refresh command

2003-03-21 Thread Vladislav Kamensky
Is it possible to create Action that will have forward which is not specified by
struts-config.xml. I know that I can create Action that will create its own  forward
on the basis of  HttpRequest parameter, for example, but I need a bit different thing.

My Action is to be invoked from lots of pages and it should redirect
control flow to the page from which it was called. So, I need a kind of refresh action.
I can't figure out requested page by calling HttpRequest.getRequestURI() method
because my Control is used as a Tile (after RequestDispatcher's include() has been
invoked requestURI has value which is not equal to the initial one).

All what I need is to know the forward which was used by the system last time.
Having known that I will be able to redirect my Action to the View which was shown
when my Action was invoked.

Is it possible to get forward history list ?
Any ideas of how it can be resolved ?
Any suggestions are welcome.

Vlad Kamensky,
@Business  SPb.

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question about logging

2003-02-19 Thread Vladislav Kamensky

how can I configure struts in oder to print log messages into file but not on console ?


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Re: Use of Struts DataSource

2003-02-19 Thread Vladislav Kamensky

Please give me guidlines regarding  use of struts datasource.


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tiles question

2002-09-12 Thread Vladislav Kamensky


I am trying to use tiles in Struts 1.1.b and i found in the examples that 
tiles-defs.xml is referenced twice  in application

1. web.xml


2. struts-config.xml
 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin
set-property property=definitions-config  value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml

Seems that reference in the web.xml is superfluous. Am i right ?

And second question:
In . struts-config.xml there is following string:
 !-- Not used by tiles or this website, but needed due to a bug in actual Struts 
version --
parameter=org.apache.struts.webapp.tiles.dev1-1.ApplicationResources null=false/

What does it mean ?

Vlad Kamensky, 
@Business  SPb.

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Re: tiles question

2002-09-12 Thread Vladislav Kamensky

 1.  It appears the first is a comment - an optional suggested configuration.

No. I commented it in order to test whether it makes sence.
The answer from Cedric Dumoulin  seems to be truth. 
   The plugin loads the config from web.xml, and override them with the 
 data from struts-config.xml. This allows to have a centralized point for 
 default values of  tiles config data.

 1. web.xml

Vlad Kamensky, 
@Business  SPb.

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