Re: [OT] Interesting JSF info

2003-08-14 Thread Jeff Caddel

My personal plan will be to do two things as soon as JavaServer Faces goes final.

* Migrate my existing Struts based apps to using JavaServer Faces
 component tags, instead of Struts HTML tags, to take advantage
 of their additional functionality.  Fortunately, this can be
 done with basically zero changes to the form beans and actions.
Once JSF is released, will Tiles be considered a phased out technology 
similar to how JSTL and Struts-EL replaced the Struts Tag Libraries?

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Tiles-EL ???

2003-08-07 Thread Jeff Caddel
Anyone know of a non-scriplet way to do what this jsp snippet is doing?

 c:set var=editPage value=${config.editPage}/
 % String editPage = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(editPage); %
 tiles:insert page=%=editPage%/

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Struts-EL, DynaActionForm, and HashMaps

2003-06-12 Thread Jeff Caddel
Given this xml snippet from struts-config:

form-bean name=myForm type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm
 form-property name=myMap type=java.util.HashMap/

and this JSTL snippet: (it prints out the firstName of a user bean 
stored in the HashMap under the key mapEntry1)

c:out value=${}/

What do I put under the property attribute below to cause the 
framework to update the firstName attribute of the bean stored under 
mapEntry1 with the contents of the textbox when the page gets submitted?

html-el:form action=/map
  html-el:text property=what goes here??/

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Re: 12 month contract - Toronto - immediate start

2003-04-04 Thread Jeff Caddel
I'm kinda partial to the 2-5 years required experience with Oracle 9i.

They are looking for a version of Winston Churchill who gained access to 
the Oracle 9i binaries back in April of  '98.  

A time traveling Winston Churchill...

One thing offends me the most is 

Excellent communication skills, both oral and written (10/10 essential)

Looks like they are looking for Winston Churchill.

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Advanced Tiles

2003-04-04 Thread Jeff Caddel
After going thru Cedric's doc 
( on 
Advanced Tiles Features I came up with something that's a slight 
derivative of the example on page 15, right under where it says, 
Example of a controller inserted as an URL:.  That example shows how 
to associate a controller with a tile definition. 

The point in doing that (as far as my wee little brain can tell) is to 
try and make each tile as autonomous as possible.  Right before each 
tile loads, an action gets invoked by the framework.  This gives you a 
chance to execute business logic and prepare the request for the tile 
that's about to load.

My issue is that I need a set of related actions to execute in an order 
that I can control before any of the tiles start to render. 

An example is a split screen where there is a tree of users displayed on 
the left, and a single user displayed on the right.  This screen has 
/ which preps the request for the tree, and / which 
handles all the user updates.  For the tree to display correctly I need 
/ to execute first (even though the tile it's associated with 
renders second), so that / has the updated information when it 
gets invoked.   Here are the relevant snippets I came up with to get 
this behavior:

At the top of layout.jsp:   tiles:insert definition=user.controllers/

  definition name=user.controllers 
putList name=controllers
add value=/admin/
add value=/admin/

logic:iterate id=controller name=controllers type=java.lang.String
  tiles:insert page=%=controller% flush=false/
This combination lets me execute an arbitrary set of actions in whatever 
order I want by simply editing tiles.xml.  Is this a clever thing to be 
doing?  A phenomenally bad idea?  Is there (as there usually is) a 
simpler/different way to get this behavior?  Any and all 
thoughts/comments/suggestions are welcome! 

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Re: [OT]Credit card processing

2003-03-31 Thread Jeff Caddel
I use the java API Verisign provides:
Their API is functional tho not exactly elegant.  I ended up putting a 
payment services layer in between our application code and the 
Verisign API calls mostly so I wouldn't be tied to Verisign any more 
than necessary, but also because some of their method/class names are 
really funky.

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Re: [OT] Contract Work: Going Rate?

2003-03-29 Thread Jeff Caddel
On a side note related to contracting/consulting, do ya'll generally 
attempt to get the numbers on the table when you deal with 3rd party 
recruiting companies?  Are you usually aware of what the recruiting 
company is charging the firm you are working for?  Do you feel (like I 
do) that you have a right to know?  I've been on 5 contracts over the 
past 3+ years:
Pay Rate / Bill Rate / Duration
$55 hr / $77 hr / 13 months
$155 hr / $220 hr / 6 weeks
$83 hr / $100 hr / 13 months
$55 hr / $90 hr / 9 months
$155 hr / $165 hr / 1 week

Only once did a recruiting company initially refuse to divulge to me 
what the client was going to be charged.  That project ended up 
embroiled in some nasty infighting with the project manager fighting 
with the HR rep who was fighting with the recruiting firm that was doing 
everything it could to hide the ridiculous difference between pay 
rate/bill rate.  Nothing exposes the darker side of human nature better 
than a bare knuckled brawl over large chunks of cash. ;)  

After that experience one thing I do (if at all possible) is get the 
recruiter face to face, chat them up some, ask very pointedly what they 
are planning on charging the client for me, then sit back and watch the 
show.  Very rarely do they just come right out and say a number, but if 
they break into a cold sweat and act like they are hiding the secret 
location of Sadaam's private bunker, be forewarned, composing elegant 
Java code is most likely one of the easier challenges you have in front 
of you...

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Re: Digester Best Practice

2003-03-25 Thread Jeff Caddel
Ahhh.  Ok.  So something inside InputSource retains a reference to the 
base uri which keeps the parser happy.  Makes perfect sense.  

We use xml includes a lot for our internal config files so knowing about 
this is a big time saver.

Using the second form, with an InputSource, lets Struts say the absolute
URL of the containing document is x, so that relative URLs can be
resolved correctly.

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Re: [OT] struts/hibernate in Oracle mag

2003-03-23 Thread Jeff Caddel

Why does no one use Jakarta's own OJB for persistence?

Tons of people do!

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Digester Best Practice

2003-03-21 Thread Jeff Caddel
Any reasons for one of these approaches being better/worse than the other?

URL url = 

InputStream input = url.openStream();
Digester digester = new Digester();
URL url = 

InputSource is = new InputSource(url.toExternalForm());
InputSream input = url.openStream();
Digester digester = new Digester();
ActionServlet does it the second way (InputSource), Tiles code does it 
the first way (InputStream).  I ran into a problem getting Digester to 
parse xml documents that use includes with the InputStream method:

!DOCTYPE xxx PUBLIC -//xx//xx 1.0//EN http://localhost/my-dtd.dtd; [
!ENTITY users SYSTEM users.xml
It throws org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Relative URI users.xml; can 
not be resolved without a base URI. 
Switching to the InputSource method let Digester do it's thing, but I'm 
unclear on why.

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Digester Subtlety

2003-03-21 Thread Jeff Caddel
Any reasons for one of these approaches being better/worse than the other?

URL url = 

InputStream input = url.openStream();
Digester digester = new Digester();
URL url = 

InputSource is = new InputSource(url.toExternalForm());
InputSream input = url.openStream();
Digester digester = new Digester();
ActionServlet does it the second way (InputSource), Tiles code does it 
the first way (InputStream).  I ran into a problem getting Digester to 
parse xml documents that use includes with the InputStream method:

!DOCTYPE xyz PUBLIC -//xyz//xyz 1.0//EN http://localhost/xyz.dtd; [
!ENTITY users SYSTEM users.xml
It throws org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Relative URI users.xml; can 
not be resolved without a base URI. Switching to the InputSource method 
let Digester do it's thing, but I'm unclear on why.

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Re: Digester Subtlety

2003-03-21 Thread Jeff Caddel
Apologies for the duplicate msg.  I got a somewhat cryptic reply that 
the orginal had bounced, presumably because it had xxx in the xml 
doctype area.

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Re: Tiles and WebSphere

2003-03-18 Thread Jeff Caddel
David Graham wrote:

It's actually a small bug in the Tiles insert tag.  In tiles-defs.xml 
I define these definitions:

definition name=tiles.leftnav path=/layout/leftnav.jsp
!-- this is the optional secure part of the navigation --
put name=secureLeftNav value=/
!-- defines the secure leftnav piece to insert into main leftnav --
definition name=tiles.secureLeftNav extends=tiles.leftnav
put name=secureLeftNav value=/layout/secureLeftNav.jsp/
The first definition defines an optional attribute called 
secureLeftNav.  The second definition extends the first and defines 
a jsp for that attribute.

When hitting a page that uses definition 1 I receive a response 
already committed error because the tag tries to do an include on a 
null page (note that this only happens in WAS 5, not Tomcat 4.1.18).

I'll commit a fix tonight where the tag will simply return if the 
page variable is null.
I'm getting something similar that I think is the same thing, is your 
fix in the latest nightly?

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Re: Design Idea: FormBasedDispatchAction

2003-03-14 Thread Jeff Caddel
Wendy Smoak wrote:

Jeff wrote

Just store the mappings between submit buttons and methods in the file along with everything else, and 
then extend LDA in such a way that it looks in there to figure out which 
method to invoke. 

LDA already does that, you don't need to extend it.  Just add the
'parameter' attribute to the action tag, make your action extend
LookupDispatchAction, and implement the getKeyMethodMap method.

What I thought you meant was add lines to that 
supplied the mappings LDA needs in getKeyMethodMap():

#Normal button stuff
#New mappings used only by LDA
Then implement getKeyMethodMap() something like this:
protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
 Properties props = logic to load
 Enumeration keys = props.keys();
 Map map = new HashMap();
 while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
   String key = (String)keys.nextElement();
   if (key.startsWith(myAction.)) {
 String method = key.substring(key.indexOf(myAction.) + 1);
 String button = props.get(key);
 return map;
That way if the need arises to handle a cancel button, all that is 
required to route the request to the proper method is two lines in the 
properties file:

If that's not what you meant, you get credit for inspiring a new 
thought, but I'm taking credit for the thought itself :-)

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Re: [THURSDAY] struts questions

2003-03-14 Thread Jeff Caddel
Bueno Carlos M wrote:

just had to stick the zip file inside my tom cat. I do have a cat, 
but she's
female. Will that make a difference, or does struts only run on male 
Does it matter if they are neutered? Does each client need to have a male
cat or just the server?

Ever since they came out with the Struts RC1, Craig has been 
recommending all pets in the house be spayed or neutered prior to 
running the example app.  Not really sure why.  Might be a good question 
for the struts-dev mailing list.

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Design Idea: FormBasedDispatchAction

2003-03-13 Thread Jeff Caddel
I'm thinking of extending the DispatchAction supplied in the Struts 
download for my app by overriding the execute() method as described 
below, any negative/positive feedback on this one?

public abstract class FormBasedDispatchAction extends DispatchAction {
* This class assumes that a DynaActionForm is associated with this 
action and that the form has a property called method. 
* Whatever that property is set to is the method this class uses 
reflection to invoke.
   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, 
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

   //cast the generic form to a DynaActionForm
   DynaActionForm dynaForm = (DynaActionForm) form;
   //pull out what method is set to
   String method = (String) dynaForm.get(method);
   //execute that method
   return dispatchMethod(mapping, form, request, response, method);
My own thoughts are:

Very simple :-)
Don't have to make a source code mod to your Action each time the text 
on a submit button in the JSP is added/changed like you do with 

It's a slight abuse of the Struts form object.  Form's now would carry 
one bit of data that helps out the controller logic in addition to 
carrying user entered data.

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Re: Design Idea: FormBasedDispatchAction

2003-03-13 Thread Jeff Caddel

Maybe you are referring to the LookupDispatchAction

Yes,  LookupDispatchAction.  Sorry.

The way I originally extended LDA, each Action contained a hard coded 
mapping of submit button values- method names.  (obviously a bad 
thing :-)  Wendi's idea, if I'm getting it right, sounds pretty good. 
Just store the mappings between submit buttons and methods in the file along with everything else, and 
then extend LDA in such a way that it looks in there to figure out which 
method to invoke.  That seems cleaner since:
1) Anytime we are adding/changing a button we'll be editing that file 
2) The button that was clicked gets automatically submitted as part of 
the request (no need for an extra hidden HTML form element in all the JSP's)
3) It removes the method attribute from all of our Struts forms
4) If for some reason we ever need to execute a bit of locale specific 
logic in the Action, it would be as simple as adding a line to that 
locale's property file.

Oh shoot.  I just remembered the other thing that was tripping me up 
with LDA.  We had a few screens where more than one button shared the 
same text but had entirely different meanings.  (Two OK or Delete 
buttons in different areas)  Since LDA does a reverse lookup based on 
the text I was back to either client side JS or if-then-else logic in 
the method of the action.  I think since screens without duplicate 
buttons outnumber screens with them by something like 10-1 we'll go the route.

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Re: [OT] How to tell when a project you are on is in trouble

2002-11-21 Thread Jeff Caddel

I think (hope?) that it's a joke Andrew. Although the subject line makes me think that it might be real and therefore very, very worrying.

I'm sad to say, it's very real.  He found it debugging a problem that 
was coming out in the stacktrace as a NullPointerException.  Since 
NullPointerException supports chaining it took 4-5 seconds to find the 
line of code causing the NullPointerException and 4-5 hours trying to 
unravel what the real cause of the problem was.  Turned out to be an IO 
problem (related to permissions I think) where the code was dutifully 
catching IOException but just ignoring it and instead re-throwing 

The architect of the project a friend of mine is on just unleashed
this beauty into the source tree, thought ya'll might get a 
kick out of it:

* NullObjectException
* Copyright © 2001,2002 ## Corp.  All rights reserved.
* This exception is used if the object must not be null and it is
* @author  #
public class NullObjectException extends Exception {
  // Doesn't have to do anything

Note how neatly this disables nested exception handling!!!  
Pretty nice eh??

Jeff Caddel

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[OT] How to tell when a project you are on is in trouble

2002-11-20 Thread Jeff Caddel
The architect of the project a friend of mine is on just unleashed 
this beauty into the source tree, thought ya'll might get a kick out of it:

* NullObjectException
* Copyright © 2001,2002 ## Corp.  All rights reserved.
* This exception is used if the object must not be null and it is
* @author  #
public class NullObjectException extends Exception {
   // Doesn't have to do anything

Note how neatly this disables nested exception handling!!!  Pretty nice eh??

Jeff Caddel

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Struts Console as a Web Application

2002-08-20 Thread Jeff Caddel

Does anybody know of a web application with functionality similar to 
that of the Struts Console 2.1 James Holmes wrote?  Basically a web 
interface for managing the various struts xml config files similar to 
the way the admin webapp manages the Tomcat server.xml file.  TIA!!!

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