Did not found doc about Tokens

2002-11-08 Thread Xavier Combelle
I post this message because I did not found any doc about the
createToken, isTokenValid, resetToken API.
So I will explain what I understood about it from the struts-exemple
if something is wrong, I would like that someone will say to me
and if there is some doc tell me where ...

The token API is created to avoid that the user
to submlit twice the same form.
It is used with one ActionForm and two Action:
- the SomethingForm which contain the user's input
- the EditSomethingAction which populate the SomethingForm from the DB or
  clear all the field if it is a create Case
- the SaveSomethingAction which save the SomethingForm in the DB

To avoid that the user call submit twice the SomethingForm and
save twice the same data in the DB,
the struts framework propse the xxxToken API.

It is used as following
in EditSomethingAction, make a call to createToken(request) and that all !

in SaveSomethingAction, make a call to isTokenValid(request) and
as in the following  algorithm
if ( ! isTokenValid(request) )
 * return forward towards an error page
 * saying to the user that he has submit twice
 * or
 * forward toward the succes page if we don't want the user see anithing
 * process the save in the DB
if ( allTheSaveHasSucceed )
resetToken(request) ;

You much take care that there is only one token in the session
so that this process can't support nested transactions.
So you should keep simple use of it.

The same API can be used to avoid that the user click twice on
a link by setting the 'transaction' attribute at "true" of the 
the Action called by the link should follow the same process than

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Did not found doc about Tokens

2002-11-08 Thread Xavier Combelle
I post this message because I did not found any doc about the
createToken, isTokenValid, resetToken API.
So I will explain what I understood about it from the struts-exemple
if something is wrong, I would like that someone will say to me
and if there is some doc tell me where ...

The token API is created to avoid that the user
to submlit twice the same form.
It is used with one ActionForm and two Action:
- the SomethingForm which contain the user's input
- the EditSomethingAction which populate the SomethingForm from the DB or
  clear all the field if it is a create Case
- the SaveSomethingAction which save the SomethingForm in the DB

To avoid that the user call submit twice the SomethingForm and
save twice the same data in the DB,
the struts framework propse the xxxToken API.

It is used as following
in EditSomethingAction, make a call to createToken(request) and that all !

in SaveSomethingAction, make a call to isTokenValid(request) and
as in the following  algorithm
if ( ! isTokenValid(request) )
 * return forward towards an error page
 * saying to the user that he has submit twice
 * or
 * forward toward the succes page if we don't want the user see anithing
 * process the save in the DB
if ( allTheSaveHasSucceed )
resetToken(request) ;

You much take care that there is only one token in the session
so that this process can't support nested transactions.
So you should keep simple use of it.

The same API can be used to avoid that the user click twice on
a link by setting the 'transaction' attribute at "true" of the 
the Action called by the link should follow the same process than

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