RE: Netbeans Support of Struts

2001-07-02 Thread Cook, Levi

Not directly--

I have, however, added Tomcat to my struts projects and ran the entire
process within NetBeans.

-- Levi

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 12:07 PM
 Subject: Netbeans Support of Struts
 Does the Netbeans IDE support the creation of Struts applications and
 running/debugging them inside Netbeans?

RE: newbie - requesting example of working build.xml, files

2001-06-22 Thread Cook, Levi

I haven't taken time to account for the variation, but walking through this
process on a fresh RedHat 7.1 installation required an additional step.

Basically, to prevent ant from failing on some jar sealing Security
exception that I don't remember the details of, I had to remove
$ANT_HOME/lib/parser.jar  $ANT_HOME/lib/jaxp.jar. (I think ant 1.3 carries
jaxp 1.0 with it, and the presence of Jaxp 1.1 caused the fit)

-- Levi

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 5:20 PM
 Subject: Re: newbie - requesting example of working build.xml, files
 On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Michael McCafferty wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am trying to build struts from source, and having an unexpectedly
  difficult time of it. I have downloaded the source code 
 from CVS, and
  followed the directions listed on without success.
  I have copied the $STRUTS/ to
  and edited existing entries accordingly. I have also copied
  $STRUTS/build-webapp.xml to build.xml and edited existing values
  accordingly.  For all prerequesite properties listed in 
  (lines 29-86) I am specifying a command line option to ant. 
  I'm probably missing something obvious, but I'm coming to 
 the conclusion
  that the sample configuration files require a LOT of 
 customization in
  order to build a vanilla version of struts from source. I'd 
 love to see
  copies of build.xml and that someone has used to
  successfully compile the software.
 You should not have to modify *anything* in build.xml, 
 or build-webapps.xml in order to build Struts from source.  All of the
 necessary values are inherited from properties you set inside your file.
 The minimal set of properties you need to set in your file are:
   jdbc20ext.jar - Set this to the full pathname to your
   jdbc2_0-stdext.jar file (download the
   JDBC 2.0 Optional Package).
   servlet.jar   - Set this to the full pathname to your
   servlet.jar file (normally the one you
   got with your servlet container).
 For the rest of my setup, here's what I did:
 * Downloaded Ant 1.3 and installed it (and placed $ANT_HOME/bin
   on my PATH)
 * From the same place, grab Ant's optional.jar file and
   place it in $ANT_HOME/lib.
 * Download JAXP/1.1 and put all three JAR files on my CLASSPATH.
 * Type ant to compile Struts, or ant dist to create a mirror
   of the binary distribution.
 If you are having to change other properties, then we should try to
 simplify the build scripts so that you don't have to.
  Thanks in advance,
  Michael McCafferty
 Craig McClanahan

RE: Error compiling 'cannot resolve symbol'

2001-06-05 Thread Cook, Levi

Ant's user manual has lots of useful pointers for you.

A quick fix for your junit problem is to place junit.jar in your CLASSPATH
or in the $ANT_HOME/lib directory.

Levi Cook

FYI, JUnit and Ant both have good mailing lists for further info on this

-Original Message-
From: Sylvie Djihanian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 4:47 PM
Subject: Error compiling 'cannot resolve symbol'

I am trying to compile the sample application I found in the
Struts, an open-source MVC implementation article  I get the
following error:

[javac] E:\jakarta-struts-1.0-b3\samples\business\src\test\test\business\All cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class Test
[javac] location: package framework
[javac] import junit.framework.Test;
I downloaded junit.jar and copied it into my
E:\jakarta-struts-1.0-b3\samples\business\lib directory.  (I thought JUnit
should have come with the Ant binaries).
I'm somewhat new to the struts and java world... Do you know how I can get
the builder to find the junit package?

RE: Managing resource life cycle during request

2001-06-05 Thread Cook, Levi

Can you elaborate on your resource cleanup requirements? 

My view on designing a responsible object is that I must make sure it
eventually releases any, non-memory, finite resources it uses. This design
strategy, coupled with garbage collection ensures my system doesn't run out
of those resources (eg. file handles, sockets, etc.). 

Given that ActionForms and JSPs should play the view role in Struts, I
would question a design that has them acquiring non-memory resources. But,
alas, I don't know your system or situation.. 

Levi Cook

-Original Message-
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: Managing resource life cycle during request

I doubt that overriding ActionServlet.process() would work. The
controller sends back the response, and it's done. It's then up to HTTP
to deliver the view, usually a JSP. 

Any clean-up routine would have to be the responsibility of the view,
which puts you into the scriplet zone.

Jeff Trent wrote:
 Well, it looks to me that short of overriding ActionServlet.process(),
 is no way one can clean-up resources after the page has been rendered...

RE: Managing resource life cycle during request

2001-06-05 Thread Cook, Levi

Just a few notes:

1. Struts doesn't dissallow the operations you outline below. If you are
using Struts, and you really need to do this, you can make the same calls
from your Action implementation.

public class SomeAction extends Action {
  public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
   throws IOException, ServletException {
ServletContext context = servlet.getServletContext();
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = context.getRequestDispatcher(jspFile);

rs - dbquery
request.setAttribute(rs, rs);
dispatcher.include(request, response);

// ActionServlet doesn't do any more response processing..
return null;

I'm not suggesting that coding this way is wrong. I would suggest that this
isn't optimal model/view separation, which is one of the main motives for
using Struts, right?

2. My use of the term acquiring may have been wrong, or at least
ambiguous. More accurately, I would suggest that view components should not
have knowledge of, or responsibility for non-memory, finite resources. 

3. You must rely on Garbage collection in Java, you may not like its
behaviors, but its all you get. Also, I would never suggest that you rely on
garbage collection to free, non-memory resources, like db-handles. 

-- Levi

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Trent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: Managing resource life cycle during request


The view/JSP does not acquire the resource.  Here is a sample of how the
code use to work pre-struts:
rs - dbquery
request.setAttribute(rs, rs)



rs = request.getAttribute(rs)
while (

- - -

The problem is that there is no appropriate counterpart in the world of
struts.  Sure, I can copy the row data to a collection and then walk the
collection.  But for various reasons, this may be inappropriate (especially
for large result sets represented by a cursor).

Finally, you should not depend on garbage collection.  The garbage collector
is not always called and its certainly not called as often as you would want
it to when you need to free scarce resources like db handles.

- jeff

- Original Message -
From: Cook, Levi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 1:40 PM
Subject: RE: Managing resource life cycle during request

 Can you elaborate on your resource cleanup requirements?

 My view on designing a responsible object is that I must make sure it
 eventually releases any, non-memory, finite resources it uses. This design
 strategy, coupled with garbage collection ensures my system doesn't run
 of those resources (eg. file handles, sockets, etc.).

 Given that ActionForms and JSPs should play the view role in Struts, I
 would question a design that has them acquiring non-memory resources. But,
 alas, I don't know your system or situation..

 Levi Cook

 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 10:31 PM
 Subject: Re: Managing resource life cycle during request

 I doubt that overriding ActionServlet.process() would work. The
 controller sends back the response, and it's done. It's then up to HTTP
 to deliver the view, usually a JSP.

 Any clean-up routine would have to be the responsibility of the view,
 which puts you into the scriplet zone.

 Jeff Trent wrote:
  Well, it looks to me that short of overriding ActionServlet.process(),
  is no way one can clean-up resources after the page has been rendered...

RE: Grid Support in Struts

2001-05-31 Thread Cook, Levi

Not sure I totally followed your requirement, but I think I do something
similar in one of my systems. Basically, its valid to nest iterate tags like

  logic:iterate name=someBean property=collectionOfRows id=row
  logic:iterate name=row property=collectionOfColumns id=col
bean:write name=col property=whatEver/

Hopefully, that's somewhat useful..

-- Levi

- Original Message -
From: du Clos, John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 9:19 AM
Subject: Grid Support in Struts

 We currently have a business requirement to provide a grid type of
 interface as part of many web pages in our design.  I searched the list
 Grid examples or support and did not find anything.  Has anyone
 a psudo grid function using Struts... that would support the following:

 col1  col2 col3
 ___   ___   ___
 row 1 |__ |  |___|  |__|
 ___   ___   ___
 row 2 |__ |  |___|  |__|
 ___   ___   ___
 row 3 |__ |  |___|  |__|
 ___   ___   ___
 row 4 |__ |  |___|  |__|


 Essentially, i believe we are looking for a solution that supports a
 2-dimensional array so we can reference it as ObjName(row,col).  I read
 iterate tag documentation, but did not seem to be well suited for
 multi-dimension.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

 The additional business requirement is that we allow user to dynamically
 rows and columns... i found something on the list to support dynamically
 adding rows w/iterate and some coding on the jsp, but nothing on dynamic


RE: Suggestion/Idea for iterate tag: Iterate ResultSets

2001-05-07 Thread Cook, Levi

If you are interested in executing SQL from your JSPs, the taglibs project
might save you some time.

Check into:

For what its worth, this approach breaks the model-view separation struts
may have provided for your project. If that's ok for your project, then the
afore-mentioned taglibs should save you time. On the other hand, if your not
sure what model-view separation is, I would recommend reviewing the Struts
User's Guide - Introduction at:

Levi Cook

-Original Message-
From: Mindaugas Idzelis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 9:06 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Jonathan Asbell
Subject: RE: Suggestion/Idea for iterate tag: Iterate ResultSets

I just thought of another option: If resultsets are tied to a connection and
a statement, then specify the sql query within the iterator:

Hypothetical taglibs:
sql:query id=myQuery
SELECT col1, col2
FROM table
WHERE id  1
!-- even use bean:write in here to dynamically make
queries --
logic:iterate id=row query=myQuery
bean:write name=row property=col1/
bean:write name=row property=col2/

Where sql:query would only be evauluated once per iteration. Would this be
possible to create? I have never authored a taglib, so any feedback from
taglib veterans is greatly appreciated. I think this would be a great
addition to the taglibs framework.


-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Asbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: Suggestion/Idea for iterate tag: Iterate ResultSets

Result sets ARE tied to the connection in a way.  Some DB drivers throw
exceptions when you try to manipulate data while you still have a pointer to
rows.  At work we were trying to manipulate a stream which was pointing to
an output parameter in a stored proc while the connection was open.  The
result was that we had to convert the stream into another object (String in
our case) and close the connection just to manipulate the data.

- Original Message -
From: Mindaugas Idzelis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 9:33 PM
Subject: Suggestion/Idea for iterate tag: Iterate ResultSets

 I just thought up of an excellent idea (although, I wasn't the only one).
 Use the iterate tag to iterate over the rows of a resultset. The column
 data could be exposed as beans named as the column name. A bean:write
 operation would display the data in the column.

 I did a search about this topic in the mailing list archive, and I found
 this message:

 It talk about ResultSets being tied to connections. This is not the case.
 ResultSets are tied to the statements that produced them, and as far as I
 can tell, statements are not closed when the connection is closed.

 Other than that, It should be easy to change the iterate tag to support
 resultsets. If anyone is interested in helping me extend or develop a tag
 for this purpose, please message me.


RE: PropertyUtils.copyProperties

2001-04-12 Thread Cook, Levi

Hi Fred,

In its current form, its not locale-sensitive on date conversion (that could
be fixed), but it served my needs for converting previously validated
strings. It also supports going the other direction, ie., converting a Date
object to a formatted String. Support for other types could be easily added

private StringConverter sc = new StringConverter();

// snippet from populating my Form
this.setBirthDate(null == contact.getBirthDate()
? null : sc.formatDate(contact.getBirthDate()));

// snippet from getting my domain object from the form
contact.setBirthDate(null == getBirthDate()
 ? null : sc.toDate(getBirthDate()));

Hope its useful,

-Original Message-
From: Fred Lo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 5:25 AM
Subject: PropertyUtils.copyProperties

Hi all,

I just wonder if anyone have a utility class that is perform something to 
PropertyUtils.copyProperties() but with type conversion?

The reason is that I am coding all my ActionForm with string (for validation

concern) but the underlying objects are in their respective type, so there 
is some tedious coding that copy the properties from the form/object back 
and forth.

Any help will be appreciated.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

RE: Use of Mapping in ActionForm's validate() method

2001-04-11 Thread Cook, Levi

I use mapping.getName() as part of my user input validation strategy.
Basically its part of the key for retrieving validation rules out from my
resources file.

For example, my "contactForm" would use the following keys:

If your curious, see the attached ValidatingForm, ValidatingFormAdapter 

Feedback is always welcome..

Levi Cook

-Original Message-
From: Rajan Gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:33 PM
Subject: Use of Mapping in ActionForm's validate() method

Hi! All
Can anybody provide me with a use for mapping parameter in validate()
method of ActionForm?

If u have used this parameter for something please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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RE: How to display the size of an Collection attribute of a bean?

2001-04-10 Thread Cook, Levi

Check bean:size

Hope that helps,
Levi Cook
Greenbrier  Russel, Inc.
8383 Greenway Blvd., Suite 200
Middleton, WI  53562
web  :

-Original Message-
From: Thai Thanh Ha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 2:43 AM
Subject: How to display the size of an Collection attribute of a bean?

I want to display the size of an Collection attribute of a Bean using Struts
taglibs.  I can use scriptlet but are there any other ways to do that? 

RE: ActionForm (DataObject) generator?

2001-03-19 Thread Cook, Levi

might also check into another apache tool called Torque. I think its officially 
bundled with Turbine, but it could be a subproject for code generation in its 
own right.

not sure of its current status, but Iacquired a pre-release version from 
cvs and havehad very good results.

a useful starting point:


Levi Cook Greenbrier  Russel Madison, Wisconsin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: Kyle Robinson 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 
  5:35 PMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: 
  ActionForm (DataObject) generator?
  We are using 
  Struts with an Oracle database as the backend. We don'treally feel 
  like handwriting 100's of java files (one for each table). Does anyone 
  know of a good db table - java object generator? Preferably open 
  Kyle Robinson Systems Consultant Pangaea Systems 
  Inc. (250) 360-0111 

RE: html:img tag cannot find image

2001-03-19 Thread Cook, Levi
Title: RE: html:img tag cannot find image

Hi Tom,

In your example, you are directing your web browser to request an image file from within the WEB-INF directory. Per the servlet specification your servlet engine treats the WEB-INF directory as a private resource. This means none of the files it contains may be served directly to a client.

Try moving your /images directory out to your applications document root and you should have more luck.

For more info. on this, check section 9.4, Directory Structure, of the servlet spec at

Hope that helps,
Levi Cook
Greenbrier  Russel
Madison, Wisconsin

-Original Message-
From: Tom Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 2:53 PM
To: struts-user
Subject: html:img tag cannot find image

Hello all,

It seems that the html:img tag is able to find images in the context
root, but not in subdirectories.
When I specify an image with the html:img tag like this:
html:img src=green-ball.gif/
the images appear.

But when I specify a subdirectory like this:
html:img src=WEB-INF/images/orange-ball.gif/
the images are missing when the page renders, i.e. little red X symbol
in the browser.

Here is a pared down JSP that illustrates the problem. It gives the same
results whether I include the html:base/ tag or not.

I'm using Struts 1.0b1 and Tomcat 3.2.1.

TIA for any help.


%@ page language=java %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %


 Dot Onehtml:img src=green-ball.gif/ % /* image shows in
browser */ %
 Dot Twohtml:img src=WEB-INF/images/orange-ball.gif/ % /* image
missing in browser */ %


Tom Miller
Miller Associates, Inc.
641.469.3535 Phone
413.581.6326 FAX

RE: Minimizing Action class proliferation

2001-03-08 Thread Cook, Levi
Title: RE: Minimizing Action class proliferation

For what its worth, I find Niall Pemberton's StandardAction to be a very elegant solution to the common problem of locating an appropriate action handler. 

Since it addresses a common problem in building a web app. and follows several other idioms at work within Struts, I believe this would make a very nice standard[/optional?] extension to the Struts framework.

How do others feel about this?

One possible catch is the contract created between your actions path attribute and your method names. To allow deployers to vary the public URL of an action, would it make sense to add an optional handler attribute to the action element? Default behaviour would then be to use the path attribute, if no handler was specified.

Anyway.. that's my 2ยข, regards,
Levi Cook
Greenbrier  Russel
Madison, Wisconsin

-Original Message-
From: Richard Reich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: Minimizing Action class proliferation

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 06:31
Subject: RE: Minimizing Action class proliferation

 It would be nice to do a standard implementation of this, with Craig's
blessing of course :), and add it to Struts to optionally be used by folks
who prefer this approach.

Yes, it would be nice. An abstract class that can be used or not.
Documented as such. Preferably with the introspection-reducing optimization
you mention.


RE: A Strange Error when using Forte for Java and Struts ...

2001-03-06 Thread Cook, Levi
Title: RE: A Strange Error when using Forte for Java and Struts ...

With out your source, I'm not 100% clear on your problem.. However, it may be beneficial to consider that javax.sql.DataSource is part of Sun's Optional Package package for JDBC 2.0.

import javax.sql.DataSouce;

To use the preceding import statement in my applications, I took the following steps:
1. Downloaded JDBC Standard Extension Binary 2.0 (see link below)
2. Placed the download file jdbc2_0-stdext.jar in %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/ext

See for more information.

Hope that helps a little,
Levi Cook

-Original Message-
From: Vardar, Tuna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 9:25 AM
Subject: A Strange Error when using Forte for Java and Struts ...


I tried to use Forte for Java 2.0 with Struts and got this different error:

 Class javax.sql.DataSource not found in type decleration or import.

The reason for this is the line implemented as:

 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet;

any comments?

king regards,

RE: VA Java and Struts without Tomcat / WebSphere

2001-03-05 Thread Cook, Levi


would check out the Tomcat Test Environment that IBM provides for 

the link I have to as of this morning:

might also want to check 
outthis posting on struts-user:


-Original Message-From: 
Johan Compagner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, March 05, 
2001 4:05 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Don 
ElliottSubject: Re: VA Java and Struts without Tomcat / 

  It doesn't work on the Websphere test environment 
  in VAJ yet.
  Because the websphere inside VAJ doesn't support 
  JSP1.1 yet (only the real websphere does that)
  you must wait for Fixpack3 that will get the test 
  environment to the same level of Websphere 3.5.3
- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 8:06 
Subject: VA Java and Struts without 
Tomcat / WebSphere

Hi Struts Users,

Has anyone been able to install and use Struts 
within the cut-down servlet engine shipped with VA Java ? ie. without 
installingTomcat or Websphere? Does this work 

I understand the servlet engine shipped with VA 
Java is a cut-down version of Websphere, and looking at all the feedback on 
getting Websphere working I'm wondering if it is worth my while attempting 
to do this.
