Re: Struts & Clarion

2000-12-11 Thread Dave Harms


> Hey! What's Clarion doing about Java these days? Once upon a time, I
> was Secretary of the CUG hereabouts.
At first I was going to reply privately, but actually there may be 
something of interest here for Clarion developers and (some) Struts 

For those not familiar with Clarion, it's a Windows application 
development environment with some pretty useful template-driven code 
generation technology. Although Clarion is pretty much only used for 
generating code in the Clarion language, there are a lot of 
possibilities for generating code in other languages. Back in '96 I 
wrote some templates to generate Java code, but they were fairly 

In 1999 at the Florida DevCon TopSpeed announced that Java was their 
language of choice for multi-tier, distributed applications, and 
Clarion would stay their language of choice for client/server. But 
their internet vision was unclear, and they eventually split into 
SoftVelocity (Bob Zaunere, pres, Clarion technologies) and Sensium 
(Arthur Barrington, consulting, web). SoftVelocity has focused on 
restoring some stability to the Clarion product. AFAIK they're more 
likely to go C# than Java because it would be an easier migration path. 

OTOH I think Clarion generating Struts code could be a powerful tool. 
One of the problems discussed here is the necessity of creating a bean 
for each form. Clarion excels at generating that kind of stuff. I've 
pointed Struts out to SV but they're still a new company and they have 
their hands full. 

Of course, there's nothing stopping anyone from writing their own 
templates to do this, assuming you use Windows as your development 
platform, and can afford a copy of Clarion. 


Dave Harms

Re: Struts Articles

2000-12-08 Thread Dave Harms


> -B994-7ECFFD04E9D6} >
Are you able to read the whole article? I signed up but I can still only 
see the introduction and the "what you will need" section. 


Dave Harms

Re: Article on JavaWorld

2000-12-05 Thread Dave Harms


> Why should source code not be changed? What is the harm, within
> a specific project, to change the source code to add functionality? How
> would an open source project ever evolve if all experiments where banished?
> Should there be a monopopy on making suggestions?

I personally don't think that source code from a project like Struts should 
never be changed. However the risk in changing such code is that it makes 
upgrading to a later release more problematic. Now you have to merge your 
changes back in. As Craig suggests, it's better to propose the changes back 
to the project and hope for acceptance. 


Dave Harms

Re: Article on JavaWorld

2000-12-05 Thread Dave Harms


> but...what if the company has only Java programmers as
> JSP designers ? Most of these arguments are based on cultural more than
> technical reasons.

There are still problems with, for example, scriptlets even in a 
situation like this. JSPs are not a particularly code-friendly 
environment. And re-use is more difficult. So I think even if the Java 
programmers are designing the pages, using scriptlets will tend to make 
life more difficult. I think these are sound technical objections. 


Dave Harms

Re: Problem with DTD on latest build

2000-11-15 Thread Dave Harms


> /WEB-INF/struts.tld : Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element
> "web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
Sounds like something is out of order in your web.xml - do you have 
servlets declared, then mappings, then taglibs? 


Dave Harms