I can't seem to figure this one out.  My action class is getting a request coming from 
a form that has the enctype of "multipart/form-data".  From looking in the JavaDocs, I 
see that what ends up in the Action method is a MultipartRequestWrapper which wraps 
the HttpServletRequest.  The Javadocs say that this wrapper exists within the action 
method, but once it gets forwarded, it reverts back to the HttpServletRequest.  And 
that's where I have the problem.  Here's my action method:

public ActionForward hold (
                        ActionMapping mapping,
                        ActionForm form,
                        HttpServletRequest request,
                        HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException {
                log.debug("here in the hold() method");
                log.debug("The class passed in is: " + request.getClass().toString());
                log.debug("component key: " + request.getParameter("componentKey"));
                MultipartRequestWrapper wrapper = (MultipartRequestWrapper)request;
                HttpServletRequest req = wrapper.getRequest();
                log.debug("component key from http request: " + 
                ImageAsset asset = 
                //FIXIT this is hardcoded for now
                AssetType assetType = AssetTypes.lookUpAssetTypeByExtension("gif");
                asset.setCreationDate(new Date());
                ActionForward forward = StrutsUtil.getForwardToMapping(request, 
                log.debug("Action foward: " + forward.getName());
                String componentKey = request.getParameter("componentKey");
                req.setAttribute("componentKey", componentKey);
                request = req;
                return forward;

There is a lot of logging in there, but I am getting a certain parameter, 
"componentKey", which I am getting out of the request, and that works fine.  The 
problem occurs when I forward this onto another Struts action class.  In that class, 
it tries to access the same parameter -- "componentKey" from the request, but it comes 
back empty.  I think this is happening because, when the request gets forwarded on, it 
converts to a regular HttpServletRequest, and the parameter is lost.  You can see in 
the method above, I'm trying to convert request back to an HttpServletRequest, and 
then set the parameter as an attribute, but this doesn't work.

Any ideas on how to handle this?  I am using Struts 1.1 release candicate 1.  Thanks!!

-Doug Padian

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