Thanks, this can be the source of some problems I've had with the i18n.
I am using Struts only about one month, I has some problems with figuring
out, how bean:message determines the locale it should use.

So I peeked in the sources and found out, it uses a session sttribute. I
look in the sources deep enough, so I did not find, who actually sets the
session attribute.

So I used a tiny scriplet which checks to see whether the attribute is set,
and if it is not, the scriplet sets it according to the request's

I mean, this could/should be done by the <bean:message> tag as well.


----- Original Message -----
"Timothy Shadel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One thing to note, however, is that the internationalization (<bean:message>
tags) won't go to non-default mappings unless you use a *.do extension.  I
can't remember if our tests showed that going first to a *.do and then to a
*.jsp worked or not...I don't think so.  If you need to make your login
screen available (to continue the example) in several languages, you need to
link to the *.do version, and write your Action class in a way that either
won't auto-validate the ActionForm, or won't require info up front.

Tim Shadel

>>> "Gregor Rayman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/02/01 11:52AM >>>
"Anthony Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In general, however, you can go to actions directly as long as you supply
> the required fields in the url (if any).
> In the case of the struts-example, going to gives a validation
> error because it was expecting the correct query string.  For example:
> http://localhost/struts-example/
> Anthony

Yes, you can always go directly to the action, as long as you provide
the necessary data. Some actions do not need any input at all. (e. g.

It wouldn't be very bad to go directly to without any data, since
this would simply report an error and forward to its input (login.jsp)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gregor Rayman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 10:28 AM
> Subject: Re: jsp vs do
> "Anthony Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is how I understand it.  A .do maps to an action then to a .jsp.
> > you link directly to a .jsp, the action never executes.  Actions are
> mapped
> > to a .jsp in the struts-config.xml file.
> >
> > I'm sure there are more clear explanations to follow.
> >
> >
> > Anthony
> DO takes you to an action which needs some input from your currently
> displayed from. If you don't have yet the data necessary for the
> action, you cannot go to the action. In such case you can go to
> HTML or JSP, which contains the input fields you can fill out and
> submit to a DO action.
> In the example application, the link goes to login.jsp, since it is
> the place where you can enter the credentials. They are then validated
> in a action (DO). You cannot go to the action directly, since you
> do not have the username/password yet.
> --
> gR

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