to prevent 
sensitive form resubmission.  This is documented in Geary's Advanced JSP 
book and Core J2EEE patterns.  They are both put out by Sun.

In short, tokens allow you to determine whether the page should be 
processed in the normal way.  You include a token in the request and 
save a copy in the session.  When the page is submitted, you check that 
they match.  If so, you can do normal processing.  If not, you need to 
decide what to do.

Struts supports tokens, but the implementation is opaque (IMHO). 
Geary's book provides a good treatment.  However, there is an error in 
the code he uses to check tokens (don't have book in front right now, so 
can't spell it out).  I think he does not check all the cases he says he 
does.  At any rate, the code is in the book for the test tokens tag he 
develops.  Even if you used the Struts implementation, you would have to 
use his logic.

Bud Gibson
e-Lab Czar
Assistant Professor
University of Michigan Business School
701 Tappan Street, C2424
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234
ph:  734\647-9200
fax:  734\764-3240

Re: DataSource and Factories

2001-07-25 Thread Bud Gibson

This looks interesting, but I am not sure how I would use it.

Would the strategy be to set up an action to run when the application is 
loaded?  Would the action then obtain a reference to the data source and 
stow it in some repository using JNDI for use by the persistenc layer?

That is the solution we think will work.  Is this different from that?


DataSource can be obtained either Deployment descriptor as
(associate a Jndi name to the Datasource

beans:write bug?

2001-07-18 Thread Bud Gibson

We have a bean with properties where the setter takes a float, and the 
getter returns a string.  Using expressions and scriptlets, this all 
works fine.

For instance, I can write the following for a bean contained inside another:

%= HagBean.getProduct().getPrice() %

and a formatted string with the price will appear.  However, when we try 
the equivalent bean:write,

bean:write name=HagBean property=product.price /

struts tells us that we are mismatching types with a float and String.

Is this a bean:write bug?  As I understand beans, setter methods are not 
even required.  I find it odd that bean:write seems to be assuming the 
type of the setter method and then becoming unhappy when it gets the 
type returned by the getter method.

Bud Gibson
e-Lab Czar
Assistant Professor
University of Michigan Business School
701 Tappan Street, C2424
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234
ph:  734\647-9200
fax:  734\764-3240

Using tokens for sensitive form submissions

2001-07-09 Thread Bud Gibson


We want to use tokens for sensitive form submissions.  It looks like 
struts can do this.  However, the feature is hidden (at least to me) and 

Following David Geary's Advanced JSP book (and somewhat Core J2EE 
Patterns by Alur et al.), I would like to set a token when I send out 
certain forms and test the token when those forms are resubmitted.  At 
this stage, I have actually written my own action and borrowed Geary's 
tag library code.  If someone submits a form with a stale or no token, 
my action reroutes them to a default action that figures out what to do 
with them.  If someone submits a form without a stale token, then the 
form is forwarded to another action that does validation and processing.

Have I reinvented the wheel?  Is there a built-in capacity to do this 
within struts?  I want to write as little infrastructure code as possible.

Bud Gibson
University of Michigan Business School