Hello Group,
I have a jsp page as follows

<html:form action="accept">
<table >
<% String clientArr[]=(String[])request.getAttribute("clientArr");
   String returnId[]=(String[])request.getAttribute("returnId");
   for(int ctr=0;ctr<clientArr.length;ctr++)
                        <%= clientArr[ctr]%>
                        <%= returnId[ctr]%>

Now when i click the submit button,the action class is called which uses a DAO and 
does some database insert and then 
calls the same page again.

Now, when the page gets called again the clientArr.length in the for loop gives "null 
pointer exception" as the page will not get
the request object clientArr.

Therefore i want to populate either the values dispalyed in the table in an Action 
form OR i would like to  populate the 
arrays clientArr[] and returnId[] in the ActionForm.

How can i acheive the the above scenario.

Thanx & Regards,
Prashant S.

MphasiS India 
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