design question

2001-06-26 Thread Vandenberk, Kris

I have a detail screen with some fields on it
and a save button, reset button and a link to the master page...

How do I return to the same page after the save ?
let say the link to this page is something like


P.S. can you put me in cc when replying I am using a different email account
here at work

newbie question on search forms

2001-06-25 Thread Vandenberk, Kris


I want to make a lookup screen with on top some input fields 
when the user pushes the submit button I want to retrieve the data from
the database and display it beneath the original search fields ...

Is this possible with struts, and if yes, how can I do this ?
- Actionmappings ?
- how to build the jsp ?
- struts-config ?

any tips, ideas will be greatly appreciated

