RE: Security, authentication and authorisation with Struts

2001-08-24 Thread Shriver, Ryan

I would highly recommend looking at JAAS for authentication/authorization.
I'm using it in conjunction with Struts right now (using JBoss/Tomcat) and
everything is working fine. I'm still in development and haven't gone live
yet, but so far so good.

JAAS takes a little while to get your head around. Lots of terminology to
decipher. But the promise of implementation independent security in your
application was worth it for me. It's pretty straight forward in JBoss, but
again it'll take you some time reading and playing with it before it starts
making sense.

See for more details.


-Original Message-
From: Prior, Simon
Sent: 8/24/2001 8:11 AM
Subject: Security, authentication and authorisation with Struts

Hi Guys,

I wondered what approach you guys took when implementing security,
authentication and authorisation.  I have the common scenario where the
application I am creating allocates roles to certain types of users,
them to login, then restricts access to certain pages and within the
certain content.  As this is a very common problem/scenario I wondered
approach you guys took when using Struts.  Do you utilise container
security or do you use application managed security? - what have you
works best with Struts?

Does anyone have any suggestions or example applications I could take a

Thanks in advance,

For optimum solutions that save you time, visit

Cannot retrieve mapping for action /j_security_check

2001-08-24 Thread Shriver, Ryan

Hello all,
I looked in the archives but couldn't find an answer to my question. I'd
like to convert my working form-based login page to use struts' html form
taglib. I get the following Exception when trying to load login.jsp:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot retrieve mapping for action

I was hoping someone could help out with the conversion. This works:

form name=login action=j_security_check method=POST
  table border=3 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 align=center
th align=rightUsername:/th
tdinput type=text name=j_username size=20/td
th align=rightPassword:/th
tdinput type=password name=j_password size=20/td
  tr align=center
td colspan=2input type=submit value=Login/td

This does not:

html:form action=j_security_check focus=j_username
  table border=3 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 align=center
th align=rightUsername:/th
tdhtml:text property=j_username//td
th align=rightPassword:/th
tdhtml:password property=j_password//td
  tr align=center
td colspan=2html:submitLogin/html:submit/td

I'm hoping all I need to do is add an entry in struts-config.xml, but I'm
not sure what that entry should be. Any help would be appreciated.


RE: Cannot retrieve mapping for action /j_security_check

2001-08-24 Thread Shriver, Ryan

 Thanks for the quick reply but this seems like too much work just to get
some consistency across my .jsp forms. I would think there would be a way
for struts to let forms posted to j_security_check pass through to the
servlet container instead of the normal Action classes. I want the
container, not Struts, to do my authentication/authorization.

Thanks for the help though.


-Original Message-
From: Jay Patel
Sent: 8/24/2001 3:41 PM
Subject: RE: Cannot retrieve mapping for action /j_security_check

You will need to add the Action mapping in your struts-config.xml file.
will also need the form-bean mapping that your form will use to pass the
form data to the action class.

Here is an example.

!-- Loin form bean --
form-bean  name=loginForm

!-- Process a user login --
   forward name=success  path=/home.jsp/

All in all you will need the following:

1. A form bean to carry the data
2. Action servlet to perform your action
3. Form bean declaration in struts-config
4. Action mapping in struts-config

Good luck.

Jay Patel
972-849-0373 Mobile

-Original Message-
From: Shriver, Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 2:26 PM
Subject: Cannot retrieve mapping for action /j_security_check

Hello all,
I looked in the archives but couldn't find an answer to my question. I'd
like to convert my working form-based login page to use struts' html
taglib. I get the following Exception when trying to load login.jsp:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot retrieve mapping for action

I was hoping someone could help out with the conversion. This works:

form name=login action=j_security_check method=POST
  table border=3 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 align=center
th align=rightUsername:/th
tdinput type=text name=j_username size=20/td
th align=rightPassword:/th
tdinput type=password name=j_password size=20/td
  tr align=center
td colspan=2input type=submit value=Login/td

This does not:

html:form action=j_security_check focus=j_username
  table border=3 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 align=center
th align=rightUsername:/th
tdhtml:text property=j_username//td
th align=rightPassword:/th
tdhtml:password property=j_password//td
  tr align=center
td colspan=2html:submitLogin/html:submit/td

I'm hoping all I need to do is add an entry in struts-config.xml, but
not sure what that entry should be. Any help would be appreciated.


Struts Design Question

2001-08-08 Thread Shriver, Ryan

Hello all,
I downloaded Struts last week and have enjoyed playing with it. I've come
upon a design problem and I was hoping some folks on this list could help
solve it. I've had no luck finding an answer in the mail archives.

I want to maintain a list of songs. Through a web interface, I want to add a
new song, edit information about an existing song (composer, artist, etc)
and also delete a song. Under the covers this will do some sort of database
insert, update and delete, respectively.

The forms for adding a new song and editing an existing song are practically
identical. They contain the same field names with the difference being edit
pre-populates the fields with the existing values of a song whereas the
fields are blank for add. Question #1: Can one ActionForm suffice for both
add and edit form pages? My gut says yes, but I want to make sure.

Actions. In the simplest scenario, I could create separate actions for all
operations. I'd have AddSongAction, EditSongAction and DeleteSongAction
classes each with their own logic in perform(). This would work, but there's
something that bothers me about having three different classes performing
operations on one entity. It seems like overkill.

DispatchActions. I saw the post about using DispatchAction to have multiple
methods in a single Action class. I really like this approach, as I could
have insert, update and delete methods in my Action class. However, the
input= attribute in the action mapping definition (in struts-config.xml)
is shared for all of them. So if I have separate addsong.jsp and
editsong.jsp form pages sharing the same Action, and a validation error
occurs, Struts can only return to one (whatever input= is). So this won't

Question #2: Is there a happy medium between these two approaches? 

One idea that I haven't worked through is using one songform.jsp page for
add/edit/delete. Calling songform.jsp?method=add would produce a blank page
for entering a new song. Songform.jsp?method=editid=1234 would populate the
form with values from a song whose id = 1234. From here one could edit or
delete the selected song. In Struts I'd use the DispatchAction to pass all
add/edit/delete requests to one Action class. Because all were using the
same form, the input= attribute problem above would be avoided.

Question #3: Will this approach work? Can anyone offer a better solution for
this problem?

Thanks for the feedback.
