custom taglibs

2001-08-30 Thread Metehan Selvi

Are there any additional customtags, which might be 
useful in case of struts?


2001-08-27 Thread Metehan Selvi

What to do, if an iteration has got , say 200 
elements, and you want to display at the first page 
only the first 20 items.
The following items should be reached by an link 
which displays the following next 20 items.
Also, as possible, should be a link provided that 
goes backt to the first 20 items?
Is there a standard solution-tag for this kind of 
issues in struts? or how to solve it?

The normal logic:iterate tag is definitely 
weak for this kind of problem!

Thanks in advance

how to integrate javascript in struts?

2001-08-22 Thread Metehan Selvi

How to integrate javascript in struts without 
writing any java code in jsp-pages?

what's about org.apache.struts.taglib.html.MessagesTag ?

2001-08-09 Thread Metehan Selvi

what's about the MessagesTag -class 
, which is documented in the javadocs, but is not placed in the framework ?
Is it deprecated and 'deleted' or have the 
developer forgotten to put it to the place where it should be ?


Radio-Button Tag

2001-08-09 Thread Metehan Selvi

one question about Radio-Input Fields, which are 
implemented by the RadioTag-class:
How to set an 'element' as checked e.g. as a 
default value?
I haven't found a hint or an property for the 
radio-field, where i can set the property checked=true or something like 
