Hi all,

I am new to struts. I would like to find out how to use and access
messageresources bundle if there is more than one bundle for application.
For scalability purposes we are trying to put html messages in one bundle
and error messages into another. Would this work? For large scale project as
ours (stock market trading application) single resource bundle can be very
large which I believe would hurt scalability and performance. Let me know if
this is an incorrect assumption. Does anybody have other ideas about how to
do this in struts way (making sure that errors and message tags work).

How can I create multiform (collect data, preview, and confirm, or wizard
like) action. It would be nice if struts had small examples of each of this
type of problems. It would have been very beneficial and productive for
newcomers like me. Please let me know if anyone has any ideas.

Thanks for your help,
Misak Boulatian
Vantra Group, Inc.

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