Hi all.  Very new to this list and struts, but using it pretty successfully
a project at work.  Good looking framework.  Now the question:

I have a form that will list anywhere from 0-9 vehicles.
I have to allow multiple selection of vehicles.

Currently I'm using <html:select multiple="true"... type
tags, but would like to use checkboxes, so would the
following work?

Create a bean with name/value pairs for each vehicle and
do a <logic:iterate... tag and generate an <html:multibox...
for each entry (the selected vehicles are an array in a form bean).

The above sounds pretty reasonable, but I'm unsure how
to get it to work.  Specifically, how to get the proper value=
attribute in the multibox tag:

<!-- vehicles is a page-scope hashtable -->
<logic:iterate id="entry" name="vehicles">
  ** how to get the key property of 'entry' into value attrib? **
  <html:multibox property="principalOperators" value="???">
    <bean:write name="entry" property="value"/>

Thanks in advance,

Carmine Lucarelli

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