Re: how to redirect url without losing attached request attributes

2003-07-16 Thread John Loring
No, you should forward instead of redirecting.  You could consider pulling the needed 
info out of the old request parameters and manually concatenating it onto the redirect 
url as query parameters, but there still may be request attributes to deal with.  
Forward if at all possible.


"Younis, Shahzaib" wrote:
> In case of validation error, It gets forward to forward "failure" and xsl
> renders errors saved into request.
> but if set the redirect=true for forward failure then it forwards to given
> url but erase all attached requests
> it seems it issue as new request,
> is there any way I can redirect to specified url and also get the old
> attached request stuff.
> following is configuration I'm using.
> name="logonForm"
> validate="true"
> type="mapper.admin.action.LogonAction"
> input="failure" >
> Thanks,
> Shahzaib
> -
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Re: Turning off jsessionid= in URL rewriting

2003-07-16 Thread John Loring

This is handled by the application server, so you'll have to turn it off there.  
Usually there are settings for enabling/disabling session persistence using cookies 
and/or url rewriting.  Exactly where you'll find them is dependent on the particular 
app server you are using. It's not controlled by struts.  If you use sessions in your 
application, shutting off the jsessionid url rewriting will cause problems running on 
browsers with cookies disabled.

--John Loring

Paul Legato wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a client who is requiring that I turn off all the
> ;jsessionid=abc123etc. session persistance tags in the URL rewriting.
> Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation on how to do this.
> Is there an easy way to disable these tags across an entire application
> (preferably without forking the Struts code)?
> Thanks,
> -Paul
> -
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Re: Building Web Service Adapter for Struts app.

2003-01-13 Thread John Loring

If you are using xerces to serialize the DOM, you can use the OutputFormat
class to add the DOCTYPE declaration,
   OutputFormat format  = new OutputFormat(document); // Document
format.setDoctype(publicId, systemId); //
String publicId,systemId
(Sets the document type public and system identifiers);  // system
identifier would be the DTD

Then use the format when constructing a serializer,
   XMLSerializer serial = new XMLSerializer(output, format); //
FileOutputStream output


Greg Hess wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am building an adapter on my Struts app to allow Web Service calls
> from remote parties. A remote call constructs a XML and sends the
> request via http to my Struts app. My app processes the request by
> parsing the XML data posted and returns the XML result. This is all
> working but my spec states that I use DTD and a validating parser to
> ensure that the request's and responses contain valid data elements. I
> would like to be able to build the XML data completely dynamically and
> then return that DOM to the client.
> My problem is that the DOM built must contain the DOCTYPE declaration
> for the server to use in parsing(validating). When I build a document
> using the DOMImplementation using a DocType and output that DOM to some
> OutputStream the DOCTYPE declaration is missing. I have read some
> reports that state the ability to build a DOM data structure with a
> DOCTYPE declaration is not yet supported by parser implementations. I am
> using latest version of Xerces/Xalan and unfortunately there archives
> are down and that mailing list is dead.
> Does anyone know how I can achieve this and what parser implementation
> supports the dynamic building of a DOM with a DOCTYPE.
> Many thanks for your help,
> Greg

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