Hi all,

I have a newby question - nobody's answered my previous questions so I 
feel like the invisible man on this list but here goes anyways.... 
(maybe I can guilt somebody into helping me)

Using Struts 1.0/tiles I need to be able to iterate through a list of 
dynamic <html:text fields.  I'm not sure how to set up the data 
structure in the ActionForm to handle this.  In my mind it's an array so 
I'm using an array list.  I have no problem displaying the fields with 
<bean:write but cannot seem to set the fields w <html:text.  Please help.

Also: Being new to tags: Can I / should I use the Standard Tag Library 
tags with struts?  I've done some jsp programming before but I'm having 
problems with using struts/tiles for the first time.  I find that I'm 
finished the rest of the app. in a day or two and spend the next week 
wrestling with struts to create the presentation.

Also: I have extensive java script libraries that I've build/downloaded. 
Since my applications are on a secured intranet users don't turn off 
javascript AND javascript is much, much, much faster than server side 
validation.  What I would like to do is build the javascript functions 
into custome tags - can I / should I do this?

Any general advice would be much appreciated.


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