I have an action that forwards to it's input parameter, which is
"/home/feedback".  However, when the action does forward to it's input, the
url is .../home/feedback/index.jsp.  This is the correct file, but I'd like
to the index.jsp part.

This is the output I'm getting:
10:32:14:014 org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor:
10:32:14:014 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher:
[DEBUG] servletPath=/home/feedback, pathInfo=null, queryString=null,
10:32:14:014 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher:
[DEBUG]  Path Based Forward
10:32:14:014 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher:
[DEBUG]  Disabling the response for futher output
10:32:14:014 org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils:
[DEBUG] Get module name for path /home/feedback/index.jsp

It looks like somewhere between the RequestProcessor and the RequestUtils,
the forward path gets changed.  Does anyone know where this happens?  I'm
not too familiar with the action lifecycle.

I was hoping there was one method in ActionServlet that I could overload to
remove the index.jsp part and send it to the super method.  I'd welcome any


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