MockStruts error

2004-01-15 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

I have the following mock test code. When I run it I get the below error message.
Any ideas?

  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  at junit.swingui.TestRunner.runSuite(
  at junit.swingui.TestRunner.start(

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: zonome
 * Date: 14-Jan-2004
 * Time: 11:24:51
 * To change this template use Options | File Templates.
public class TestNewUnwindAction extends MockStrutsTestCase{
public TestNewUnwindAction( String testName){super(testName); }

public void setUp() {
} catch(Exception e) {}

public void tearDown(){
} catch(Exception e) {}

public void testSuccessfulNewUnwindAction() {
addRequestParameter(tradeId, 1000);
verifyActionErrors(new String[] {error.notradeid} );
assertEquals(currencies, (String) getSession().getAttribute(currencies));


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Validation Failed error message

2003-09-18 Thread Mehran Zonouzi
I get a 'Validation Failed' error message when I run my code...
I suspect that my naming convention for the getters and setters methods in my 
ActionForm class may not be

I think it is the contactId param that must be causing the problem.
What should the getters and setters for contactId be called?

// This is my ActionForm class

package com.db.gcp.lemweb.blotter.contacts;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;

// Author: Mehran Zonouzi
// Date: 15/09/2003
// Purpose: This bean saves the param values that are to be
//  used with the EditContactAction class

public final class EditContactForm extends ActionForm {

   private String page = null;
   private String contactId = null;

// The usual getter and setter methods for beans

  public String getContactId(){
return (this.contactId);

  public void setContactId(String contactId){
this.contactId = contactId;

  public String getPage(){
return (;

  public void setPage(String page){ = page;

  // This method performs the form validation
  public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request){
 ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors() ;

 if ( page == null || .equals(page)){
   errors.add(page, new ActionError(;

 if ( contactId == null || .equals(contactId)){
   errors.add(contactid, new ActionError(error.contactid));

 return errors;


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What is wrong with this expression?

2003-09-17 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

I can not understand why the below does not function..


When the mouse is hovering over the link I get the below:


instead of


what am I doing wrong?


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Re: What is wrong with this expression

2003-09-17 Thread Mehran Zonouzi
Thanks Rob.
It worked!


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Forwarding to a target page

2003-09-15 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

I have a web page with 2 vertical frames.
I have the following link in my left hand frame and I want the users to view the 
in the right hand frame when they click on the link.

td width=130

Basically I want to do copy the below functionalitywith my target being the 

td width=130a href=/servlets/blotter/Contact?page=viewcontactlist 
target=rightframe class=linkboldContact List/a/td

Is there any way I can do this uisng the struts taglibs?


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Re: Forwarding to a target page

2003-09-15 Thread Mehran Zonouzi
What exactly does this mean?

Where targetAction exists in some scope and has a value of


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Cannot find bean viewcontactlist in scope request

2003-09-10 Thread Mehran Zonouzi
I am getting this error message when my JSP page first loads up.

Cannot find bean viewcontactlist in scope request

I am using a link to call my ActionForm class( as below):

 html:link paramId=page paramName=viewcontactlist 

My ActinForm is called ContactForm and I want to call it using a param called 'page' 
with the initial value of 'viewcontactlist'
to it.

Can anyone help me with the syntax plz?


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How do you mimic the 'a href' functionality in Struts?

2003-09-09 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

I have the following link in my JSP page:

td width=130a href=/servlets/blotter/Contact?page=viewcontactlist 
target=rightframe class=linkboldContact List/a/td

I want to mimic the above using Struts JSP tags(I don't want to use a SUBMIT button). 
However, I want to call my ActionForm class instead of the servlet and I would like to 
set the value of the param 'page' to 'viewcontactlist' for my ActionForm class so that 
my Action class can use it.

Is it possible to do this?

Here is my ActionForm implementation:

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.strus.action.*;

public final class ContactForm extends ActionForm {

  // page parameter from the CDS menu

  private String pageName =null;
  public String getPageName(){
return (this.pageName);

  public void setPageName(String pageName){
this.pageName = pageName;


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Re: How do you mimic the 'a href' functionality in Struts?

2003-09-09 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

Yes I am going to pass the same param to the link every time.

This is what I have replaced the link with.
I am not too sure if I should be using the href
property to call my ActionForm class.

html:link href=ContactForm paramId=page paramName=viewcontactlist


  Joe Germuska 

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   Struts Users Mailing List 

   Subject:  Re: How do you mimic the 'a 
href' functionality in Struts?
  09/09/03 14:47   

  Please respond to

  Struts Users

  Mailing List



In general, you use the html:link tag

For the destination of the link, it takes one of four attributes:
forward, action, href, or page.

The mechanism for specifying a single parameter for the link uses
these attributes: paramId, paramName, paramProperty, paramScope

The value of paramId is the request parameter name.  In your HTML
sample, then, this would be page, although in your ActionForm, this
would probably be pageName.  (You probably want those to be
consistent with each other.)

You can specify the value for the parameter with the appropriate
combination of paramName, paramProperty, and paramScope, with
semantics analogous to name, property, and scope in the various
bean tags.

If you need to specify multiple parameters, this is done with a map
whose keys are parameter names and whose values are the values to be
put in the URL.  See the docs for more details.

However, I'm guessing from your example link that you'd pass the same
parameter in the link every time -- that is, you'd always want the
text Contact List linked to the same URL.  In this case, the better
Struts way to do it would be to define different action mappings
for each of the various parameters you would pass.  This leaves you a
lot of future flexibility about how the functionality is provided.
If necessary, you could write a separate Struts Action class for each
mapping, or you could use one action for several mappings and use an
action mapping parameter to dispatch execution to a
parameter-specific method inside the action.

Hope this helps.


At 14:23 +0100 9/9/03, Mehran Zonouzi wrote:

I have the following link in my JSP page:

td width=130a
target=rightframe class=linkboldContact List/a/td

I want to mimic the above using Struts JSP tags(I don't want to use
a SUBMIT button). However, I want to call my ActionForm class
instead of the servlet and I would like to set the value of the
param 'page' to 'viewcontactlist' for my ActionForm class so that my
Action class can use it.

Is it possible to do this?

Here is my ActionForm implementation:

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.strus.action.*;

public final class ContactForm extends ActionForm {

   // page parameter from the CDS menu

   private String pageName =null;
   public String getPageName(){

   public void setPageName(String pageName){


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Joe Germuska
If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time.
 --Jaron Lanier

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using html:link taglibs to call an ActionForm bean from a link

2003-09-09 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

Does anyone know how to use the html:link taglibs to call an ActionForm bean from a 
I also want to pass a param called 'page' to the link and set it's value to be 

This is my ActionForm bean:

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.strus.action.*;

public final class ContactForm extends ActionForm {

  // page parameter from the CDS menu

  private String pageName =null;
  public String getPageName(){
return (this.pageName);

  public void setPageName(String pageName){
this.pageName = pageName;

I have done the below in my JSP page but it does not seem to be working...

html:link href=/ContactForm paramId=page paramName=ContactForm 


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Re: How do you mimic the 'a href' functionality in Struts?

2003-09-09 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

Does the name I use for action i.e ContactForm have to tie in with what I use in the 
struts-config.xml file?

html:link action=/ContactForm paramId=page paramName=viewcontactlist 

Do I need to put ContactForm instead of 'contacts' for path...

 action path=/contacts


  Joe Germuska 

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   Struts Users Mailing List 

   Subject:  Re: How do you mimic the 'a 
href' functionality in Struts?
  09/09/03 17:53   

  Please respond to

  Struts Users

  Mailing List



At 15:03 +0100 9/9/03, Mehran Zonouzi wrote:
Yes I am going to pass the same param to the link every time.

This is what I have replaced the link with.
I am not too sure if I should be using the href
property to call my ActionForm class.

html:link href=ContactForm paramId=page paramName=viewcontactlist

At first encounter, the distinctions between the various link
destination attributes can be a little confusing -- but you probably
don't want to use href in this case.

If you have a specific action mapping called /ContactForm then you
should use 'action=/ContactForm'  You would generally only want to
use href when you were linking outside of your web application --
the other three provide dynamic URL rewriting to prepend the
application context path so that you can deploy the same web app
under different context paths without having to change your JSPs...
(Other tags like html:img provide similar rewriting...)

The below is copied from the docs for this tag:

The base URL for this hyperlink is calculated based on which of the
following attributes you specify (you must specify exactly one of

* forward - Use the value of this attribute as the name of a global
ActionForward to be looked up, and use the
application-relative or context-relative URI found there.

* action - Use the value of this attribute as the name of a Action to
be looked up, and use the application-relative or context-relative
URI found there.

* href - Use the value of this attribute unchanged.

* page - Use the value of this attribute as a application-relative
URI, and generate a server-relative URI by
including the context path and application prefix.


Joe Germuska
If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time.
 --Jaron Lanier

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RE: no getter method found

2003-08-20 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

I solved the problem...
In my struts-config file inside the form-beans tag I was refering to the Action 
class instead of the
ActionForm class and that was causing problem.


  Kevin Bootz

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   Struts Users Mailing List 

   Subject:  RE: no getter method found

  20/08/03 01:13   

  Please respond to

  Struts Users

  Mailing List



This is the source code that is being referenced and it is correct.
You may have a typo elsewhere in your code ?  Are you sure you've set the
environment per the tutorial instructions ?

-Original Message-
From: Paananen, Tero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 2:35 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: no getter method found

 Last Name: html:text property=lastname/br

 and this in my ActionForm subclass

 private String lastName = null;

   public String getlastname(){

   public void setlastname( String lastName){



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No getter method for property lastName of bean

2003-08-19 Thread Mehran Zonouzi
I kep getting a
javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property lastName of bean 
error message when I try to call the below .jsp page.

I am sure I am using the gettter and setter methods with the correct names.

I have also tried calling the jsp property lastname with getter getLastname
and setter setLastname but it has not worked...

This is my .jsp file...

%@ page language=java %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic %

headtitleSubmit Example/title/head

h3Example Submit Page/h3


Last Name: html:text property=lastName/br
Address: html:textarea property=address/br
Sex: html:radio property=sex value=M/Malebr
 html:radio property=sex value=F/Femalebr
Married: html:checkbox property=married /br
Age: html:select property=age
  html:option value=a0-19/html:option
  html:option value=b20-49/html:option
  html:option value=c50-/html:option

and this is the ActionmForm subclass

package hansen.playground;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;

public final class SubmitForm extends ActionForm{

  /*Last name*/

  private String lastName = LEM;

  public void setLastName( String lastName){
   this.lastName = lastName;

  public String getLastName(){
 return this.lastName;

  /* Address */

  private String address = null;
  public String getAddress(){
 return this.address;

  public void setAddress( String address){
 this.address = address;

  /* Sex */

  private String sex = null;
  public String getSex(){

  public void setSex( String sex){ = sex;

  /* Married Status */
  private String married = null;
  public String getMarried(){
 return this.married;

  public void setMarried( String married){
 this.married = married;

  /* Age */
  private String age = null;
  public String getage(){
 return this.age;

  public void setage( String arge){
 this.age = age;


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no getter method found

2003-08-19 Thread Mehran Zonouzi
I have the below in my jsp page

Last Name: html:text property=lastname/br

and this in my ActionForm subclass

private String lastName = null;

  public String getlastname(){
 return this.lastName;

  public void setlastname( String lastName){
 this.lastName = lastName;

But I keep getting the no gett found error message...
No getter method for property lastname of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

What should the getter method be called?


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Using Struts validator framework outside of struts

2003-08-18 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

I am very new to the validator framework. I would like to use it outside of Struts 
framework. Is it possible to do this?
If so can someone point me in the right direction plz...

Thank you


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Re: Help or tutorial

2003-08-18 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

is a good place to start



  BhattacharjeeTo:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
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  18/08/03 11:13   

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Hi All,

I am a newbie in Struts. Can some one give some pointers towards any
tutorials or FAQs especially regarding installation, deployment and
basic features to start with. It will really be appreciated.


Arindam Bhattacharjee


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Presidency Building, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road

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Where do I download Commons validator example app from?

2003-08-18 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

Can someone tell me where to download the commons validator example app from?
I am interested in the example of how to use the struts validator outside of
Strus framework.



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Re: Where do I download Commons validator example app from?

2003-08-18 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

Are there any complete examples anywhere on the subject?


  David Graham 

  grahamdavid1980@To:   Struts Users Mailing List 

   Subject:  Re: Where do I download 
Commons validator example app from?   
  18/08/03 15:45   

  Please respond to

  Struts Users

  Mailing List



--- Mehran Zonouzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone tell me where to download the commons validator example app
 I am interested in the example of how to use the struts validator
 outside of
 Strus framework.

I'm not sure if it's downloadable or not.  If you check out the CVS tree
you can run it from there.  It's just a single class that's used as a
simple example and for testing.




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Re: Where do I download Commons validator example app from?

2003-08-18 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

Thanks David.

You may or may have noticed this but I am very new to this mailing list so please 
excuse me for asking
elementary(dumb!) questions.

Where can I get the CVS tree from?


  David Graham 

  grahamdavid1980@To:   Struts Users Mailing List 

   Subject:  Re: Where do I download 
Commons validator example app from?   
  18/08/03 15:55   

  Please respond to

  Struts Users

  Mailing List



--- Mehran Zonouzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are there any complete examples anywhere on the subject?

I'm not sure what you mean by complete.  The example demonstrates how to
get messages from the keys the validations return and how to write and run
a pluggable validator.  You can also look at how Struts interacts with
Commons Validator.


   David Graham

   grahamdavid1980@To:   Struts Users
 Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc:

Subject:  Re: Where do I
 download Commons validator example app from?
   18/08/03 15:45

   Please respond to

   Struts Users

   Mailing List

 --- Mehran Zonouzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can someone tell me where to download the commons validator example
  I am interested in the example of how to use the struts validator
  outside of
  Strus framework.

 I'm not sure if it's downloadable or not.  If you check out the CVS tree
 you can run it from there.  It's just a single class that's used as a
 simple example and for testing.


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Re: Where do I download Commons validator example app from?

2003-08-18 Thread Mehran Zonouzi

  Mailing List



--- Mehran Zonouzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks David.

 You may or may have noticed this but I am very new to this mailing list
 so please excuse me for asking
 elementary(dumb!) questions.

 Where can I get the CVS tree from?


   David Graham

   grahamdavid1980@To:   Struts Users
 Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc:

Subject:  Re: Where do I
 download Commons validator example app from?
   18/08/03 15:55

   Please respond to

   Struts Users

   Mailing List

 --- Mehran Zonouzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Are there any complete examples anywhere on the subject?

 I'm not sure what you mean by complete.  The example demonstrates how to
 get messages from the keys the validations return and how to write and
 a pluggable validator.  You can also look at how Struts interacts with
 Commons Validator.


David Graham
grahamdavid1980@To:   Struts Users
  Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc:
 Subject:  Re: Where do
  download Commons validator example app from?
18/08/03 15:45
Please respond to
Struts Users
Mailing List
  --- Mehran Zonouzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Can someone tell me where to download the commons validator example
   I am interested in the example of how to use the struts validator
   outside of
   Strus framework.
  I'm not sure if it's downloadable or not.  If you check out the CVS
  you can run it from there.  It's just a single class that's used as a
  simple example and for testing.
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