Re: How to create a "No Action" ActionForward

2004-02-22 Thread James Adams
I think Srikanth has hit the nail on the head, in that
I am not fully utilizing what is already available
with vanilla J2EE, namely security roles,
authorization constraints, and error pages, all of
which I can declare in the deployment descriptor of my
web app.  But I still want to use a Struts component
for the authentication instead of a more traditional
form-based authentication scheme.

Let me outline below what is, I think, a much better
approach and kindly ask for comments, as I'm not
certain that this will work or if it's actually the
smartest way to go.

I would like to use a Struts Action class to handle my
login form, instead of vanilla form-based
authentication, i.e. "j_security_check", for two
reasons: 1) form-based authentication is not very
secure since it passes the user name and password
across the network in clear text, and 2) I want to use
a LDAP server (within my login Action class) to do the
authentication, and this would not be possible using
plain form-based authentication.

So the plan is to have a form in my Login.jsp with the
form's action being the login Action class.  The login
Action class will connect to the LDAP server and try
to authenticate using the username and password
supplied as form inputs.  If the authentication
succeeds then the user's session is set with the
user's role (also retrieved from the LDAP server), and
then the control is forwarded to the first "logged in"
welcome page.  If the authentication fails then the
appropriate error message ("Login failed - try again")
will be added to the ActionErrors and control is
forwarded back to the login page, which will display
the ActionError message via a  tag, and
allow the user to try again.

In order to accomplish session authorization of a
session for each *.jsp of the application I will
declare a security constraint in the web.xml, like so:

Restricted Pages



With the above I will get automatic checking of the
user's role by the container at each access of any
*.jsp, and anyone accessing a *.jsp without an
appropriate role set in their session will not be
allowed to access the page.  If the user is not in the
appropriate role then I can forward to an error page
by declaring an  in the deployment

The above authorization strategy takes care of what I
was trying to accomplish with my SessionValidator
Action class idea from before, which was to check for
a "loggedIn" session attribute before allowing a user
to continue with page processing.  In fact it is even
better, in that it allows the flexibility of allowing
different roles and authorization of pages based on
roles and not just on a single "loggedIn" flag.  

I am not sure how I will programmatically set the
user's role in the login Action class execute()
method.  Is it as simple as just setting a session
attribute named "role" ?

Thanks in advance for your insight.


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Re: How to create a "No Action" ActionForward for return from an Action's execute() ?

2004-02-19 Thread James Adams
Thanks for all of the suggestions on how to solve this
problem.  You have all given good ideas and introduced
me to concepts that I am unfamiliar with as a beginner
with Struts.

To further clarify what I want to do, in case it will
lead to more pointed suggestions - I am including this
session validator on each JSP of my application to
check to make sure that a user is logged in, and if
not I forward to the login page.  There really is no
logic involved other than

if (loggedIn)
  // stay on current page
  // go to login page

I have done this before by including a servlet on each
page which directs to the login page if the user
wasn't logged in.

If this further information leads you to conclude that
one approach is superior/simpler to another (it looks
like using a Filter or
RequestProcessor.processPreprocess() is the concensus)
then I will certainly appreciate any further

Also, if I decide to use the RequestProcessor, which
seems best, how do I configure it ?  I assume that I
just put an entry in the struts-config.xml and specify
the class of the RequestProcessor (I didn't find
anything on this in the User's Guide).

Again thanks for helping me out with this.


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How to create a "No Action" ActionForward for return from an Action's execute() ?

2004-02-19 Thread James Adams
I have created an Action class which does session
validation by checking to see if a "loggedIn" flag is
set in the session - if it is absent, or set to false,
then I want to forward to the login page.  However if
it is set to true then I don't want to do anything -
the execute() method should just complete and control
should return to the calling page.  But the execute()
method must return an ActionForward, and it is
impossible to specify a forward name/path for this
case in the struts-config.xml since the path should be
the path of the page that the action is being called
from, and there is no way to know this information
beforehand.  So I am wondering how can I (within the
execute() method of the SessionValidatorAction) create
an ActionForward to return which will indicate the
path of the calling page ?  Is there a way to create
and return a "No Action" ActionForward ?  Can I just
return null ? 

I am including the action at the top of the JSPs via

The action mapping I'm currently using looks like this

Is this the right approach/design ?  If so how can I
return an ActionForward from the
SessionValidatorAction's execute() method which
forwards control back to the calling page ?  If not
then how else should I go about this ?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.  Please Cc: any
rsponses to this email address.


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Re: not displaying the errors?

2003-07-30 Thread James Adams
Thanks for the help.
It turned out I'd added a seperate file in the init
parameters for the struts Action servlet in the web.xml which didn't contain
the messages I needed.   This caused struts to ignore the
that I'd specified in the message-resources tag of struts-config.xml file.


- Original Message -
From: "Bailey, Shane C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 3:13 PM
Subject: RE:  not displaying the errors?

> I forgot to mention that the only time I can remember that happening is
> I first when to modules and I tried making my own custom bundle for
> in my module's struts config.
> Error messages weren't showing up because of the custom resource bundle
> in my modules.  As soon as I got rid of the custom bundle name in the
> the errors showed up.
> -Original Message-
> From: James Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 9:51 AM
> Subject:  not displaying the errors?
> Hello,
> I'm using DynaValidatorForm to check certain form fields are entered as
> required.  The validation is done sucessfully but I've recently added
> somthing that seems to have stopped  from displaying the
> errors?
> Does anyone have any suggestions why this might have happened? is there a
> common mistake that might have caused this? or any tips on how to go about
> debugging it?
> regards
> James
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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not displaying the errors?

2003-07-30 Thread James Adams

I'm using DynaValidatorForm to check certain form fields are entered as required.  The 
validation is done sucessfully but I've recently added somthing that seems to have 
stopped  from displaying the errors?  
Does anyone have any suggestions why this might have happened? is there a common 
mistake that might have caused this? or any tips on how to go about debugging it? 

