Re: [OT] Where can I find a Struts / J2EE Jobs?

2002-11-15 Thread Khalid Aslan
 --- Peter A. J. Pilgrim
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Davide
Bruzzone wrote:
 It's real pity that the banks have had to let go a
 lot of good
 people. In the UK at least they had the money and
 sometimes the
 innovation to persue the latest technologies. Last
 year I got
 my last employer to look seriously at open source
 and I had
 to influence not to re-invent their own MVC
 This is how I got into bed, so to speak, with


You are absolutely right. The big financial
institution in the city do have the money and
the where-with-it-all to invest in a new technologies.
I dont necessarily want another banking job at all.
I am happy to look for another vertical sector.
Are you saying that only big banks want to develop 
J2EE applications? I might possibly believe it.
I have looked at the job sites today and apparently
only the investment banks are offering J2EE jobs.

 The money
 is there but no one wants the responsibility to
 employ the
 wrong guy. So therefore the list of required skills
 stringent and bloody tough, and if you don't have
 then you don't have it. I am sure it is the very
 same in
 the USA too.

I did a similar persuasion exercise at my last place.
Open source is taking a hold, but moving very slowly.
It is all about saving money and I think a lot of
the managers are finally getting convinced about
running Linux server rather Sun Solaris boxes.
It is just too bad I had leave to see the horizon.
As for me I think that I will have to look beyond core
development maybe go back to even RMI and Applet
programming which would be horrible just to make
ends meet.

Hey! May be we can swap leads off-line. What
do you think?


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RE: [OT] Where can I find a Struts / J2EE Jobs?

2002-11-14 Thread Khalid Aslan
 --- Davide Bruzzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is all just common sense really, but it helped
 me when I was laid off at the end of June (BTW, I
 was working again in five weeks, and as much as I'd
 like to think that I'm a rock star, I think I was
 monumentally lucky)... However, if it can help you
 or someone else on the list...
 I live in Colorado and as I said, I was laid off
 from a telecom company at the end of June... I found
 my new job through a Yahoo job board (specifically
 the Rocky Mountain Internet Users' Group Job board -
 which you won't care about given that you live in
 the UK...). Anyway, here's what I learned:
 - There seem to be a lot of job bots out there. My
 current employer didn't post the opening on the
 board where I found it. They posted it on Dice from
 where it was eventually scraped. I personally didn't
 have much luck with the big job sites (Monster,
 Dice, etc.). There didn't seem to be very many
 postings there, and they seemed to be fairly
 stale/stagnant. OTOH, smaller, more informal job
 boards seemed to have a steady trickle of new

Hi Davide

Thank you sir! I presume you are talking about
You said that you didn't find it on Dice, but it
was found somewhere else. You didn't 
where you found the informal job boards.

 - Keywords, keywords, keywords! My employer received
 800 resumes (or for those of you across the pond,
 CVs) for my position. They eliminated 90% of those
 without even looking at them (they used keyword
 search software). Companies are having to do this
 because of the ratio of available positions to
 available candidates. 

Bloody hell! That is a huge ratio 800 to 1! 
I had a suspicion about search keyword software but
I didn't realize. I will definitely update my CV to 
be completely keyword specific. You know this is so
similar to static web design with META tags. 
My CV is two pages long, and it is rather concise, 
but I have had a request from an agency  a couple
of weeks ago to include my technologies and buzz 
word keywords that increased to three pages.
Most of  the agents said I have good looking CV.
I have had interviews with many agencies, but I got
the feeling that they were just to polite sometimes.
When they had me in for the interview I felt they
were being a little cynical, and maybe that were
trawling the web for talent. I can understand,
because they are so few jobs and lots of agency
trying to change the commission for the candidate
who can exactly fit the required job specification.

 pre-screenings with the remaining 80 people, and
 eventually met about 10 of those 80 in person.
 The second page of my resume contains all my
 technical skills, and is very keyword rich. You're
 up against a lot of other candidates, so make sure
 you can get through the filtering software by
 including everything you know on your resume (all
 the acronyms, tools, etc.).

I know of one other former colleague who has 
had to do a telephone interview with a contact
that she had two months ago. It is very easy
to get depressed, and miserable. However, I
very grateful for advice. You did n't by any chance
have a hand in writing this keyword search
software, did you? ;-)

 - Observe protocol. You're right, its an employer's
 market right now, and employers can be picky, so
 observe all the courtesies, etc. I learned this in
 the so you've been shitcanned class that my
 previous employer most graciously sent us to after
 having us vacate the building in 45 minutes or less

Oh wee! It is so sad. I was called to boardroom
in our law / human resources at exactly 9:10 
in the morning. They didn't even give me time
to clear my desk, the f***ing b**ds!

 (The politically correct term was Career
 transition class... :-) ), and the people who
 interviewed me at my new employer told me that they
 were impressed by it. If you get an interview, send
 personalized thank you letters (good paper, etc.) to
 everyone you talk to, etc. It just helps you stand

Yes I am English, I was born in London, my parents
came from abroad. So I should be the one with the
English manners and politeness ;-)

 As I said, its all common sense, but if it helps...
 Best of luck...

Where can I find a list of these informal job boards?
And thanks again


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