Re: File Upload

2001-02-21 Thread Ji Rong Hu

Thanks for all you helps.

Just for your information. My version of that sample will not work because there
is a duplicated tag in struts-html.tld,
delete either one will work.


"Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/22/2001 10:30:40 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 cc:      (bcc: Ji Rong Hu/Singapore/Netlife) 
 Subject: Re: File Upload 

There is a complete example application using file upload in the
"struts-upload.war" file -- check in the "webapps" directory.

Craig McClanahan

Ji Rong Hu wrote:

 Hi, can anyone give me an example on file uploading within Struts?

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Re: File Upload

2001-02-21 Thread Ji Rong Hu

Hi, guys, I am going to lunch. I think it's wise to use this time to just ask
before I doing a test, can anyone tell me that:

is these data, include file data, still avaiable in HttpServletRequst object?
Why, because out old EJB object extract these data from HttpServletRequst.


The following is the "upload" example which enables you get these info from Form

public class UploadAction extends Action {

 public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
 HttpServletRequest request,
response) {

  if (form instanceof UploadForm) {

   UploadForm theForm = (UploadForm) form;

   //retrieve the text data
   String text = theForm.getTheText();

   //retrieve the file representation
   FormFile file = theForm.getTheFile();

   //retrieve the file name
   String fileName= file.getFileName();

   //retrieve the content type
   String contentType = file.getContentType();

   //retrieve the file size
   String size = (file.getFileSize() + " bytes");

   String data = null;

   try {
//retrieve the file data
data = new String(file.getFileData());
   catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
return null;
   catch (IOException ioe) {
return null;

   //place the data into the request for retrieval from display.jsp
   request.setAttribute("text", text);
   request.setAttribute("fileName", fileName);
   request.setAttribute("contentType", contentType);
   request.setAttribute("size", size);
   request.setAttribute("data", data);

   //destroy the temporary file created

   //return a forward to display.jsp
   return mapping.findForward("display");

  //this shouldn't happen in this example
  return null;

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