Subject: [OT] Display tag pbs
From: "Andrej Sobkowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

sorry to post this message here but apparently the "display tag" has been
designed (initially) as a Struts-related tag (BTW, I AM using Struts on my
project). Please don't hesitate to point me to other resources.

- how can I display a column that is not related to a bean property?
Ideally, I'd like to do something like

<display:table width="100%" name="results" scope="request" pagesize="15"
  <display:column property="name" />
  <display:column property="concentration" />
        <title><bean:message key="operations" /></title>
                <a href="/">Modify</a>
                <a href="/">Delete</a>

I know I can use the "value" property but it doesn't allow too much

- support for I18N: how can I control the language of labels such as "Next",
"Previous" and so on?

- I'm using a DispatchAction to call my actions so my URI looks like
.../ When using the paging functionality, the tag
appends "?page=x" which makes my URI invalid as there are 2 '?'. I saw that
in TableTag there is a check for the presence of a '?' for the href
attribute, so I guess the same could be done for the "Next" of the paging,

If the above can't be done,  I'll be glad to try to implement it ...



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