RE: Application Resource reload.

2001-09-27 Thread iwanek



This surely is useful, but the original struts-conifg.xml
has a little comment over it saying this should be protected
by some security measure in an real application.

Now I wonder how it can be done. Any ideas?

-- kazumi

problems with passing Japanese text as GET parameter

2001-08-16 Thread iwanek

Hello struts-users,

I am having problems passing a Japanese text as a GET
parameter from one JSP to another. I am using struts 1.0
with resin 2.0.0 on redhat linux 6.2.

I have the following JSP file:
%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8 %
bean:define id=jText name=someBean
jsp:useBean id=params class=java.util.Hashtable/
  params.put(p1,  jText);  // a Japanese text parameter
  params.put(p2, 1234);   // a numeric parameter
html:link page=/receiving.jsp name=params
someBean.getJapaneseText() returns a piece of Japanese
text. Doing bean:write name=jText/ in this JSP correctly
produces this text string encoded in UTF-8. So far so good.

Here is the receiving.jsp. I want to capture these GET
%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8 %
bean:parameter id=jText name=p1/
bean:parameter id=aNum name=p2/

When receiving.jsp is evaluated, I get the error:

  500 Servlet Exception
  javax.servlet.jsp.JspException:No parameter p2 was
included in this request
at org.apaceh.struts.taglib.bean.ParameterTag.doStartTag

What is going on?

One more thing. If I remove %@ page contentType=...%
from receiving.jsp, the above error disappears, but the captured
jText turns out to be all garbage when doing 
bean:write name=jText/ in this page. Weird.

I appreciate any info on this matter.


- kazumi iwane

subclassing ActionServlet?

2001-05-24 Thread iwanek

Hello struts-users,

My webapp needs bunch of beans that should be available
all the time and accessible from all JSP pages, so I guess I
have to create the beans at the startup time and set them to
the application context.

How should I do this? My candidates are,

1) create a subclass of ActionServlet and do it there,
2) create a subclass of Servlet (unrelated to ActionServlet)
and do it there.

Which is better, or are there any other standard ways?
I don't see any examples that use subclasses of ActionServlet,
and I am wondering if there are some reasons not to.

Thanks in advance,

- kazumi

who provides ActionMapping class?

2001-05-24 Thread iwanek

Hello struts-users,

A newbie question:

Who is responsible for providing ActionMapping class?
My prototype webapp runs fine with action-mappings
descriptions in the struts-config.xml, I did not have to
write for this myself. I must be
missing something.

Digester documetation seems to me to imply that I'd
have to write a class to parse struts-config.xml and create using Digester. I am confused.

- kazumi

RE: wizard style example, anywhere?

2001-04-25 Thread iwanek

I wrote:
 Specifically, an application that uses "wizard" style, multiple-page
 input forms would be very nice. Couple of Struts documents I looked
 mention that Struts works well with wizard style application, 
 but I get confused when it comes to writing struts-config.xml, 
 JSPs that share the same ActionForm or Action, etc..

Marouane Louah wrote:
 you can try the example provided with the installation 

Well, I did look at the struts-example, and I don't think that is what I
The example has relatively few JSPs, and each JSP page has its own
ActionForm. What I have in mind is something like this:

1) A big ActionForm (i.e., many attributes for a user to fill in).
2) Several JSP pages each filling a part of the ActionForm, sequentially.
3) Along the way of the above sequence, there are several actions
   i.e.,  pre-calculating possible next choises for a user, etc..

In the above scenario, how do I structure Actions, how do I write config
do I need to rely on session, etc, etc, I have many questions I can't even
phrase very well.

Let me ask again: any examples out there?

- kazumi

wizard style example, anywhere?

2001-04-24 Thread iwanek
Hello struts-users,

I am very new to Struts (or JSP for that matter), and in need of
some examples that I can get my hands on.

Specifically, an application that uses "wizard" style, multiple-page
input forms would be very nice. Couple of Struts documents I looked
mention that Struts works well with wizard style application, but I get
confused when it comes to writing struts-config.xml, JSPs that share
the same ActionForm or Action, etc.. I gotta see it working before I
start building mine.

Good examples, anywhere, anyone?


- kazumi