I am very sorry for this off topic posting, but after a week, there is just
no response, nor much traffic on the DBUnit site to help with this. Maybe
someone here is using DBUnit and could help me figure out this issue.

> I am getting an error importing my DB.xml file. I export it, then try to
>  import it again just for checking out the product.
>  I am using MySql 3 not 4 and not inodb. here is my ant script:
>  Export:
>      <target name="dbunitexport" depends="build_unittest">
>          <dbunit
>              driver="${db.driver}"
>              url="${db.url}"
>              userid="${db.username}"
>              password="${db.password}">
>              <export dest="${class.unittest.dir}/${db.exportfile}"
>  format="xml" />
>          </dbunit>
>      </target>
>  Import:
>      <target name="dbunitimport" depends="junittest">
>          <dbunit
>              driver="${db.driver}"
>              url="${db.url}"
>              userid="${db.username}"
>              password="${db.password}">
>              <operation type="UPDATE"
>  src="${class.unittest.dir}/${db.exportfile}" format="xml" />
>          </dbunit>
>      </target>
>  file:C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/My Documents/My
>  Data/Projects/YourSos/build.xml:589: org.dbunit.DatabaseUnitException:
>  java.sql.SQLException: Syntax error or access violation,  message from
>  server: "You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
>  corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
>  'where alert_id = '7595c950c0a801020019a9d17d814d51' and contact"
>  ---
>  Thanks
>  Mick Knutson
>  The world is a playground...Play Hard, Play Smart.
>  Visit  http://www.YourSoS.com to learn how our "Personal Emergency Alert
>  Contact System" can help you Play Smart.
>  +00 1 (708) 570-2772 Fax
>  ---

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